How to write Functional Product Description

How to write Functional Product Description that Catches Immense Interest

In e-commerce, the outcome depends on your product fact present in the shopping channels that start from setting the perfect product title and product description. Always try to explore the actual features and points in the description division in order so that it is understandable to the visitors.

When visitors search for their desired product in Google Shopping, Amazon, eBay and other shopping channels result in an approach based on product information matches with the instruction by the marketplace. Try to give exclusive and entrancing product information at the very beginning of the description section so that visitors get curious about the products.

The healthy and informative product description includes products utility, types, color, benefits, shape, presentation, purpose, price, manufacturing date, expiry date if applicable, model, size, weight, warranty, side effect, shipping information, etc. bear in mind product description is a structured set-up. An excellent title and description offer a comprehensible image of your thing and amplify your probability that customers will obtain and bid on or buy your item.

Core Elements to Add

Different marketplace allows a different number of characters in the description section. Google shopping allows 1 to 5,000 characters in this description section, but only 200 characters are displayed on the screen when the product first appears before the visitors. It is the golden scope for any merchant to attach a core product description that raises the intention to read more. Be precise and accurate description of the essential details in the first 160-500 characters among 5,000 characters also include the most relevant features and visual attributes in your product description.

Best practices to optimize product description are below:

  • Size
  • Material
  • Intended age range
  • Unique features
  • Technical specifications
  • Shape
  • Pattern
  • Texture
  • Design
  • Variants

Assessment each sector intimately to determine if the requirements apply to your country or product.
Failure of any instruction that applies to you, Google will disapprove your product and notify you on the Diagnostics page of your Merchant Center account.

Related Resource: How to Use Google Merchant Center to Promote Your Product

Throw out Ineffective Elements

Google indicates the least amount requirements for your product ad or else google will condemn your product from the Google ad section. Google is very stern in policy so that any conspiracy will let your product out from the channel keep in mind. These policies are below:

  • Illustrate your products only.
  • Your language should be professional and grammatically correct.
  • Use familiar language that is understandable.
  • Don’t use strange characters.
  • Use XML entities or escaped characters instead of symbols.
  • Avoid any comparisons with other products.
  • Avoid references during the categorization process.
  • Use your direct product landing link attributes instead of the main website link.
  • Capitalized text looks like spam so doesn’t give priority to all sentences in capital letters.
  • Stay away from including promotional text.

See you can learn details about the description from here.

The online marketplace is a platform where customers watch, read and compare prices from the different shopping channels. It is a visual process, so it is hardly experienced to feel the products by touching them before buying.

Visitors get concerned about your products from Google ads from your product details and reliability. So take care of your product and description that does not smash any visitor’s expectations.

Develop your product description in a way how is marketplace demanded because Google will track the policy that will increase your accessibility in the online search.

Your concept is clear that to tell your prospective customers by giving your best shot; the trick is to present your product description in a way that makes you reach the client and customers got interested to read the complete product description and intend to buy.

Make your product description simple but attractive that will raise the aspiration for reading the rest of the word.

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