reviews benefit SEO

The Real SEO Benefits of Reviews

Google’s ranking factors change all the time and today the primary focus is on uniqueness, content, social sharing, and device friendliness. Around 72% of the consumers take action only after reading a review. Similarly, customers spend 31% more with excellent reviews.

It is estimated that review indications account for 9.8% of total rankings. This means Google cannot ignore it. Below are some of the ways where reviews benefit SEO.

Reviews create fresh content

Content is never enough and reviews can help to create content that is fresh and unique. In addition, content usually comes directly from the users who are influential for customers. It is the freshness and credibility of good reviews that are most beneficial and should be encouraged.

Customer Reviews encourages long-tail keyword traffic

The language your existing customers will use in their reviews is the one your target audience will use. Hence the flow of reviews with the right keywords will attract more of your target audience towards your eCommerce site.

Receive visible rating star

When your website displays star ratings in Google SERP, your prospective customers instantly know that yours is the product they should trust. This helps to increase traffic and maybe even sales. Although it is not easy to achieve it. Google relies on 3rd party review sites to determine star ratings. One should have at least 30 unique reviews during the past 1 year. The rating should be about an average of 3.5 or higher. Star ratings increase the conversion by 17%, which proves to be a great incentive to find more about how it works.

Reviews Improve rankings

As people start searching for more reviews of your products, there will be more opportunities to rank better in SERPs. This increases the chances of coming across more searches pertaining to your product and the reviews. Encourage having more reviews on your online stores. There are several ways to ensure authentic, organic and real-time reviews. The WooCommerce Review Collector Pro Plugin from WordPress ensures that your customers review your product from their mailboxes, by clicking a button.

Local Search Engines Love Reviews

Local Search Engines love reviews because consumers love online reviews. online reviews make up 10% of how Google and other search engines rank search results. Online reviews are most important when it comes to search rankings. ( When one earns more positive feedback, it means more traffic which in turn means more sales.

So, we are saying…

When all the factors are considered, reviews are not the most important parameter used for ranking. The other factors include the structure of the site, user experience, content strategy and much more. When all the basics are taken care of, the quality and quantity of reviews just go a step further to improve the ranking of your website.  One can also sign up for Google Alerts to monitor the mention of your business online. But remember, not all review sites are apt for all industries. If your industry has a specific review site, make sure you are a part of it.

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