CTX Feed Pro Vs Adtribes

CTX Feed vs Product Feed Pro: Who Wins the Battle?

Promoting online products on multiple merchant channels has never been easier before the introduction of product feed plugins. 

Actually, a feed manager plugin has become a must-have plugin for every eCommerce owner. 

But, the real struggle begins when it’s time to choose the right plugin. 

That being said, there are only two plugins that stand out among the pack. These are –

  • WebAppick’s CTX Feed WooCommerce Product Feed Manager &
  • AdTribes’ Product Feed PRO for WooCommerce

So, which one should you choose?

Well, that’s what we are going to explain today. In this article, we will walk you through a detailed comparison between CTX Feed and Product Feed Pro. 

By reading this article, you will get:

  • The benefits of using a product feed manager plugin
  • An overview of CTX Feed vs Product Feed Pro
  • Detailed comparison of Product Feed Pro and CTX Feed plugin
  • Which one is the final winner?

Let’s start the battle!

Why Should You Use a Product Feed Manager? 

A product feed is a simple file containing all your product’s information in a single file. This file contains information like product name, image, description, color, price, etc. 

There are several benefits a product feed manager offers while  uploading a product feed on the merchant profile. Here are some of those – 

  1. Helps you create an error-free and optimized product feed that improves ad rank and quality score
  2. Ensures integrity and data accuracy of your products
  3. Updates product information automatically on every channel at certain intervals.
  4. Improves ad campaign performance 
  5. Helps with product SEO, etc.

These are the top reasons for using a product feed manager. 

TL;DR of CTX Feed vs Product Feed Pro Comparison

Both CTX Feed and Product Feed Pro are packed with lots of functionalities. If you don’t have enough time to go through the full comparison, just take a look at this overview. Hopefully, it will help you to choose the right plugin.

But, if you are up for an in-depth head-to-head comparison, don’t need to wait any further. Just scroll down. 

CTX Gif Banner

CTX Feed vs Product Feed Pro: A 6-round Comparison

From the technical point of view, both CTX Feed and Product Feed Pro work just fine. But, there are some slight differences between these in terms of designs, product features, customer service, feed management, third-party plugin support, etc.

We will compare these plugins under 6 different criteria. We shall declare a winner after explaining how these two plugins perform in each criteria. That’s how we will announce the winner at the end. 

Here are the criteria’s we have set as standards for our evaluation – 

  1. User Experience 
  2. Product Features
  3. 3rd Party Plugin Support
  4. Feed Management
  5. Customer Support
  6. Pricing And Refund Policy

Now let’s get down directly to the nitty-gritty of today’s article – finding out the best product feed plugin between CTX Feed and Product Feed Pro.

⭐ User Experience

The user experience explains how a user interacts with a product. It is the combination of a person’s perception, efficiency, ease of use, etc.

In this section, we will measure the user experience of our selected plugins based on the following metrics – 

  • Scalability 
  • Required time for generating a feed 
  • Error occurrence & task completion rate 
  • Intuitive interface 
  • System usability scale
  • New user adaptation rate 

Okay, let’s discuss all of these metrics one-by-one.

1. Scalability

Scalability can be defined as the ability of a system to meet the user’s needs. In terms of scalability both the Product Feed Pro and CTX Feed can meet the user’s expectations pretty well. 

So, the scalability result is going to be a TIE!

The scalability result is a TIE!

2. Required Time for Generating a Feed

To measure the feed generation time, we have generated several product feeds with 102 products via both CTX Feed and Product Feed Pro. 

Just for transparency, we have generated product feeds for Google Shopping, Rakuten Product feed, Facebook catalog, and Bing shopping. Here’s the list of required times for generating feeds for these merchants. 

Merchant Name / Feed Generation TimeCTX FeedProduct Feed Pro
Google Shopping6.72 seconds6.01 seconds
Rakuten Product feed3.14 seconds7.02 seconds
Facebook Catalog5.63 seconds13.17 seconds
Bing Shopping6.22 seconds6.91 seconds

** We have conducted these tests on a local server with 102 WooCommerce products. Time will vary based on server, product amount, and other relevant facts.

As we can see, CTX Feed requires less time for Rakuten, Facebook, and Bing. On the contrary, Product Feed Pro requires less time while generating feeds for Google shopping only. 

So, it looks like CTX Feed is the winner here.

CTX Feed is the winner in the feed generation time section.

3. Error Occurrence & Task Completion Rate

To calculate the task completion rate, we have generated 15 feeds via both of these WooCommerce product feed plugins. Surprisingly, both of these successfully generated every product feed. Even we didn’t face any errors while generating the product feeds.

So, it’s a tie!

Error occurrence & task completion rate result is a TIE!

4. Intuitive Interface

You know, the most used features of these contestants are feed generation and feed management. So, we have decided to compare these 2 pages only. So, let’s have a look.

Here’s the feed generation page interface of CTX Feed.

Simple, right? 

Okay, let’s check the feed generation page of Product Feed Pro. 

Though the interface of both of these seems quite okayish, CTX Feed’s interface looks minimalistic and quite professional. Even it contains direct links to documentation, video tutorials, and the support page. So, you can contact the support agent while generating or managing the product feeds. 

Now it’s time to check the Feed Management page of both of these plugins. Let’s start with AdTribe’s Product Feed Pro first.

And, here is the Feed Management page of CTX Feed WooCommerce Product Feed Manager. 

It looks like the interface of both of these plugins is quite similar. While the feed generation page looks good on CTX Feed, Product Feed Pro wins the feed management page.

Afterall, it looks like both of these plugins are better on different pages. So it could be a tie, right?

Okay, it’s a tie!

The intuitive interface result is a TIE!

5. System Usability Scale (SUS)

The system usability scale (SUS) was introduced by John Brooke in 1986. SUS is the best way to check and evaluate the ease of use of your product or service. 

The SUS checking process consists of a 10 item questionnaire with 5 options to choose from. The surveyor will ask the questions, and users will answer that on a scale of 1 to 5. The rating will be like this –

  • Strongly Agree: 5 points
  • Agree: 4 points
  • Neutral: 3 points
  • Disagree: 2 points
  • Strongly Disagree: 1 point

Ok, here is the list of 10 item questionnaire that we will use to conduct the SUS survey of our plugins –

  1. I think that I would like to use this plugin frequently.
  2. I found the plugin unnecessarily complex.
  3. I thought the plugin was easy to use.
  4. I think that I would need the support of a technical person to be able to use this plugin.
  5. I found the various functions in this plugin were well integrated.
  6. I thought there was too much inconsistency in this plugin.
  7. I would imagine that most people would learn to use this plugin very quickly.
  8. I found the plugin very cumbersome to use.
  9. I felt very confident using the plugin.
  10. I needed to learn a lot of things before I could get going with this system.

And, we have used the UIUX Trend SUS calculator to complete this survey. Here’s the result of that survey –

Plugin NameResult
CTX Feed 72.5
Product Feed Pro57.5

As we can see, CTX feed scores higher than Product Feed Pro. So, obviously CTX Feed is the winner here.

CTX Feed is the winner in the System Usability Scale section.

6. New User Adaptation Rate

Both CTX Feed and Product Feed Pro are available on the WordPress plugin directory to download for free. Everyday, hundreds of new users are using these plugins. And WordPress published the active install growth by which we can understand each plugin’s new user adaptation rate. 

As of 3rd July, the growth rate of CTX Feed is 0.1%.

Active install growth of CTX Feed

And, the active install growth rate of Product Feed Pro is 0.4%.

It means Product Feed Pro is getting more new users than CTX Feed. So, Product Feed Pro is the winner here.

Product Feed Pro is the winner in the new user adaptation rate. 

After analyzing the result, we can see that CTX feed has won in 2 sections and Product Feed Pro by AdTribes.io has won in 1 section. Rest of those sections were tied.

Final Winner in User Experience Category

CTX Feed

⭐ Product Features

The features of a product are the discrete areas of upgraded functionalities that the product offers to its customers. In this section, we will compare the basic features of WebAppick’s CTX Feed Pro and AdTribes’ Product Feed Pro.

The main purpose of this section is not only to compare these products but also aiding the potential customers in making a decision. Check our comparison infographic to get a better overview. 

CTX Feed vs Product feed pro Comparison Infographic

As we can see, CTX Feed offers comparatively more features to you than AdTribes’ Product Feed Pro. According to the WordPress.org plugin description, CTX Feed supports 37 more channels than Product Feed Pro.

However, you may try the premium version of CTX Feed to unlock more features. Check the comparison of the free and pro version of CTX Feed to get a better overview of its premium version. 

After reviewing the features, it seems like CTX Feed offers more features than the Product Feed Pro. So, CTX Feed is the winner in the product feature category.

Winner in Product Feature Category

CTX Feed

⭐ 3rd Party Plugin Support

Both CTX Feed Pro and Product Feed Pro are compatible with several third-party plugins. As of 15th July 2022, here’s the list of supported 3rd party plugins of both. 

Compatible plugins of Product Feed Pro

Compatible Plugins of Product Feed Pro
  • Multilingual plugins
    > WPML
    > Polylang
    > TranslatePress (beta)
  • Currency Switcher plugins
    > Aelia Currency Switcher
    > WCML’s multicurrency feature
  • SEO plugins
    > Yoast primary category feature
    > Rankmath primary category feature
    > All In One SEO pack title and description attributes
  • Brand plugins
    > WooCommerce Brands
    > YITH brand attributes
  • Shipping plugins
    > Table Rate Shipping for WooCommerce from WooCommerce
    > Table Rate Shipping by Bolder Elements
  • Discount plugins
    > Discount Rules for WooCommerce plugin by FlyCart
    > WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts from RightPress
  • Product bundle plugins
    > WooCommerce Product Bundles
    > WPC Product Bundles for WooCommerce
  • Miscellaneous plugins
    > WooCommerce Composite Products
    > WC Fields Factory
    > WooCommerce Subscriptions

Product Feed Pro is compatible with a total 20 third-party plugins as per their product description on WordPress.org.

Compatible 3rd party plugins of CTX Feed Pro

Now, it’s time to check the compatible plugins of CTX Feed Pro.

Compatible Plugins of CTX Feed Pro
  • Multilingual Plugins
    > WPML
    > Polylang
    > TranslatePress
  • Currency Switcher Plugins
    > Aelia Currency Switcher
    > WOOCS Currency Switcher
    > VillaTheme Multi Currency for WooCommerce
    > WooCommerce Multi-Currency by TIV.NET INC
  • Shipping Plugins
    > WooCommerce Advanced Shipping plugin by Sormano
    > Table Rate Shipping plugin by BolderElement
  • Product Subscription Plugins
    > YITH WooCommerce Subscription
    > WooCommerce Subscriptions
  • Composite Product Plugins
    > Composite Products by WooCommerce
    > YITH Composite Products for WooCommerce
    > WPC Composite Products for WooCommerce by WPClever
    > WooCommerce Composite Products Plugin by extendons
  • Bundle Product Plugins
    > Product Bundles by WooCommerce
    > WPC Product Bundles for WooCommerce by WPClever
    > WooCommerce Bundled Products by Iconic
    > YITH WooCommerce Product Bundles
  • Dynamic Discount Price Plugins
    > Discount Rules for WooCommerce by Flycart
    > WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts
    > Conditional Discounts for WooCommerce by Orion
    > Pricing Deals for WooCommerce by RightPress
    > Dynamic Pricing With Discount Rules for WooCommerce
  • Product Variation Plugins
    > WoodMart theme variation gallery
    > Product Variations Swatches for WooCommerce by VillaTheme
    > Variation Swatches for WooCommerce
  • SEO Plugins
    > Yoast SEO
    > All in one SEO
    > Rank Math SEO
  • Multi-vendor Plugins
    > Dokan
    > WCFM Marketplace for WooCommerce
    > YITH WooCommerce Multi-Vendor
    > WC Marketplace
    > WC Vendors
  • Brand Plugins
    > WooCommerce Brands
    > YITH WooCommerce Brands Add-On
    > Perfect Brands for WooCommerce
    > Ultimate WooCommerce Brands Plugin


That’s a huge list, isn’t it?

Well, the CTX Feed Pro is compatible with almost 39 third-party plugins. However, keep an eye on the CTX Feed compatible plugin list to check the updated compatibility list.   

So, who is the winner here? Obviously, CTX Feed Pro!

Winner in 3rd party plugin support category

CTX Feed

⭐ Feed Management

Generating the product feed isn’t the only feature of the feed plugins. Even after generating a feed, you may need to modify that feed for different reasons. Though both plugins support feed management features, their functionalities aren’t similar. 

For example, CTX Feed supports the following feed management services – 

  • Auto feed interval
  • Feed download
  • Feed regeneration
  • Duplicating feeds
  • Feed deletion
  • Exporting feed
  • Updating feed settings
  • Feed log download, etc.

On the other hand, the Product Feed Pro supports several other feed management facilities. These are –

  • Project settings
  • Feed copy
  • Feed regeneration
  • Updating feed settings
  • Feed download
  • Deleting feed, etc.

It looks like both of these plugins offer almost similar functionalities. So, it’s a tie. 

Winner in feed management category


⭐ Customer Support

The CX trends report of Zendesk shows that 75% of potential customers are willing to spend more on a company that provides a better customer experience. So, it’s important to pay attention to customer service. 

Okay, let’s have a look at the customer support policy of CTX Feed and Product Feed Pro. 

FeatureCTX FeedProduct Feed Pro
Live chat
WordPress forum
Support via social media
Email supportAvailable only for the Elite version users
Official documentation
Omnichannel support

As we can see, you will get support from AdTribe’s Product Feed Pro only via the WordPress support forum. Even the email support is also only for the Elite version users.

On the contrary, WebAppick provides omnichannel support for every user. It doesn’t matter whether you are a free or premium version user, you can get support via every support channel.

It looks like WebAppick’s support team is clearly dominating in the customer support section. So, CTX Feed is the winner here without any doubt.

Winner in the customer support category

CTX Feed

⭐ Pricing Plan & Refund Policy

Both CTX Feed and Product Feed Pro are freemium products. You can use both of these for free from the WordPress plugin directory. But, you will need the premium version in order to use the advanced functionalities. 

So, let’s have a look at the price of the Product Feed Pro Elite version.

Product feed pro pricing plan

Now, here’s the pricing plan of CTX Feed Pro. 

CTX Feed pro pricing plan

It looks like Product Feed Pro is comparatively inexpensive than CTX Feed Pro. On the contrary, there’s no lifetime pricing plan for Product Feed Pro. So, CTX Feed Pro offers better pricing plans than Adtribes’ Product Feed Pro plugin.

By the way, both of these plugins support a 30 days refund policy. So, there’s not a huge difference there. However, AdTribes’ Product Feed Pro costs less in terms of the base price. So, Product Feed Pro wins here.

Winner in pricing plan category

Product Feed Pro

The Final Winner 

To conclude the final result, we are going to recap the whole competition again. Here, these contenders were competing against each other to win the title of ‘best WooCommerce product feed manager”.

Here’s the overview of that competition –

  • CTX Feed scored four points, winning the User Experience, Product Features, 3rd Party Plugin Support, and Customer Support categories.
  • Product Feed Pro won in only one category – Pricing Plan & Refund Policy.
  • Both of these plugins scored equal in the feed management category.

So, who is the winner here?

Champion of CTX Feed Vs Product Feed Pro

We got our winner! 


That’s a huge win for CTX Feed, isn’t it? It took down Product Feed Pro with 4:1. That clearly proves why we prefer to use CTX Feed for generating and managing feeds. Overall, it’s a great plugin when it comes to product feed management.

Okay, that’s a wrap for today. Thanks for sticking with us to the very end of this comparison. If you are still confused about anything in this article, scroll down and throw your question in the comment box. We’ll answer your inquiry ASAP.

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