Ecommerce Marketing Strategy for Merchants

Ecommerce Marketing Strategy for Merchants


A recent survey has shown that a large number of merchants can’t continue their online shop due to a lack of proper eCommerce marketing strategy for merchants. Most of them normally start their business with great passion and then after a few while their passion started reducing gradually.

The main reason behind subsiding their confidence is the lack of sales on their website. And this lack of sales leads them to a lack of confidence, and lack of confidence tends them to a limitless frustration, which results in an inevitable shut down. But as a merchant, you should be trickier, and you must have a sound plan of sales to prevent your losses. And to make your journey easier, we’ve listed some tips below. I hope it helps.

eCommerce marketing service

Prepare for 1 Year

Don’t start your business without having enough money for surviving at least one year. Otherwise, you may be compelled to leave your project in the middle of your path and your journey of entrepreneurship will come to an end.

Prepare yourself like a comrade so that whatever negative happens you can stick to your plan until being successful. This primary motivation is very necessary to boost your effort effectively. But make sure that your plan is realistic. Otherwise, there is a possible chance of mismatching between your expectation and the result.

Choose a Resourceful Web Platform

I’ll recommend WordPress as the easiest, coolest, and most resourceful web management platform for starting your website. There are lots of tutorials online on WordPress for beginner, intermediate and advanced level WP geeks. Now after installing WordPress on your web server, install woocommerce as your eCommerce manager.

There are several more eCommerce plugins, but I am still suggesting woocommerce because more than 30% eCommerce website is now run by woocommerce. You can choose your different types of useful plugins and extensions for woocommerce from different sources. The installation, management, and support of woocommerce are awesome enough to make your eCommerce marketing strategy fruitful in the future.

Showcase Your Products Attractively

So now you have long-term planning, and I hope according to your planning step one, you’ve already installed WordPress and woocommerce. Now it’s time to showcase your product. Showcasing doesn’t mean only upload your products randomly. You can make it an art of captivating your visitors on your products.

A common characteristic of human nature is if you can design an impressive ambiance, you can make people purchasing multiple products from you. And a cool showcasing can increase the possibility of frequent purchases from your shop.

Submit Your Products to Shopping Engines

Now you may ask from where and how you’ll get regular visitors. Initially, the best way is to submit your products to different search engines. There are thousands of shopping engines online where millions of visitors look for their desired products. But some of them are really effective, like Google Shopping, price grabber, etc. According to our research on shopping engines, about 100 search engines are really worthy of sales-boosting.

But don’t be afraid to think about how you can maintain all these search engines by single hand because there is a sales booster plugin named CTX Feed Pro that can automatically submit your products to shopping 100+ shopping engines automatically. So, if you use it, you can boost your sales and save your valuable time for other tasks.

Ensure Proper Customer Support

Don’t forget your clients after selling your products because clients bring clients. Keep remember, when someone purchases a product from you, it doesn’t mean the relationship is ended; rather, it means a new relation is started where the client will recommend you in his circle, and without giving sound support, you can’t buy this recommendation. So, be alert of your client’s call as much as you can.

So, try to follow the tips above because these all are proven tips taken from successful merchants’ practical experiences. And don’t lose hope. Keep patience & work hard. Definitely, one day your day will come.

One thought
  1. Where can I find a guide or information about submitting WooCommerce Product Feed Pro feeds to the 100+ shopping engines in your article automatically. I’ve got google shopping, now want to push to other marketplaces.

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