5 Splendid Google Shopping Features for Retailers

5 Splendid Google Shopping Features for Retailers

Google shopping has made itself a big tool of marketing recently for the retailers and the matter of regret is that a large number of retailers are not aware of this property due to their poor research on marketing. And as a result, a lot of eCommerce startups jeopardize daily. But if you are serious about your eCommerce startup and ready to spend a good amount of money for getting the best output, then you must check out the following splendid features of Google shopping for boosting your business up to the peak of success.

1. Product Listing Feature

This feature will show your products on Google image search results. Now you may think about how this will help retailers to increase their sell and here is your answer. According to the research of Google at the beginning, 90% of mobile phone users don’t know which brand they are going to choose and then Google shows your products to them technically in terms of their search query which is able to lead them to a confirmed purchase.

Normally 25% of the paid search users become connected at the beginning as well as 25% of the users at the end. The rest 50% interact between the middle periods. And Google tries to show product images at the beginning of the search queries and step by step tie them into the suggested brand.

2. Product Showcasing Feature

Recently Google has launched a shopping feature for mobile users where it’ll show you the showcase of products from different brands. For example, if you search ‘travel tents’ on it, then you’ll be shown a showcase of different travel tent brands and when you’ll click on it you’ll be taken to a Google hosted brand page. The best part of this feature is you’ll not be charged for the first click and only after clicking the image on the self-hosted brand page you’ll be charged.

This is a very powerful feature of new retailers because using this feature, they can promote their brands to the people who are looking the same products of different brands.

 3. Local Inventory Feature

In many cases we go to shop for a certain product and return without having it due to the scarcity of stock. This phenomenon is so disappointing since both of your time and effort fail and sometimes your disappointments become so high that you try to avoid the entire shop on anger which leads the shop owner to an ignominy. But in a big shop thousands of products are daily stocked and sold to thousands of customers and it’s almost impossible to monitor continuous supply chain management.

So, what’s the solution?

But Google has made it easier for retailers by adding a simple local inventory feature on your product search result which will let a customer check the status of their desired products on your local shop. If the result is positive, they can successfully visit and purchase their result and if customers find their products are not in stock they can wait or pre-order without visiting the shop on their own. And that’s how Google shopping can save both your time and retailer’s goodwill. “Best Buy” applied this trick a few days ago and 44% of their sales are enhanced within a very short time.

4. Customer Match Feature

You can upload a list of Gmail ids and Google will check for login matches and give you a feature of segmenting your customers into different interest groups. And you can advertise the exact products to your customers and leave the advertisement of a product on which the customer is not interested. As a result the trust of the customers will rise on you which will create more sales.

5. Direct Buy Feature

Google is now testing their new features of purchasing directly from their search result and very soon they are going to make it public. As we know our dependency on mobile is increasing every day and mobile commerce is gradually leading the e-commerce industry. Now a survey says that more than 70% of smartphones are now using android which means more than 70% of smartphone user’s default search engine is Google. And keeping this survey in mind Google is going to offer a purchase button directly on their search result. So, as a retailer, if you optimize your product details in terms of Google your chance of selling more products will increase than before.

So, in a nutshell, we can see Google shopping can assemble everything together by showing your product image or showcasing the products to the users to give the initial idea, can show you how much stock is now available to the customers and give customers buy from their search result directly. That means customizing your products for once can multiply the possibility of sales to five times if you choose Google shopping. And that’s the reason why Google shopping is the best marketing tool for e-commerce retailers.

Free Tip

If you have thousands of products and you want them to submit to your Google merchant account for displaying in the “Shopping” section, you should use a plugin like “Google Shopping Feed“. It will automatically extract your product information as a list and then it will import the list to Google merchant center account and thus your product ads can be displayed to your targeted visitors.

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