Signs that You Need to Improve Your Product Feed

5 Signs that You Need to Improve Your Product Feed

Improving the product feed for your e-commerce website is absolutely necessary. But it can be a headache as well. Many online retailers are applying some advanced tools and plugins to manage and edit their product feed. But each requirement is different and needs a different tool. If you already have a product feed plugin in place but does not seem to give you the desired result. Here are 5 signs which clearly indicate that you need to improve your product feed.

1. The Tech support is not up to the mark

Your software faces many issues and customer support does not seem to respond. Tired of listening to the recorded voices on the phone? Guess it’s time to change. Tech support should come from real humans which are quick, reliable and of course free!

2. You are spending a lot of time updating feeds

You could be spending a lot of time on solutions for creating and updating your feeds. In addition, there might be tasks which you cannot do by yourself. You end up calling tech support a lot of times. When you are in the market, your time is precious. It should be spent more on improving the company’s performances and not on research.

Check out WooCommerce Product Feed Pro. It updates the product feed automatically as per a specified schedule.

3. The size of your product feed is huge

It is easy to get lost in the maze of your product feed when you are managing a huge amount of data for your e-commerce website. When many tasks are feasible for a small website, they can become completely unmanageable as quantity increases. Your product feed should be able to provide solutions like:

  • Quickly make changes in the data
  • Update your feed and provide accurate availability of the product
  • Preview the modified data in real-time
  • A clear view of the ongoing process via the dashboard
  • Analyse feeds individually
  • Manage feeds for different clients from single location

4. Your costs rise with additional channels

Many product feed management tools allow you to sell your products on many marketing channels and merchant sites. But, sometimes you might end up paying extra apart from the monthly invoice. If you want to sell on many channels, your software should be able to provide a flat fee that is cost-effective at the end of the month.

5. Your eCommerce business has reached a point of saturation

You have reached a stage with your eCommerce business when everything runs seamlessly without you having to oversee. That is the time to take things up a notch. This is a sign that you need to explore newer and better ways to use your shopping campaigns. Choose a product feed plugin that allows you not only to fix bugs in the feed but also improve listings.

If the above signs seem familiar, maybe it is time to shift to something more challenging and exciting. There are many powerful product feed plugins that provide significant value to the growth of your business. The WooCommerce Product Feed Pro Plugin takes care of all the above-mentioned challenges and comes at a competitive price too.

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