How to Bulk Edit Product Descriptions in WooCommerce

How to Bulk Edit Product Descriptions in WooCommerce (Complete Guide)

When you want to buy a product from any Woocommerce store, what is the first thing you notice?

The product image, right?

Now, once the picture attracts you, what do you look for next?

Yes, it’s the product description. 

In product descriptions, buyers always want the most up-to-date and clear details of the product. When the product details are missing or incomplete, most of the buyers leave your store and go for other options.

So, for every Woocommerce store owner, writing an engaging product description and keeping it updated is a must! 

It’s because a properly written, detailed description not only generates sales but also improves your brand image.

But, with thousands of products and continuous changes, it’s impossible to edit product descriptions one by one. That’s where WooCommerce bulk edit product descriptions come in as a lifesaver.

Whether you need to update disclaimers, highlight promotions, adjust product details, or even simply fix typos, bulk editing offers an efficient and error-free solution. It maintains the accuracy of your product information and allows you to make changes to all relevant products at the same time. 

And that’s how it saves you hours of this tedious and repetitive work!

In this blog, I’ll discuss how you can bulk edit product descriptions in WooCommerce. Although there are plenty of plugins available, I’ll be talking about Wp Sheet Editor, one of the most popular WooCommerce plugins for bulk editing product feeds. 

So, let’s get right into it! 

How to bulk edit multi-WooCommerce short product descriptions? 

Managing a WooCommerce store often involves crafting product descriptions with detailed features, clear images, attractive titles, and other relevant product information. 

It not only enhances your customer satisfaction but also helps you improve your product’s search ranking according to Woocommerce SEO.

Although somehow you’ll be able to edit individual products, when it comes to editing descriptions for a bunch of products (Let’s say 5000 products), it quickly becomes a time-consuming nightmare! 

Unfortunately, WooCommerce doesn’t offer a built-in feature for bulk editing product short descriptions. 

So, how do you do it?

Don’t worry. Certain plugins on the market can make this task effortless for you. With these plugins, you can bulk-edit thousands of products with just a few clicks! 

As your business grows, using plugins for bulk editing not only simplifies your work but also gives error-free product descriptions.

Best Woocommerce Bulk Edit Plugin for Product Descriptions 

There are a lot of plugins available in the market, but only a handful of them can help you with your product feed generation and management. All of the plugins come with their own set of pros and cons. 

However, when it comes to selecting the right one, many Woocommerce experts rely on a plugin named Wp Sheet Editor!

This is one of the most popular choices across the internet because it constantly updates its features to meet growing customer needs. It also simplifies bulk editing for everyone, even if you’ve no technical skills! 

Wp sheet editor allows you to edit product data in a spreadsheet-like interface. You can import descriptions from a CSV file, write long/short descriptions, personalize product information, and bulk edit your product descriptions within moments! 

But wait, the benefits don’t stop there! This robust plugin can also help you filter your products for targeted updates. Also, it offers a safety net. If you make a mistake or change your mind, the user-friendly interface and clear calls to action allow you to easily revert any edits. 

This plugin lets you view and edit hundreds of WooCommerce products directly within a spreadsheet interface. But for those who prefer the old-fashioned way, this plugin still offers bulk import and export functionalities.

Now, you might be wondering, can I bulk edit product descriptions in WooCommerce for free?

Sadly, No! You can’t bulk edit Woocommerce product descriptions for free!

In the case of the WP Sheet Editor, this is a premium plugin. So, you can’t edit any content whether it’s for simple or variable products (WIth SKUs).

However, the plugin is worth the investment as it’ll make your job that much easier and fruitful. So if you need to bulk edit thousands of product info without any complication, WP Sheet Editor can be a really good choice. 

Woocommerce Bulk Edit Product Descriptions with the WP Sheet Editor

Now, let’s explore how to bulk-edit Product Descriptions with a plugin. Today, we’re focusing on WP Sheet Editor. In this section, I’ll talk about all the different cases you may need to bulk edit your product description and give you a step-by-step guideline so you can easily optimize all of your product content. 

So, let’s jump right to it! 

Before starting your bulk edits, you’ve got to install and activate the WP Sheet Editor plugin on your website. 

Visit the official website and purchase it from there. Also, you can install the plugin from your site. Simply go to Plugins>> Add New Plugin and search for WP Sheet Editor

Then just hit on install and then activate it.

How to Bulk Edit Product Descriptions with the WP Sheet Editor-01

Once the installation is complete, go to WP Sheet Editor >> Edit Products.

WP Sheet Editor to Edit Products

Now, here you’ll get all of your products with detailed information like ID, Title, Content, Stock, etc. The Content tag here is the description of your products. Your product feed will look something like this: 

Bulk Edit Product Descriptions with the WP Sheet Editor

When you edit lots of product descriptions at once with a spreadsheet, it saves you time, especially if you have a large inventory. The spreadsheet also lets you check info before adding it to your WooCommerce store.

Now, here comes the most exciting part! 

You may not always want to edit the entire descriptions of your products. Sometimes you just want to add or remove some words or add some promotional/seasonal advertising announcements for the products of the specific category.

WP Sheet Editor has the perfect solution for this specific problem. 

Now, let’s check out the ways of Woocommerce bulk edit product description: 

  1. Bulk set new product descriptions that have no content 
  2. Personalize product info by adding each product’s name.
  3. Append text to all product information
  4. Add text to the beginning of all product descriptions.
  5. Replace specific data. 
  6. Remove/change/add certain words.
  7. Bulk Import product content from a CSV file.

Well, let’s break down each of them and find out how to edit your product description.

1. Bulk set new product descriptions that have no content

A good product description is crucial as it informs potential buyers about a product’s features, benefits, and uses. This helps the buyers decide if the product is a perfect fit for them.

So, ensuring all products in your WooCommerce store have quality descriptions is important! 

To help you do this, WP Sheet Editor has a section named Search tool. It can filter all the null product descriptions and bulk edit them by adding a general description to all at once.  

Bulk set new product descriptions that have no content

So, how do you do it? Here’s how: 

Once you find the Search tool, enter the following values to filter all products that have no descriptions:

  1. Enable the advanced filters at the top 
  2. Field: Enter Content
  3. Operator: put the = sign
  4. Value: Keep this section empty

And finally hit the Run Search button below.

Bulk set new product descriptions that have no content 02

Bonus Tip 1: While a general description is a good starting point, try to personalize it for each product later for maximum impact.

Now, move to the Bulk Edit tab right beside the search tab.

Bulk set new product descriptions that have no content 03

Now, input the following values to add content to all filtered products:

  • Select the rows you need to update: Choose “Edit all the rows from my current search” (including non-visible rows).
  • Field to update: Select “Content.”
  • Type of edit: Enter “Set value.”
  • Replace existing value with this value: Enter the desired product description.

Click “Execute now” to apply the changes.

Bulk set new product descriptions that have no content 04

Once the bulk edit is done, you’ll find that no products is without their descriptions. Simply remove the active filters in this case. 

Bulk set new product descriptions that have no content 05

That’s about it! Now you have no products that lack content.

2. Personalize descriptions by adding each product’s name

Now you have updated all of your product descriptions. But, the problem is that there is only one general description for all of your products (even if they are in the same category), the product name still varies. It can be for their colors, sizes, or any other attributes. 

Using specific details in your descriptions (like the product name) makes them sound more personal. This builds trust with your buyers and makes them more likely to purchase from your online store.

The process is also very easy. Simply go to the Bulk edit tab just like before. Here’s how to quickly add descriptions and personalize them with each product’s name: 

Personalize descriptions by adding each product's name

Set the value for each section accordingly:

  • Select the rows that you want to update: Edit all the rows from my current search (Even non-visible rows).
  • What field do you want to update: Content
  • Select type of edit: Set value
  •  In the description box, type your desired description.

And here’s the magic!

When you want to automatically insert each product’s name, type $post_title$. This is a special code that works with many platforms.

Personalize descriptions by adding each product's name 02

Next, click on the “I have a database backup, Execute now” button to apply the changes.

That’s it! Now all your products will have a basic description that includes their own names for a more personal touch.

Personalize descriptions by adding each product's name 03

3. Bulk Append text to all product descriptions

So, you’ve personalized your description with the product name. But, 

what if you want to make some changes to the description of a bunch of products simultaneously? 

Adding text to a bunch of products at once is a hidden gem for online store owners, and it’s known as bulk appending. It lets you make quick and uniform changes to product information across a large number of items.

This technique is particularly necessary when you need to update all your product descriptions (Maybe because a supplier changed materials or added a new size option). Bulk editing lets you fix this information for all products at once. 

Similarly, if you’re running a sale or have a new warranty policy, you can easily add this information to all your product descriptions at once.

Here, I’m going to show you some ways where you can add bulk append text to your descriptions.

  • Add a text at the end of the product description

Your product descriptions are working hard to sell your items, but to influence your buyers to complete the purchase, you can add a “Call To Action”  to the end of your descriptions. 

This could be anything from asking them to sign up for your email list to follow you on social media for special deals.

Let’s say you want to target all products with “fashion” in the name or description.

Here’s how to do it easily:

  1. Find the search bar at the top of your product page.
  2. In the search bar, type “fashion” and press enter. This will show you only the products that have “fashion” somewhere in their description.
  3. Now it’s time to write your call to action. It can be any engaging line like “Want to look your best? Or Sign up for our emails and get 10% off your next fashion buy!”
  4. Once you’ve crafted your perfect CTA, many platforms let you edit a bunch of products at once. Move to the button “Bulk Edit” and follow the instructions to add your CTA to all the “fashion” products you just searched for.

All the values will be the same as in method 2. You can also check out the image below to enter the values.

Bulk Append text to all product descriptions

Bonus Tips 2:

While entering the append text to the section, always try to add some special characters like $,#,@, etc or just keep some blank space before the text. It’s because whatever you type here, this plugin will exactly place it after the description. So, Using the symbols or blank spaces will highlight the text.

Now, you have a highlighting text to your description to attract more buyers to buy your products.

Bulk Append text to all product descriptions 02
  • Append a disclosure after the content of the products

In many cases, adding a disclosure to a product’s content is crucial to maintain transparency. It’ll help build trust and meet legal requirements or your brand standards. 

To do this, use the Search tool to filter all the products in the “promotional products” category.

Append a disclosure after the content of the products 02

Now, after filtering out the products, go to the Bulk edit tool like before. Once the pop-up opens, keep the value according to the picture below.

Append a disclosure after the content of the products 03

Bonus Tips 03: 

Just like the append text, here you should also add space or characters before the disclosure to highlight it.

Append a disclosure after the content of the products 04

After executing, you’ll find the text in the description.

Append a disclosure after the content of the products 05
  • Add an affiliate link at the end of each product description

When you have a partnership or sponsorship with a brand to sell their products through your store, you may want to include affiliate links in your product descriptions. 

To do this, you’ve to use the Search tool to filter all products within a specific brand. 

Bonus 04 :

You’ve to create a particular attribute to help in the filtering process. It can be anything you want. Here, I’ve created one named “Brand”. It’ll show in the spreadsheet as “Product Brand”.

Add an affiliate link at the end of each product description

To filter all products of the same brand using the search tool, follow these steps:

  • Check the “Enable advanced filters” checkbox.
  • Select “Product Brand” as the field.
  • Choose “=” as the operator.
  • Enter the brand you are searching for in the “Value” field.
  • Click on “Run search” to execute the filter.

For a better understanding, check the image below.

To filter all products of the same brand using the search tool,

Once that is completed, move to the bulk edit tab and do the rest of the things like before. Highlighting the affiliate links with space or special symbols works here as well. 

To filter all products of the same brand using the search tool 02

That’s it. You are all done!

4. Add text to the beginning of all product descriptions.

Now, you’ve added text, or links after the description, but sometimes you may need to add some text like “stock status” or “category” at the beginning of the description.

It’s because when buyers make decisions to buy the product, the stock status always matters. The stock update triggers buyers to buy the product quickly before it stock out.

  • Prepend stock status to your content

For this, go to the Search tab and search with the exact values according to the image below.

Prepend stock status to your content

After filtering out, go to the Bulk edit tab and search as shown:

Bulk edit tab and search as shown

Bonus Tips 05:

To separate the stock status or focus it on your buyers, keep the stock value in between symbols or special characters like the image. You can also use space to separate it.

Now, you’ll find the stock status before each product description.

stock status before each product description
  1. Add a category at the beginning of each product description

When you start descriptions with product categories it’s a win-win for both you and your customers. 

How, you might think. 

The answer is: It creates a more organized and user-friendly shopping experience. It also potentially boosts your search engine visibility.

As you’ve filtered out the products, go to the Bulk edit tab. Once the pop-up appears, set every value like before, except in the prepaid value enter $product_cat$, and then continue the process.

Add a category at the beginning of each product description

After executing, you can see the product category before each description.

Add a category at the beginning of each product description 02

5. Remove certain words from product descriptions.

Just like adding new text is necessary, there are also times when you need to remove certain words from the descriptions.

The process is very similar. There are 3 different ways you can remove the words.

  • Remove everything after one text in the product description

When shortening product descriptions, you may need to remove text from specific points. Here’s how you can do it:

Go to the Bulk edit tab and set the values accordingly.

  • Select the rows that you want to update: Edit all the rows from my current search (Even non-visible rows).
  • What field do you want to update: Content
  • Select type of edit: Remove everything after some text
  • Remove everything after this text: Type that particular word or phrase after which you need to delete.
  • Remove the text too?: Yes, remove everything after the text, including the text, or No, remove everything after the text, without including the text
Remove certain words from product descriptions

And you are done. Everything will be removed from that specific text.

Remove certain words from product descriptions 02
  • Remove everything before one text from the content

If you want to remove everything before one specific word, this can also be done. This is how you do it – 

In the Bulk edit pop-up, enter the values as below:

  • Select the rows that you want to update: Edit all the rows from my current search (Even non-visible rows).
  • What field do you want to update: Content
  • Select type of edit: Remove everything before some text
  • Remove everything after this: Type the word or phrase before which you want to delete everything.
  • Remove the text from above too?: Yes, or No
Bulk edit pop-up, enter the values

And, all the information before that specific word will be deleted.

Bulk edit pop-up, enter the values 02
  • Shorten the description by a maximum number of words

Sometimes, product descriptions can get too long, like blog posts. If that happens, you can use the Bulk Edit tool to make them shorter. You can even pick which products you want to reduce. 

Just select that particular products in which you want to short the descriptions and then, go to Bulk edit tab.

Bulk edit pop-up, enter the values 03

On the Bulk edit tab, enter the following values.

  • Select the rows that you want to update: Edit the rows selected manually in the spreadsheet.
  • What field do you want to update: Content
  • Select type of edit: Generate excerpt
  • Maximum number of words: Enter the number of words you want in your description

And then, hit on the Execute Now button.

Just a small reminder, When you use this option, make sure your descriptions still make sense. It adds an ellipsis at the end to show there’s more.

Bulk edit pop-up, enter the values 04

Always check the description to ensure it is understandable.

Bulk edit pop-up, enter the values 05

6. Replace specific data in product descriptions.

Sometimes, you may not need to remove words from your product description, but replace some old or outdated words with new ones.

This helps businesses make sure everything is updated, make their brand look good, follow the rules, and make shopping easier for their customers. 

Let’s see how you can do this using the WP Sheet Editor spreadsheet.

  • Replace a specific word from the product descriptions

Replacing a specific word with a new one is very common for product descriptions. To do this, simply go to the Bulk edit tab and enter the values as follows:

To update specific data in product content:

  • Select the rows that you want to update: Edit all the rows from my current search (Even non-visible rows).
  • What field do you want to update: Content
  • Select type of edit: Replace
  • Replace this: Type the word that you want to replace
  • With this: Type the new word that will be placed there

Now, click on “Execute” to apply the changes.

Replace specific data in product descriptions

Now, you’ll see that all the old words are replaced with the new ones.

Replace specific data in product descriptions 02
  • Bulk replace a character from the content of the product

Now, what if you want to replace characters or symbols instead of words?

Well, WP sheet editor will also let you do this. The process is exactly like above, just the two sections Replace this and With this will be changed.

Rather than typing any words in these sections, put any values  characters that you want to replace and add.

Replace specific data in product descriptions 03

Once you run the process, all the unwanted characters will be replaced with new ones.

Replace specific data in product descriptions 04
  • Replace one phrase with another in product content

Sometimes, you don’t want to replace a specific

ic word or character; rather, you need to change a specific array of words or phrases in your product description.

Let’s imagine you announced Christmas, but now you want to make a new announcement for next Halloween but keep the other things the same.

It can be the entire Call to action or any outdated announcements. The process is still the same.

Just type the old phase in the Replace this tab and add the new phase in the With this tab.

Replace specific data in product descriptions 05

Now, it’ll look like the image below.

Replace specific data in product descriptions 06


Bulk editing product descriptions in WooCommerce makes it easy to change lots of product details at once. It helps you save time and effort by letting you make edits altogether. 

So, if you need to tweak wording or update details for many products, you can do it all in one go. This feature keeps your online store looking neat and professional. 

With just a few clicks, you can make changes across your entire product list, which is super handy for businesses with lots of items to manage.

This particular plugin will not only save you valuable time but will also give you error-free and up-to-date product descriptions across all of your sales channels. 

Bonus tip:

Alongside product descriptions, there is also a handful of other relevant information that you’ll need to add to your product feed. For example, you’ll need to add the sale price, material, dimension, and many other details. 

However, if you have a lot of products in your inventory, manually generating feeds for all those products or editing every time you make any changes to a product feature becomes unimaginably tedious! 

So, how do you solve this? 

Easy. You can use a handful of plugins that can make your job easier. They can help you automatically generate product feeds, edit bulk product information, and distribute your product feed to multiple sales channels (like Google Merchant Centar, Facebook, Instagram, etc). 

CTX Feed is such an example. This Free plugin can help you generate 100% error-free, optimized product feed with just a few clicks, and distribute your product feeds to 130+ marketing platforms!

With over 100,000+ active installations, CTX Feed has become one of the most popular online choices for generating and managing WooCommerce product feed effortlessly. 

Aside from generating error-free product feeds, it also helps WooCommerce businesses grow and stay ahead of the competition. 

If you’re worried about your product feeds not being accurate and up-to-date, you can give CTX Feed a try. Download this free plugin and reduce 50% of your editing hassle. 

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