French Marketplace

Boost Your eCommerce Sale into French Marketplace Part – 1

France is the third biggest economy in Europe and the sixth biggest in the world. With 36 million online buyers, and a market worth €57bn, it is definitely a country you should be considering if you want to sell your products. In the marketplaces discussed in this two-part series, you will find a great place to start.

While some marketplaces are discussed here, some more have been unveiled in the second part.

Achetezfacile logo


Achetezfacile is a price comparison website with 7 million unique visitors every month. Achetezfacile offers different products across plenty of sellers across the country.

Cdiscount logo


Cdiscount is an E-commerce marketplace, which attracts a lot of customers for their various products. Their product ranges from homeware, consumer electronics, fashion, jewelry, games & toys, sports equipment, and entertainment. Sellers on this website have access to multi-lingual account managers.

Cherchons logo


Cherchons is an independent marketplace, which lets the user compare products with respect to their prices, features and so on. Cherchons offers the right deal for the product and helps sellers to get more visitors on a regular basis. The site ranks its results according to the relevance to the search. logo


Compare offers free service through which you can compare different products, services, prices, merchants, shipping costs, and delivery times etc. Compare does not sell any product; You are automatically redirected to merchant websites working in partnership with



Daisycon is an affiliate marketplace, dealing also with lead generation and CPC services. which helps sellers to sell their products effectively with the help of E-commerce websites. Daisycon helps advertisers achieve their marketing goals with the help of its large network of international publishers. The site helps them maximize their revenue from their online promotional media. Daisycon is active throughout Europe with particular attention to France, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

I-Comparateur logo


I-Comparateur is a website, which gives a precise and sensible comparison for the buyer. An honest and quality seller will always make it on top, as I-Comparateur compares and sells genuinely. They primarily deal in computer products, image, sound, telephony, and electrical appliances. Several hundred merchants depend on i-Comparateur to process and present their catalogs, representing several hundred thousand prices updated every 6 hours.

Idealo logo


Idealo is a popular website, which does an effective price comparison with over 140 million offers from more than 14000 sellers. The probability of finding the best price is, therefore, greater than on other comparison sites with fewer offers. In addition, idealo offers a wide range of products and their variants.

Keldelice logo


Keldelice is an online store for food products. It sources its products from local producers and hence, promotes local merchandise on their website. They have more than 30,000 local sellers registered on their portal.


LeGuide is the leading independent French publisher of search engines shopping, price comparison and buying guides, and is now your trusted intermediary for all your interactions with merchant sites.



Manomano is an e-commerce website, which attracts a lot of traffic from bloggers and buyers. A seller would be able to get organically notified about different kinds of customers with the help of Manomano. They act as a trusted intermediary between the seller and the merchant. The site does not have stocks or logistics. And therefore, is the merchant who does.



NetAffiliation is an affiliate marketplace and is one of the European leaders in the sector. The platform offers innovative and powerful solutions for the management, distribution, and optimization of online advertising campaigns. NetAffiliation enables advertisers to benefit from a network of 170,000 affiliate sites ready to relay their traffic, leads and sales campaigns around the world.

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