pdf invoice

Best PDF Invoice Plugins for Your eCommerce Store!

When you own an eCommerce store, there are some things that you must know. Even if you have just started with eCommerce, if you’re serious about business and want to set everything right, you get to have a checklist of essential things. No matter which platform you are using, the essential plugins are available everywhere. Let’s talk about one of the must-have things, the invoicing system today.

A huge number of companies are constantly developing newer software to make users manage their eCommerce store easily. Especially on the checkout page of e-commerce stores, there are many tweaks. As you should know, almost all PDF managing software’s primary purpose is pretty much the same, to make an invoice and send it as an attachment to the copy of purchasing Email. Today we will talk about some of the plugins that are doing really great in their own platform.

pdf invoice preview


At first, let’s talk about arguably the most popular eCommerce platform, which is WooCommerce. If you own an eCommerce store based on WooCommerce, Challan is one of your WooCommerce store’s essential plugins. It automatically generates an invoice when orders are created and sends it immediately to the customer when the order status changes. There are hundreds of different features in this plugin that can make your store’s checkout experience amazing to your customers


Let’s see some key features that the plugin has to offer to you:

  • You can efficiently manage the process of creating and printing invoices automatically.
  • Add your company logo and insert both the buyer and seller information in it.
  • Select from different Paid Stamp designs from the plugin’s library.
  • Upload the image of your signature and incorporate it with the invoice.
  • Include WooCommerce multiple tax classes (rates) such as Total Excluding Tax, net amount, tax rate and tax amount, etc.
  • The print packing slip for a single order and print multiple packing slips as a batch for multiple orders by date range.
  • Allows you to generate a shipping label list by order date range and print it.
  • Include a product image on invoices using this WooCommerce invoice plugin, making customers understand the invoice even faster!
  • The plugin is WPML compatible.
  • Allows you to include the Proforma Invoices for all new orders and any changes made to the orders.

Order Printer by Shopify

Next up, we have Shopify, another popular eCommerce platform. The Order Printer Templates Shopify app is an amazing tool for any online shop that wants to have a free and effective printing documents solution. The Order Printer Templates app includes many stunning templates that the users can choose to make their stores more beautiful. The admins can also make the appearance of Shopify shops more professional in a click by adding a customizable logo.


Moreover, the Shopify store owners can create documents with great looking by beautiful fonts, colors, etc. It is also possible for the users to format the date and address that suit different countries. In addition, this app can translate the app by the store owner’s language. This app especially supports the Product Options and Product Customizer to update the products automatically. Click and type translation, or just change the wording to suit your style.

The PDF Invoice Pro

Now, if you have a shop built on the Magento platform’s base, The PDF Invoice Pro extension will be a great extension for you to create and customize your PDF invoice. It lets you replace the default Magento invoice, order, shipment, and credit memo PDF templates with a new professional design. By default, Magento didn’t offer an option to edit PDFs, and only programmers could do so. But no longer! This extension comes with the user-friendly MTEditor, which lets you easily manage invoice, order, shipment, and credit memo PDF templates. 


This highly flexible template editor lets you customize your PDF templates as you wish.  The editor works via a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. You can add additional images, shapes, and custom texts and insert a discount code for the customer’s next order. Elements can be placed anywhere on the page, and their size and position can be altered using your mouse. The extension comes with a ready-to-use template. This takes just a few minutes to set up, so you can replace the default Magento template.


When you have a Big Commerce shop, let Sufio automatically create invoices for every order in your store. Have time to grow your business. Sufio automatically creates invoices when orders are created, paid or fulfilled. Invoices can be automatically sent by email, or customers can download them offline.


Sufio helps you get paid faster by allowing your customers to pay their invoices online. Capture and validate VAT and GST numbers from your business customers and automatically set European business customers as tax-exempt in your store. You can create your own unique invoice by customizing the colors and elements of your template. Sufio allows you to print or download multiple PDF invoices at once and share them with your accountant.

Sufio comes with some other exciting features, including the ability to create other types of documents like pro forma invoices, credit notes, and quotes and create invoices in the same currency your customers used while shopping in your store.

Sufio invoices are available in over 30 languages, including German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Arabic, Hebrew, Malay, Japanese and Chinese. And their experienced support team can help you set up invoices and taxes for your store.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, attaching a PDF Invoice will make your shop look more professional and help you increase your brand image. Not just it gives your clients a better way to remember your shop, it comes in handy in most other cases. Let us know which Invoicing plugin you are using and how much of an impact it has on your business!

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