How to Set Variable Product Price and Quantity?
In the feed content setting section, If you set Include Variations to Variable Product or Variable + Variations, you will get two more options called “Variable Product Price” and “Variable Product Quantity”. We are going to describe these two settings.
Let’s start…
Variable Product Price:
The variable product itself doesn’t have any price. When you visit any variable product page from the frontend, you will notice that prices are displayed as $10 USD- $20 USD. That means $10 USD is the min variation price and $20 USD is the max variation price.
When you add a variable product into the feed, you can not add the price range into the feed. You have to add a single price. CTX Feed Pro has an option to add either the First Variation Price or Min Variation Price or Max variation Price.
This price-setting is only effective when “Include Variations?” is selected as “Variable Product” or “Variable + Variations”.

First variation price – It will bring your first variation product’s price. It’s a default price setting for the variation.
Max variation price – It will bring your maximum variation product’s price. Suppose you have three variation products for a variable product and their prices are $30, $80, $65. Then the price will be $80.
Min variation price – It will bring your minimum variation product’s price. Suppose you have three variation products for a variable product and their prices are $30, $80, $65. Then the price will be $30.
Variable Product Quantity:
There is four option in the variable product quantity section. First variation quantity, Max variation quantity, Min variation quantity, Sum of variation quantity.

First variation quantity – It will bring your first variation product’s quantity. It’s a default quantity setting for the variation.
Max variation quantity – It will bring your maximum variation product’s quantity. Suppose you have three variation products for a variable product and their quantities are 10, 5, and 25. Then the quantity will be 25.
Min variation quantity – It will bring your minimum variation product’s quantity. Suppose you have three variation products for a variable product and their quantities are 10, 5, and 25. Then the quantity will be 5.
Sum of variation quantity – It will bring you all variation product’s quantity after making their sum. Suppose you have three variation products for a variable product and their quantities are 10, 5, and 25. Then the quantity will be 40.