Best WordPress E-commerce plugins to use

Best WordPress E-commerce plugins to use in 2024

WooCommerce is one of the most popular WordPress plugins for your e-commerce store. The plugin brings a host of themes and features which enhance the look and usability of your online store.

e-commerce plugins

Here are some of the best WordPress e-commerce plugins you can use this year.

  1. WooCommerce Export Customer Email

This is a fantastic plugin to help you with email marketing. This Export Customer Email plugin allows you to download your customers’ email ids in a single file with a few clicks.

  1. Booster for e-commerce

This plugin enables you to add multiple currencies to your e-commerce sites. And currency symbols can be conveniently changed as required. Additionally, this plugin also adds the foreign exchange rates as applicable to the different currencies.

3. WooCommerce Product Zoom

This particular product allows your customers to zoom-in to a particular product to look at product attributes and features distinctly. The plugin comes with a user-friendly options panel where you can set it according to your need. This is a mobile-optimized plugin.

4. WP Notification Bar Pro

Whenever you add a new product to your catalog, this plugin makes it visible to all the visitors and customers on your e-commerce site. This notification bar plugin comes with amazing settings to ensure that you are able to customize your notifications. The plugin comes with a fully responsive design and can be made to appear on 18 social media platforms.

5. WooCommerce Multilingual

In today’s age of globalization, this plugin is a must for your e-commerce store. It translates all your products – including their attributes, categories, and features. This plugin also allows inventory tracking, without breaking the products into languages.

6. WooCommerce Product Gift Wrap

Adding the option of gift wrapping products on your e-commerce stores attracts customers, and gives you an edge. With the WooCommerce Product Gift Wrap plugin, you can do that seamlessly; with the opportunity to charge an extra fee from your customers for the service.

7.WooCommerce Social Login

Using social media to tap into a large chunk of your customers is no more an indulgence. It is now a necessity for all businesses, online or offline. As an e-commerce owner, you can use the WooCommerce Social Login plugin to integrate different social media platforms through which your customers can log in to your store. (

8. WooCommerce My Account Widget

To make your e-commerce store more interactive, you can use this plugin, which displays all your customers’ account information – their shopping pages, checkout, and other important URLs.

Each of these plugins mentioned above makes your life easy as an e-commerce store owner, as they look into different aspects of online businesses and how the latter can be optimized for better customer experience and your overall success as a business.

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