woocommerce Conversion rate

Quick Tips to Increase Your WooCommerce Conversion Rate!

If you own an eCommerce site, you must’ve thought about increasing your sales as much as possible. You’ve probably reached your desired site traffic, but still, you lack in sales! Chances that you’ve missed implementing these fantastic tips to increase your conversion rate! Also, if you’re using a WooCommerce based eCommerce site, check out the Ultimate Guide to skyrocket your eCommerce sale.

What is conversion rate?

The conversion rate of an eCommerce website is the percentage of visitors who purchase something from the website. For example, if your site was visited by 100,000 visitors last month and 5,000 of them made a purchase, then you have a conversion rate of 5.

You’re probably wondering about the average conversion rate for an eCommerce site. Well, the average conversion rate of online retailers is 3.32, according to Recurly though Amazon has a conversion rate of almost four times as an average eCommerce site.


Product Images

If you ask me, what is the most critical thing in an eCommerce website to increase its sale, I will pick Product Images.

No other thing is as necessary on a product page as product images. People want to see what they’re getting. And they want to see it in HD!

So having a high-quality product image is what increases your conversion rate. To take full advantage of high-quality images, show your product from different angles and in context. Not to mention they should be zoomable.

Product Description

Product description plays a vital role in sales for two main reasons. Not only it gives the customer a complete overview of the product that is convincing enough to make them buy, but it also works for on-page SEO too!

However, it’s best practice to have two descriptions, one for a concise version and another for a complete version. The short version should provide the customer with a total view of the product so that if he is interested in reading more, he can dive straight into the detailed one.

The full version should include everything about the product so that a customer won’t have any questions left. If they have a problem after reading the entire description, it’ll decrease your conversion rate.

Product Videos

Videos are the only way to remove the limitations that a product image has. Videos are the closest possible option to give your customers a real-life experience.

It’s tough to make videos for all of your products at once, but you can start with a part of your inventory and see how it works.

Tackle Cart Abandonment

Shopping cart abandonment is one of the most terrible nightmares of an eCommerce site owner. A study shows that about 89% of people abandoned a shopping cart at least once in their online shopping history.

You can use Cart abandonment software to send an automated email to the customers who left your site without completing the purchase process.

There are several reasons behind a customer abandoning his cart. The prime reasons are:

  • Competitor sites have a better price.
  • High Shipping charge.
  • Asking for too much data and forced registration.
  • Slow Site.

Solving these issues dramatically reduces the rate of shopping cart abandonment.

Offer Customization

People like to customize their stuff. When you offer your customers to customize their products, it’ll create a feeling of ownership.

When people spend time customizing a product, they are more likely to purchase the product. Like GEMVARA lets women customize their products and are making millions!

Simple Checkout Process

A simple checkout form with the required fields increases your conversion rate and heavily impacts the overall user experience.

It might sound unbelievable, but a company managed to make a $300 Million rise in sales by removing unnecessary registration process before purchasing an item.

It’s understandable since we are always in a hurry. So, make it as less tiresome as possible to value your customers’ time.

Free Shipping

Free Shipping is a big deal when it comes to eCommerce. You can understand the fact when you will think from a customer’s POV.  Customers don’t like to pay more than the price of a product; moreover, offering free shipping makes them feel like they are getting some deal.

Charging for shipping is a conversion killer. If your competitors are offering free shipping and you’re not, then your conversation rate is going to be decreased.


Customers love reviews! People read reviews regardless of what they are buying. Near about 60 people consider product reviews before making a purchase.

You should consider gathering customer reviews as much as you can. Do not delete negative reviews; they increase the sale when there are just a few of them!

Though it is a hard nut to crack when you want your customers to post a review after buying a product, however, plugins can be a savior here.

Return Policy & Invoice

Having an excellent return policy makes the customers feel like purchasing from your own website. Moreover, a painless return policy makes them come back to your site for further purchases.

Also, providing an invoice and the order confirmation mail gives the customer flexibility to print it out for various purposes.

There are a few PDF invoice plugins that you can use. Woo Invoice (PDF Invoice and Packing Slips) is one of the most useful WooCommerce plugins out there. It’s fully customizable and helps you attach a PDF invoice to the order confirmation mail you send to your customers.

Safety Badges

Showing your shopping website is safe matters a lot. Because you have to gain your customers’ trust in a short period to be willing to put their credit card information on your website. No one will ever want to shop on a site that doesn’t look trustworthy.

Install SSL at checkout. Instead of just text, put small images of credit cards that you accept. Showing the trust badges makes your site trustworthy as well as increases your conversion rate. Make sure you use Norton/McAfee/GeoTrust or other security providers to secure your website.

Multiple Payment Options

If you don’t give your customers the freedom of paying the way they like, you’re just increasing your curt abandoning rate. Offer as many options as you can.

Accept Apple Pay/Samsung Pay since they make shopping more convenient and users like it. If you don’t accept your customers’ primary payment method, you can’t think of increasing your conversion rate anyway.

These are the most common factors that control your eCommerce site’s conversion rate. If you’re using a WooCommerce based eCommerce site, don’t forget to check out these 11 Easy Ways to Boost your eCommerce Sale!

Don’t forget to let us know if you’ve used these tips and found them useful! If you have any questions regarding any of the suggestions or regarding WooCommerce never hesitate to comment in the below section.

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