How to configure invoice number?

How to configure invoice number in Challan Invoice

Configuring “Invoice Number” is one of the premium features of Challan Plugin. In order to configure Invoice Number follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Settings of your Challan Invoice from your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Click on the Invoice tab.
  3. Go to the Invoice Number section. There are 3 options in the Numbering Type drop-down. You can either choose a static number as 
    1. Prefix + Custom Sequence + Suffix
    2. Prefix + Order Number + Suffix  
    3. Order Number.
  4. For Prefix and Suffix field you can add either static text or date macros. Available date macros are {{day}}, {{month}}, {{year}}
  5. You can set the Next Invoice No. to start your invoice numbering from a custom sequence like 1212 or 10000 or 1 etc.
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