How to add custom font into template?
Follow the steps below to learn how to add custom font into template. For Chinese, Japanese & Korean font there is another doc here.
Step 1:
Our plugin Challan – PDF Invoice & Packing Slip for WooCommerce creates a folder WOO-INVOICE-FONTS under the directory wp-content/uploads
. If the folder is not available then create one with the exact name. After that upload your font TTF files into that folder via FTP.
Step 2:
Using the filter hook woo_invoice_pdf_font_data you have to declare the font variable to use into CSS. In the below example, we will use the Ubuntu font.
add_filter('woo_invoice_pdf_font_data','woo_invoice_load_custom_font'); function woo_invoice_load_custom_font($font_data){ $font_data['ubuntu']=array( 'R' => "Ubuntu-Regular.ttf", 'B' => "Ubuntu-Bold.ttf", 'I' => "Ubuntu-Italic.ttf", 'BI' => "Ubuntu-BoldItalic.ttf", ); return $font_data; }
Step 3:
After declaring the font variable we will now add the CSS into the template to change the font using the woo_invoice_custom_style action hook.
add_action('woo_invoice_custom_style','woo_invoice_custom_font'); function woo_invoice_custom_font($template){ if('invoice'===$template){ ?> body{ font-family: 'Ubuntu', sans-serif; } <?php } }
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I did all the steps still not working
Please, try again or reach out to our technical team from here.
To upload a new font file, you don’t need to add any code snippets anymore. This documentation has been depricated and we will update it soon.
To upload a new font, please, go to Settings > Upload fonts –
Thank you,
i am trying to add Arabic font by the way
Thank you Sami,
We hope you have found the documentation helpful. If need more help, please, feel free to reach our technical support team.
Hi ,
I did all the steps still not working
i did added the code in the theme file functions.php is this right ?