How to Write Product Description Properly for Ecommerce

How to Write Product Description Properly for Ecommerce

In our previous article, we discussed how to write product titles properly for Ecommerce? In this article, we will describe how to write product descriptions properly for Ecommerce?

For most eCommerce entrepreneurs, writing a good product description often seems a big challenge because many of them can’t attract their customers by their product description. And that’s why many of them become disappointed and move here & there to get tips on how a product description should be written.

Actually, there is no rule in writing product descriptions, but of course, you can follow some conventions according to the customer experience. For your comfort, we are giving you 3 writing tips to help you get more conversion rates.

effective product description for ecommerce

Don’t Write Too Much

You should remember there are millions of websites like yours, and your customers will try to make compare by reading as short as they can from the top 3-5 websites. So if you write too much, the possibility of having a bounce rate will rise, and as a result, the chance of losing your customer also rises. A good product description shouldn’t be more than 200 words, and the main specification should be used within the first 100 – 150 words.

If you are using a WordPress-based website and WooCommerce as your shopping module, then you’ll get two portions for product description. They are short product descriptions and long product descriptions. So if you want to add an elaborate product description put it into the long description and put 200 words description into the short description.

Don’t Exaggerate Your Description

Write exactly what your product possesses, and don’t start flattering because customers do not fool. They know the rates, common specifications and the most important thing is they can check same products to other websites. So if you write exaggeratedly, you’ll lose customers’ trust, and nobody will recommend you to their network.

Even your visitor may convey negative feedback about you to their circle after reading flattering comments. To avoid excessive word manipulation, start your description directly from basic specification instead of describing its history, comparison, etc. because customers don’t need your product’s history.

Follow a Common Convention

Suppose you are selling fitness equipment from your website. Now you are going to write a product description for a treadmill. Now you must have different treadmills models, and your competitors also have the same model of treadmills in their store. Now to produce a good fit product description, initially make a note of important buying factors.

For example, for a treadmill, motor power, incline, running the floor, calorie meter, etc. So include these points for every model of the treadmill and post it on your site. Now people will find you by your product name or any of your buying factors, and they’ll also feel comfortable while reading product descriptions as they are clearly defined and described.

Final Speech

So these are 3 hot tips for writing a kickass product description. But don’t forget to make a good balance among the words of your product description, title and tags so that they can also gain search engine trust. Then your site will really boost, and you can be a really successful web merchant.

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