How to Set Variable Product Price and Quantity?

In the feed content setting section, If you set Include Variations to Variable Product or Variable + Variations, you will get two more options called “Variable Product Price” and “Variable Product Quantity”. We are going to describe these two settings.
Let’s start…

Variable Product Price:

The variable product itself doesn’t have any price. When you visit any variable product page from the frontend, you will notice that prices are displayed as $10 USD- $20 USD. That means $10 USD is the min variation price and $20 USD is the max variation price.

When you add a variable product into the feed, you can not add the price range into the feed. You have to add a single price. CTX Feed Pro has an option to add either the First Variation Price or Min Variation Price or Max variation Price.

This price-setting is only effective when “Include Variations?” is selected as “Variable Product” or “Variable + Variations”.

How to set variable product price and quantity?
Variable Product Price Configuration

First variation price – It will bring your first variation product’s price. It’s a default price setting for the variation.

Max variation price – It will bring your maximum variation product’s price. Suppose you have three variation products for a variable product and their prices are $30, $80, $65.  Then the price will be $80.

Min variation price – It will bring your minimum variation product’s price. Suppose you have three variation products for a variable product and their prices are $30, $80, $65.  Then the price will be $30.

Variable Product Quantity:

There is four option in the variable product quantity section. First variation quantity, Max variation quantity, Min variation quantity, Sum of variation quantity.

set variable product price and quantity with the CTX feed plugin
Variable Product Quantity Configuration

First variation quantity – It will bring your first variation product’s quantity. It’s a default quantity setting for the variation.

Max variation quantity – It will bring your maximum variation product’s quantity. Suppose you have three variation products for a variable product and their quantities are 10, 5, and 25.  Then the quantity will be 25.

Min variation quantity – It will bring your minimum variation product’s quantity. Suppose you have three variation products for a variable product and their quantities are 10, 5, and 25.  Then the quantity will be 5.

Sum of variation quantity – It will bring you all variation product’s quantity after making their sum. Suppose you have three variation products for a variable product and their quantities are 10, 5, and 25.  Then the quantity will be 40.

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