Boost your eCommerce Sales

Easy Ways to Boost your eCommerce Sales!

It’s not easy to make an impact on the industry and get more sales. However, in this article, I am going to explain some crucial ways, by which you will be able to boost your eCommerce sales.

E-commerce sites have managed to gain enough trust that people not only from domestic but also from overseas started taking it as their primary shopping medium.

People have started depending on online shopping rather than going to a physical store. Even statistics show 71% of shoppers believe they will get a better deal online than in a store.

eCommerce sales have grown more than double worldwide in the last five years. Change is the only constant in this business.

About 51% of Americans with internet access prefer to shop online. It means eCommerce sales beats physical stores! Do you understand the opportunity you have in this sector?

However, it’s not just about setting up an online store, and it will start selling automatically. There are some key points you have to focus on to meet your expectation.

Here are the most effective tricks to boost your eCommerce sales:

1. Configure Your Products to Get Noticed!

If people can’t find your products online, there’s no way you are going to make a single sale.

Product configuration is the bridge between an eCommerce site and the shopping engines to exchange information. Configuring your products according to the merchant site’s requirement is the first thing to do if you own an eCommerce site.

The lion’s share of the traffic on an eCommerce site is driven by the organic search results from different search and shopping engines such as Google Shopping, Bing Products, Shopzilla, etc.

To show your products on these shopping and price comparison websites, you have to provide them with specific information. Shopping engines require attributes of your products in an organized way that can be recognized by the system of that shopping engine.

Now it can be a little bit difficult for a human being to make a configured list that contains all required attributes of every single product of an eCommerce site. And since the requirement of the shopping engines differs, it becomes even more complicated.

So the best way is to take the help of a plugin. Numerous plugins will help you make product feeds according to the requirements of different shopping engines. That being said, this article about the “Ultimate Guide to eCommerce Product Configuration” will walk you through the process of configuring your products properly with the leading shopping and search engines!

If you’re running a WooCommerce site, Woocommerce Product Feed Pro is one of the trusted plugins that help you generate the feed of your products for all the shopping engines which is going to help you to boost your eCommerce sales.

email marketing technic

2. Email Marketing is Still Alive!

Many people think email marketing is now dead. But the matter of fact is essential marketing still is a very powerful source to drive traffic and give a boost to your eCommerce sale.

In fact, email stands as the 2nd traffic source with 20% traffic incoming after the Organic search 22%. It’s understandably a dominant source of increasing the traffic of your website and sales too!

Statistics showed that 80% of customers like the retail email that contains recommended products based on their previous purchase.

It’s obvious that the open email rate decreased a lot since the marketers have ruined it, but remained the second most powerful form factor for an eCommerce site.

You should take that into account and build your subscriber list. Running successful email campaigns can give you huge traffic and take your business to the next level.

Sending discount coupons, anniversary wishes help you get your past customers back. Personalized messages make the customer feel special, and they become more likely to spend money on your website.

You can build your marketing machine, and with the use of automation, you can customize your marketing to the engagement of your audience. This 7 Step Content Automation Sequence will help you walk through the whole process.

Easy Ways to Boost your eCommerce Sales!

3. Never Underestimate SEO.

The most traffic eCommerce sites get, comes from organic search. Search Engine Optimization also is known as SEO still is the most powerful technique to bring potential customers from search engines.

Without SEO you cannot expect to have sustainable improvements on your organic search traffic. Almost 75% of users never travel past the 1st page on search results.

If you’re using WooCommerce for your business, you have a lot of scopes since it’s an emerging opportunity for both the merchant and the consumers.  Either it’s a large e-commerce website or a newbie, SEO is a must for every eCommerce platform.

In order to sell your products to the customers, you have to draw their attention. And SEO is the most cost-effective solution to get potential customers through organic search.

Another thing is the effect of SEO is long-lasting. SEO can do things that you can’t do with paid ads. Paid ads will stop getting you traffic the minute you stop paying. On the other hand, SEO will keep going to boost your eCommerce sales.

Make sure SEO gets enough attention and budget. A properly planned SEO for your eCommerce site will take your business to the next level. The most amazing fact about SEO is, it pays for itself in a short time and the impact it makes to boost your eCommerce sale lasts for years!


4. Product Photography has to be Good!

Product photography is probably the most critical thing on a product page. It makes no difference how excellent your product is when your product photography is terrible.

The reason is simple when you go to a physical store you can touch a product and feel if it’s good or not. But in the case of an eCommerce site all you have to depend on is product photography.

So, you have to give your customer’s experience as close to real-life as possible through your product photography. If it’s not up to the mark, you can’t expect the customers to spend money on the product.

Since you get a professional eCommerce website completely free with Woocomerce, spending a little money on product photography won’t harm you.

Making good product photography isn’t anything hard. You got to follow some basic rules that bump up the look of your product image.

The first thing to keep in mind, keep the background clean. A plain white background is always a classy solution. Keep an eye on the contrast, use a different color for white products.

Take life shots. Show your product in a real-life situation, take pictures of the product in action. Upload pictures with good enough quality so that customers can zoom and see a detailed image.

Lighting is always an essential factor when it comes to photography. Try to use as natural light as possible since it’s soft and it gives a more real-life feeling rather than artificial lighting. But sometimes you need to use artificial lights when you need to show tiny details, for example- jewelry.

5. Focus on Existing and Past Customers.

Your existing visitors are more likely to make purchases from your eCommerce site rather than new customers. Retaining customers are your assets.

Statistics showed that the average time spent on a website from existing users is more than double of the time new users spend. Existing users also outperform the new users with the average number of pages per visit.

It’s crucial for you to keep your existing customers coming back to your site. You can use your email list to give your older customers a discount either in percentage or cash to both to increase the sale online and to bring them back.

Retargeting platforms provide you great help with getting back customers by showing the products according to their interest. Facebook Dynamic Ad is the most popular and effective among all retargeting platforms.

Social Networking site

6. Social Networking Sites are Important.

Social media is one of the most influential media to get in touch with the bottom line consumers directly. There are a hundred of millions of users in social sites who can create a significant impact on your sale.

Forbes claims there are 4 million small businesses pay for social media advertising just on Facebook. It clearly shows the importance of Social Media Marketing in this highly competitive industry.

A study shows that online stores that use social networking have 32% more sales on average than stores that do not use SMM. If you have an online business and yet don’t have a Facebook page for your business, stop reading this article and create one first.

Social media not only will help you with your existing customers, but it’ll also help you to find out new customers to boost your eCommerce sales. The Facebook community of average ecommerce sites’ is increasing by 8% each month. Using social media for marketing will lead you to engage with your target customer easily.

Customers’ recommendation has an enormous impact on sales. Research shows 72% of customers of 25-34-year-olds value the recommendations of social media contacts. That is why sharing customers’ opinions should be encouraged.

Power of customer review

7. Customer Review Works Like Magic!

Customer reviews are significant assets for your eCommerce site to boost your sales. Think like a customer, would you ever consider buying something online without reading others’ review of that product? 70% of the people according to PeopleClaim won’t, which includes me!

Customer Review is a fantastic way to gain customers’ trust instantly. Someone who is visiting your site for the first time has no clue if he should trust your website or not. Right at that moment, he sees the reviews of the customers who purchased the product earlier. It is the only thing that can make a visitor turn into a customer!

Although it’s quite an easy way to gain customers’ trust, it’s difficult to make your customers write a review after they purchase something.

Mailing the customers can be a way to get them back to your site and write a review. But it’s not a convenient way.

Here, plugins can help you out with it. Check out WooCommerce Review Collector Pro. This plugin makes collecting reviews easier for you while it’s convenient for your customers as well, by saving their time. It doesn’t require them to revisit your site or log in to an account instead a customer can do it right from the email they get.

8. Make the Checkout Process Simpler.

It might sound a little weird way to boost your eCommerce sales, but after reading this article, it won’t. Long story short, customers like simplicity. Make your checkout process as simple as possible.

This company managed to get a $300 Million rise in sales by removing the registration process before purchasing an item. Unnecessary fields in the checkout form are just increasing the possibility of losing your sales.

The buyer is not visiting your website to make relationships, so value their time. Eliminate form fields that are not required to complete a purchase and make the process less tiresome.

Make Your Website Secure

9. Display Your Site is Trustworthy

Security becomes one of the primary concern for a buyer especially when they are sharing their credit card details on your site. No one will ever want to shop on a site that doesn’t look trustworthy.

So making your site secure is extremely important since it’s your priority to secure their information. Showing the trust badges (if you’re using one) not only makes your site trustworthy but it also increases your conversion rate, hence has a significant impact on improving your sales.

Some surveys mentioned that as many as 61% of customers decided not to purchase a product because there was no trust badge on the site.

Securing customer’s details is a must for any online shop. Norton Antivirus topped regarding public perception followed by McAfee. Consider checking Norton, McAfee if you’re looking for web security providers.

Mobile app readablity

10. Mobile App Ensures Reliability!

Statista says, the smartphone users worldwide will reach 2.87 billion by 2020. Increasing sale, growing your client base and giving your ecommerce site a boost all of them can be possible by building a mobile app for your store.

Studies say that customers are likely to spend 3 to 4 times longer on mobile apps than on desktop and mobile sites. And almost 80% of the users like to access a store via the mobile app instead of a mobile website.

So if you think making your ecommerce site responsive will do the job, you’re entirely wrong. If you still don’t have a mobile app for your eCommerce site, you’re probably losing potential customers every day. Utilizing the flexibility of Woocommerce, you can provide your customers with a great shopping experience with the app!

The most frustrating thing an eCommerce site owner experiences is cart abandonment. Mobile apps have the least cart abandonment rate at 20% where it’s 97% on mobile sites.

Mobile apps let you interact with your customers in various ways. It enables you to send push notifications that have an enormous impact on having your customers back on your site.

There are many reasons to get a mobile app. The most preferred reason is it’s more convenient and faster than any other method.

And from a customer’s PoV, it’s irritating to put the same details every time you purchase a product. Apps solve the problem by storing the settings and required information so that customers never need to put that information again.

11. Prioritize Top Selling Items.

Having a “Best Seller” category on your home page drags much attention of the visitors of your site. Personally, when I am just roaming around on an eCommerce site, I always feel the curiosity to see the hot deals.

Showcasing your top-selling items not only helps you to get your viewers’ attention but also plays a significant role in your sales. It’s easier to uplift a product’s sale which is already popular among your customers.

Even the product you’re showcasing need not be the top seller, and nobody needs to know it too. You can always put it on your homepage and boost your eCommerce sale.

Accept all payment method

12. Accept different payment methods.

This is probably a self-explanatory thing since it’s directly related to the sales of your product. If you don’t give your customers the independence of paying the way they like, you’re just increasing your curt abandoning rate.

Make sure to accept debit cards along with credit cards for payment. Do not just accept Visa and MasterCard, try to incorporate your business with as many options as possible.

If you look at Best Buy, they accept 7 different types of cards on their checkout page. It is very frustrating for both an eCommerce site owner and the customer if the customer can’t make the purchase just because the site doesn’t accept his primary payment method. Make sure to allow every popular payment method.

Alternative payments like Apple Pay and Samsung Pay became popular nowadays. These options make the checkout process more straightforward and more convenient. Adapt to the trends and give your customers a variety of choices. As you listen to the needs of your customers, you get customers’ loyalty that leads you to a boost in the sales of your products!

All of the above suggestions ultimately help you to boost your eCommerce sales rapidly. If you find any of the above tips missing from your strategy book, add it right away.

And if you find any other strategy working, don’t forget to let us know! Good luck!

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  1. How To Build High Converting Ecommerce Category Pages (Best Practices)
  2. The Anatomy of a Killer Ecommerce Product Page
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