How to remove a product if the description, price, or image is empty?
In some cases, you may want to remove your empty price products from the feed. Most of the merchants show error when they find no prices attached with your product data. To remove empty price products, you just have to set a simple option.

Follow these steps:
- Go to the feed configuration page & Click on the “Filter” tab, you should find some options there.
- Check “Yes” to “Remove Empty Description Products” if it is not selected.
- Check “Yes” to “Remove Empty Image Products” if it is not selected.
- Check “Yes” to “Remove Empty Price Products” if it is not selected.
- Generate the feed and your feed is now generated without empty price products.
You can also learn How To Remove A Product If The Description, Price Or Image Is Empty by using the CTX feed WooCommerce product feed generator plugin in the following video tutorial: