Join twenga for increasing online sales

Join Twenga to Rocket Your Online Sales

Price comparison websites are an essential part in the rapidly expanding e-commerce domain all over the world. Whether you are an established player like Amazon or are just starting out on your very own e-commerce venture, partnering up with price comparison websites is a great way to get word of your products out there in the wild. E-commerce is on the rise and will soon eclipse sales from offline and traditional brick and mortar stores. E-commerce definitely is the future of retail shopping and in an increasingly crowded domain; it will definitely get harder to make a mark for an individual company.

Twenga can help out. It is one of the biggest price comparison websites in existence. Operating across six continents and 14 countries, Twenga boasts of one of the largest customer bases of price aggregator websites. This is where savvy buyers start their search for a good deal on an item of interest. Twenga covers a vast range of products like consumer electronics, fashion items, and perishables like food stuffs to pets and even automobiles like cars and motorcycles. Needless to say, if you are looking for a great deal on almost anything under the sun, Twenga is the place where you might very well find it. In addition to hosting products from some of the largest online retailers as well as smaller more obscure e-commerce sites, Twenga also sells directly from the brands themselves. This is great for customers because it often sidesteps shady sellers who are just looking to make a quick buck off some unsuspecting customer on the internet by providing fake products or defective stock at deeply discounted prices.


Price comparison websites like Twenga also have another very important use that new e-commerce ventures can use to their advantage. Because new websites spring up every day, it can be very difficult to distinguish yourself from the sea of other online sellers and actually win the customer’s trust to sell a product. However, there is a way out here. You can feature your product on price comparison websites and get traffic to your website that way.

If you operate an e-commerce venture on the WordPress platform, you are mostly likely using WooCommerce, the number one choice of e-commerce platform on WordPress. There exist a number of plugins and extensions that can simply do the job of synchronizing your product inventory or stock listing with price aggregators like Twenga so that when people search for an item on Twenga, your listing also shows up on the page. One good option you can try out is Product Feed for WooCommerce that has both a free as well as paid version. Using these extensions, you get your products featured on a website that attracts a much larger traffic than your budding venture is even capable of. This gives you much-needed exposure and allows you to sell your products at a competitive price that other buyers can agree upon.

Thanks to savvy customers and deal-hunting websites like Twenga, you are guaranteed to have a great online selling venture.

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