How to Remove Stripe and Other Payment Gateway Fees from Invoice?

Stripe Fee in WooCommerce Order Details
Stripe Fee in WooCommerce Order Details
Stripe Fees in Challan Invoice
Stripe Fees in Challan Invoice

In WooCoomerce, when a customer pays via Stripe Payment gateway, the gateway fee is visible on WooCommerce Order details as well as Challan Invoice. 

Sometimes as a store owner, you may want to hide it from the invoice. To cope with this situation, we are here to guide you on how exactly you can do it.

Removing Stripe and other payment gateway fees from Invoice:

To hide Payment gateway fees from the invoice we need a third-party plugin Code Snippets by Code Snippets Pro. 

So, install and activate it, you may notice a new item, Code Snippets, in your WordPress Dashboard.

  • Select Snippet > Add New
  • Create a new snippet with this block of code and the exact title: woo_invoice_after_total
add_filter( 'woo_invoice_after_total', 'woo_invoice_after_total_callback', 10, 2); 
function woo_invoice_after_total_callback( $after_total, $id ) 
   return ''; 

You can also follow the image given below:

woo invoice after total

Now click on the Save Changes button and you’re done!

Using this Snippet you can remove any Payment gateway frees from Challan invoice.

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