How to Make CSV/TXT/JSON Product Feed?

Before starting this topic please make sure you have read  How to Make a WooCommerce Product Feed with CTX Feed Plugin?

Now if you select CSV or TXT as your file type the two more extra files will be open. you can create/edit attribute schema for your feed.

When you use pre-installed templates, you need to check if the attributes from the template response for the same values as your store attributes. If this attribute doesn’t exist in your store, set appropriate product attribute or pattern for the same line.

Content Settings

Before creating an attribute scheme, you need to fill in the required file settings:

  • Fields Delimiter – delimiter, which allows you to split the text into columns in your feed file. Supported delimiters are:
    • Comma “,
    • Tab “\t
    • Colon “:
    • Space ” “
    • Pipe (Verticle Pipe)  “|
    • Semi-colon “;
  • Fields enclosure – allows enclosing data in your feed file.
CTX Feed content setting


Into the feed config table, you can add/remove rows, change rows ordering, set output type, Output limit. Each row in the feed config table is a column in the data feed file.

For adding a new column to your CSV or TXT feed, you need to create a new row and fill it with few params:

  • [Merchant Name] Attributes – the header column name.
  • Prefix – allows you place prefix before each value in the column.The prefix Special for attribute Name will return values Special Product Name 1Special Product Name 2
  • Type – following types available:
    • Attribute – allows selecting any store attribute from the drop-down list.
    • Pattern – this option allows you to enter static value
  • Value – you need to select the attribute or put pattern. This is the most important part of the configuration. The attribute contains each product information.
  • Suffix – allows you place suffix after each value in a column. Same as prefix but suffix value will appear after the attribute or pattern value
  • Output Type – following types available:
    • Default – value not will be changed
    • Integer – value will be converted to ceil number. For example: 12.59 ==> Integer ==> 13
    • Price – value will be converted to price format (000.00). For example: 200.0000 ==> Price ==> 200.00                               OR 200 ==> Price ==> 200.00
    • Strip Tags –  clear text from html tags. For Example: <p> any string </p> ==> Strip Tags ==> any string
    • htmlentities – Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities. For example: & ==> htmlentities ==> &amp;                  OR  >  ==> htmlentities ==> &gt;
    • UTF-8 Encode – Encodes an ISO-8859-1 string to UTF-8
    • Remove Space – remove space from value
    • CDATA – value will be enclosed with the  cdata  section.
    • Remove ShortCodes – remove shortcodes from a string.  For example, if you want to remove Visual Composer or others shortcodes from the product description.
    • Remove Special Character – remove any non-utf-8 character from a string.
  • Output Limit – limit on number of character in value
  • Command – Using the output formatting command its possible to format any attribute value like converting the product title to Uppercase, Lowercase, String Replace etc. Learn more from here: How to use any command to format attribute output?
make or configure CSV/TXT/JSON product feed with CTX feed plugin
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