Why you should attach a PDF Invoice with every purchase

What Are the Benefits of Including a PDF Invoice With Every Purchase

Getting a PDF invoice with every online purchase has become a norm, and all online shop owners should offer the same. If you are here, chances are you are a proud owner of a WooCommerce powered online store. You should attach a WooCommerce PDF invoice with every order placed in your store. 

It is not difficult to automatically generate WooCommerce PDF invoices for every order placed in your store. You will find multiple options to create an invoice with a WooCommerce PDF invoice plugin. If you are doubtful about the impacts of PDF invoices, we will clarify it for you.

It is not likely that when everyone else is doing something, you should do that too. But when it comes to good practice, following everyone else is not a bad thing. Currently, a PDF invoice is an expectation of your customers. 

So if you are not offering one, you are breaking their expectations. This is not good for your business. You should be on your toes to make new strategies to make a strong connection with your customer. Disappointing them is the last thing that you should even think of.

Importance of attaching a PDF invoice with every order

PDF invoices are very helpful, and sometimes people need to show them in their offices or other organizations. We would highly encourage you to visit this post and learn more about the importance of PDF invoices. 

Why should you attach a PDF invoice with every purchase?

You should adopt a system on your WooCommerce store to ensure that when an order is complete, the customer is receiving a PDF invoice. The PDF invoice holds important order information that includes the purchased products and payment details. 

There are lots of reasons to include a PDF invoice with every purchase in your store. We will highlight some of the important ones here for you.

Generating WooCommerce PDF invoices is very easy.

Setting up an online store with WooCommerce is extremely easy. You will find lots of people who configure and manage their WooCommerce powered online store by themselves. If you are looking for a custom feature for your online store, you will find many options to choose from.

Configuring a WooCommerce PDF invoice plugin is one of the most straightforward tasks for your WooCommerce store. Challan is one of the leading PDF invoice plugins for WooCommerce. Configuring Challan is also very easy. 

You can also take help from this resource to generate invoices for all orders in your store automatically.

WooCommerce PDF invoices show your professionalism.

A PDF invoice is not just a digital copy of a physical invoice you send to your customers when they purchase from your online store. It has other values too. First of all, the PDF invoice illustrates your professionalism to your customers.

When customers place orders on your store and get the WooCommerce PDF invoice, they will have a very optimistic assumption about your professionalism. This will help you in the long run as people tend to trust professional store owners. You must be very careful to build trust with your customers.

Your competitors are already using a WooCommerce PDF invoice plugin.

Our current world is highly competitive. The current infrastructure of the world and the availability of services and goods made things easy for everyone. Setting up a business is also relatively easy, but you will find higher competition in all business sectors. 

Online stores are a trendy choice nowadays, and it is straightforward to set up an online store.

Your business competitors might be already using a WooCommerce PDF invoice plugin on their store to generate PDF invoices for every order automatically. Thus, they have a higher chance to show their professionalism to their customers. 

You should get a WooCommerce PDF invoice plugin for your store even if your competitors are not using one.

Your customers may ask for a WooCommerce PDF invoice

Your customers may ask for a PDF invoice from you as proof of their purchase. Additionally, people need PDF invoices for official purposes and other important issues. 

If you are not offering the PDF invoice by default and your customer asks for one, it will be a very humiliating situation for you because you miss out on something that is a common practice. Manual generation of PDF invoices is not a professional practice, and it is very error-prone too.

WooCommerce PDF invoices help create a substantial brand value

If you want to create a strong connection with your customers, you should focus on building a brand. Brands are critical to making a personal connection with your customers. 

A strong brand helps a business grow and brings positive energy to make future brands and ensure higher profit. If you want to learn more about the importance of brand building and how it can help your business, please visit here. 

Custom WooCommerce PDF invoices are very helpful to promote your brand among your customers. If you want to create a custom WooCommerce PDF invoice, you will find this guide very helpful.


Challan banner

This is one of the best and leading automatic PDF invoice and packing slip generator plugins for WooCommerce. Additionally, this plugin will also help you with automatic shipping label generation. It comes as a full-fledged PDF invoice solution for your online shop. 

All the essential configuration options required for a WooCommerce PDF invoice plugin are present in this outstanding WooCommerce extension. You will find good customization options in this plugin to create your custom PDF invoices and packing slips with ease.

Configuration Option of Challan

All the options required to configure your WooCommerce PDF invoices are distributed into multiple tabs so you can easily find the required option. Most importantly, if you configure everything in the first shot, there is not much to do later. You may have to tweak a few things to ensure the correct output of your PDF invoices.

Challan PRO

The premium version of Challan is known as Challan PRO. The basic version has tons of options to configure a proper PDF invoice for regular store owners. Challan PRO is for you if you have a higher target with your online store and selling WooCommerce subscriptions. 

There are many advanced options in Challan PRO, and they can make a significant difference for your business.

First of all, with Challan PRO, you will have access to four premium invoice templates. Secondly, you can include a paid stamp and your signature in the PDF invoice. Moreover, if you want to include the product image in your invoice, Challan PRO will be the right fit for you. 

Are you running a multilingual store with WPML? You can create custom WooCommerce PDF invoices for your store.

Additionally, other advanced features of Challan PRO will highly help you customize your PDF invoices. You are welcome to visit the product page to learn more about the premium features.

WooCommerce PDF invoices are vital, and you should not skip them for any reason. It is one of the most accessible features that you can add to your WooCommerce store. If you are still doubtful, we will request a hands-on trial of Challan. 

You will be convinced in just two minutes. It does not require a highly technical person to configure Challan and enjoy automatic PDF invoice generation. You might also be interested in creating a custom PDF invoice for your store. Learn how you can create a custom PDF invoice for your store.

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