Best Practices from Houzz for Your Own Home Improvement Ecommerce Portal

Best Practices from Houzz for Your Own Home Improvement Ecommerce Portal

Presentation is the first thing that is visible to your customer. So, it becomes essential to have the attractive appearance of what you are selling or why you want to grab the customer’s attention, especially when you are into home improvement. If you want potential clients to try you, then you ought to have some really robust profile.

The community lets you make a profile of yours and your ultimate design and make it visible online for people worldwide. Basically, it’s just about making the profile by filling in some important details about your designing skills and some of your previous work. But, the question is, how can you have the best out of a site like Houzz?


Uploading a Display Picture

As we know that our display picture serves as a point of representation. The platform should make your presence felt everywhere -whether you exchange your views on some discussion thread or you have answered a question related to your work. So, representation is vital. You can simply choose to have a picture of one or two persons from your company, or just uploading your company’s logo could be the trick.

Filling Loads of Information

Houzz let you fill all type of information that is necessary for your business. Starting from your company’s address to your previous clients, from website address to your phone number and email id, Filling out this information is kind of tedious work, but surely this serves as a benefit for future. All your potential clients will be able to check your personality and professionalism. One of the most important parts of your profile is your business description. This is where you can make an impression. So, try to provide concise and clear information along with your awards and recognitions.

Uploading Pictures of your Projects

Since you are into home improvement, your clients would want to see your previous work. This section will serve as your experience in the industry. So, don’t try to give less importance to this section. Whether the project was done 5 years before or recently – it has to be mentioned.

Choosing Five Best Photos

None of the users will directly land on your profile. They would be coming from comments you have made on discussion panels or through Local Pro search. Normally, when your profile is shown as one of the results on Local Pro search, the user checks out the five best photos showcased at the left of your listed profile result. You would need to upload the five best photos of your work through the photo tile section by clicking to edit profile.

And last, don’t forget to see how your profile looks to the public. You can do that by clicking on “Preview your public profile” present at the top right corner of your profile.

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