Settings Set the Product Query Type to Both. Generate the feed again.You can also learn a step-by-step video to learn how you can solve missing product issues by using the CTX Feed WooCommerce product feed generator plugin in the following video tutorial:"> Settings Set the Product Query Type to Both. Generate the feed again.You can also learn a step-by-step video to learn how you can solve missing product issues by using the CTX Feed WooCommerce product feed generator plugin in the following video tutorial:"> How To Solve Missing Product Issue - WebAppick

How to solve missing product issue?

Due to so many reasons plugin may fail to fetch all the products. Follow the steps below to learn how you can solve missing product issue:

  1. Go to CTX Feed > Settings 
  2. Set the Product Query Type to Both.
  3. Generate the feed again.
solve missing product issue with the ctx feed plugin
CTX Feed Free

You can also learn a step-by-step video to learn how you can solve missing product issues by using the CTX Feed WooCommerce product feed generator plugin in the following video tutorial:

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