Pricespy - A boon to Online Ecommerce Ecosystem

Pricespy – A boon to Online Ecommerce Ecosystem

Internet’s search feature has already created a revolution, and several E-commerce giants have opted to make it easier for customers to search their desired product. Generally, a buyer consumes most of his time searching for a product having the least price possible. This requires a hustle of browsing several websites and comparing the price of the product. Pricespy was conceived and developed keeping this particular need in mind.

Pricespy is a product comparison website that lets the user compare a product’s price on different Ecommerce platforms. It also lets the user compare the features and specifications of two or more products at a time. In simple terms, think of it as a bot that will do the entire process of searching for the best possible deal and features of the product from different eCommerce platforms.

pricespy is a product comparison website

Benefits of Product Comparison

This feature is equally beneficial for both the customer and manufacturer. It would gather all the relevant information available on different websites about the product and displays in front of the customer, making it easier for users to choose the product with the best possible feature in their budget.

This makes the manufacturer gain brand recognition as different products are compared under different specifications and budgets, making it very easier for them to garner the required attention from their targeted audience. Think of a small manufacturer getting compared with market leaders. Beneficial, isn’t it?

Benefits of Price Comparison

For most people, the price is the most important factor that matters. And that makes Pricespy one essential tool for searching for the desired product. The price from all Ecommerce platforms will be gathered and shown in a single place. Isn’t that beneficial in making the best possible decision? The side note from the retailer would also help in gathering information about discounts and offers.

This allows E-commerce sites to come under the limelight. Especially for emerging players, it is an advantage being compared with big players. This also helps these websites to gather and analyze consumer buying behavior.

Benefits of Stock Details

It is very frustrating for a user when he reaches some website for buying a specific product, and the delivery details show out of stock. Well, this makes the buyer jump to another site and maybe again to another website for the same product. Pricespy, not only provides product and price comparison but also gives an advantage of checking the delivery and stock details of the product. It would let the buyer know where the specific product is available and at which particular E-commerce platform, and how fast it can be delivered to him.

The exposure of delivery and stock details has created competition amongst several E-commerce portals, and hence, it puts some extra pressure on them to update their logistics. An improved logistics will make sure that the product is available in stock and can be delivered in the best possible time to the customer. This, in turn, is beneficial for a buyer-seller relationship.

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