Join ShopAlike and Boost your Online Sale

Join ShopAlike and Boost your Online Sale

ShopaAlike is one of the major price evaluation websites at present. Operating in most countries, it boasts one of the major customer bases of the so-called price aggregator websites. So, no matter what kind of product your online business deals in, ShopAlike pretty much covers any product that you can comprehend. Starting from consumer electronics, perishables, and pets to even fashion, home appliances, cooking utensils, and even accessories. As an eCommerce owner, ShopAlike is the best place to look for trending deals because it offers a variety of deals and offers by different businesses.

ShopAlike is one of the biggest price comparison website

In addition to hosting products from several leading online retailers as well as smaller, more obscure e-commerce sites, this online site also sells directly from the brands themselves. This is best for merchants, as it often sidesteps shady sellers who are simply looking to earn a quick buck off several unsuspecting customers on the internet by offering fake products; or are looking to get rid of defective stock at profoundly low-cost prices.

Why do Merchants select

It is worth the buck

Although ShopAlike offers only paid service to merchants, it is really worth spending on its CPC service.   It is a well-known fact by now that customers are simply fascinated by this site, and it is an excellent opportunity for any merchant to achieve good sales numbers. The most exciting thing is the recognition your brand receives. The customer may or may not purchase a specific product, but he will certainly remember the brand’s name, and that might be a future lead for you.

Reviews spread the brand message

The website also permits the consumers to write a review regarding a particular brand as well as its products, based on their experience. This boosts your reach to probable consumers and, in the end, boosts sales as well as revenue for the manufacturer. One optimistic review makes way for one more customer, and the seller can expect more business in the future from similar customers.

Social sharing

The website also gives a social link to share the seller’s products on different social media platforms. The sharing of the products on diverse social media platforms boosts the reach and the network for the seller and eventually skyrockets sales.

Your Website gets traffic

Price evaluation websites like also have one more extremely significant use that young e-commerce ventures can utilize to benefit. As new eCommerce websites spring up every day, it can be tough to differentiate yourself from the sea of other online sellers and win your customer’s trust. In this scenario, creating awareness for your own brand could be a challenge. But by enlisting your products on Shopalike, you can drive traffic to your website.

Thanks to the awesome features and the extraordinary reach Shopalike offers, you can now be assured of your products’ sound marketing and distribution channel. And coupled with it, if you opt for the Woo Commerce Product Feed Pro plugin, allowing your product information to be updated automatically, there is no way your eCommerce business will not be a success.

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