How to Make Feed for Specific Product Types (Simple, Parent, and Child)?

If you want to make feed for specific product types or remove specific product types such as Variable, Grouped or Simple product, you can have it with CTX Feed Pro

The product types supported by our plugin are:

simple, variable, variation, grouped, external, composite, bundle, yith_bundle, yith-composite

Follow these easy steps:

  1. Go to your product feed on CTX Feed.
  2. Scroll down to the Feed Config section.
  3. Right next to Feed Config, you will find the Advanced Filter section.
  4. In the advanced filter section, you can add filtering conditions. Filtering conditions work individually or together. Individual filtering will add every product matching the filtering condition while Together will add only those which match all of the conditions.
  5. You will have to select individual filtering. Such as, in order to remove the variable product  from the feed, filter settings will be,
    AttributesProduct Type  Condition: not equal  Value:  variable
Make product feed with specific product type
  1. To remove grouped products, filter settings will be, AttributesProduct Type  Condition: not equal  Value: grouped
Make Feed for Specific Product Types
  1. To make feed only for simple products, filter settings will be, AttributesProduct Type  Condition: equal  Value: simple.

Watch the video to learn more about CTX Feed’s advanced filter functionality:

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