PDF invoice

Why you Should Attach a PDF Invoice With Every Purchase

There are plenty of plugins that you might want to have in your eCommerce store. But PDF invoice is one of those which most of the store owners don’t consider as a must-have and end up providing a less delightful user experience to their customers than the rival stores.

WooCommerce is a great option to maintain an eCommerce store, as its core options help you manage almost everything. However, PDF invoice isn’t one of the options you get straight outta WooCommerce. But thanks to the diverse range of plugins for woocommerce, you can find almost everything you would want to tweak in your store. Creating invoices is one such area where you need the help of a plugin to efficiently manage the process.

As a business owner, there’s a lot to manage and manual invoices can take up a significant amount of your time. Your invoices may look different each time, which isn’t very professional.  Using professional invoicing software allows you to automate all invoicing and payment processes, so you can focus on growing your business.

There are several WordPress plugins that you can use to create online invoices and collect payments from your customers. All these WordPress invoice plugins offer different features which makes it difficult for beginners to choose the right invoice plugin for their business.

Here are 10 key features that you should look for in a good WordPress invoicing plugin:

  • Should efficiently manage the process of creating and printing invoices automatically.
  • Should provide options to add your company logo.
  • Option to insert both the buyer and seller information in it.
  • Upload the image of your signature and incorporate it with the invoice.
  • WPML compatibility.
  • Availability of different Paid Stamp designs in the plugin’s library.
  • Include woocommerce multiple tax classes (rates) such as Total Excluding Tax, net amount, tax rate and tax amount etc.
  • Features to the Print packing slip for a single order, as well as print multiple packing, slips as a batch for multiple orders by date range.
  • Feature to generate a shipping label list by order date range and print it.
  • Include a product image on invoices using this woocommerce invoice plugin which makes customers understand the invoice even faster!

Luckily, Challan Pro offers you all of the required features along with a wide variety of other options. . It automatically generates invoices when orders are created and also sends them immediately to the customer when order status changed. There are hundreds of different features in this plugin that can make your store’s checkout experience amazing to your customers.

Challan banner

WooCommerce PDF Invoices and Packing Slips Pro (Challan Pro) help you to attach a PDF invoice to the order confirmation email. Unlike a normal woocommerce invoice, WooCommerce PDF Invoices and Packing Slips Pro can be easily downloaded and is fully customizable.

You can efficiently manage the process of creating and printing invoices automatically with this plugin. Include woocommerce multiple tax classes (rates) such as Total Excluding Tax, net amount, tax rate and tax amount etc. It allows you to generate a shipping label list by order date range and print it. The plugin is WPML compatible. You can include product images on invoices using this woocommerce invoice plugin which makes customers understand the invoice even faster! Some of its most useful features are:

Automated Invoicing

This WooCommerce PDF invoice plugin automatically generates woocommerce invoice when orders are created and sends them immediately to your valued customers when order status changed to your configured status.

Easy Setup

WooCommerce PDF Invoice pro (Challan Pro) plugin is straightforward to set up. You can efficiently manage the process of creating and printing invoices automatically, with the help of this Invoice and Packing Slips generator plugin.


Chalan Pro allows you to attach your signature with invoices. Just click on the upload signature option in the Invoice section to upload the image of your signature that you want to show in the pdf invoice.


This plugin supports woocommerce multiple tax classes (rates). Some countries require Total Excluding Tax, net amount, tax rate, and tax amount, which you can display on the invoice optionally.

Packing Slip

Using this plugin, you can also generate, customize, and print the woocommerce packing slips. You can print a woocommerce packing slip for a single order, as well as print multiple packing slips as a batch for multiple orders by date range. Also, there is an option to print the packing slip for an individual product of order.

Shipping Label

You can generate a shipping label list by order date range and print it with the help of this plugin. Chalan also helps to dispatch labels. You can view the printed label before printing a hard copy.

Product Image

product image will improve your ecommerce sales.

You can include a product image on invoices using this woocommerce invoice plugin. Adding product images will make it easy and time-saving for the buyer to understand each product.

WPML Compatible

Take advantage of Challan plugin, as it is WPML compatible. The invoice will use the translated product information and currency according to the language and currency which was used to place an order.

WooCommerce Subscription

This woocommerce Invoice plugin is compatible with WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin emails. A subscription confirmation email will be sent with an attached pdf invoice for new subscriptions or subscription renewal orders.

Bundle & Composite Products

This plugin supports bundle products, as well as composite products. Supported plugins are WooCommerce Bundle Product, WooCommerce Composite Products, YITH Bundle Product, and YITH Composite Products.

Proforma Invoice

Easily includes the Proforma Invoices for all new orders and also any changes made to the orders.

The truth about eCommerce is, when you are running an eCommerce store, you know the value of maintaining quality in all aspects that you deal with. Providing professional invoices to customers is an important aspect of your store’s user experience. So, get an invoice plugin ASAP to be ahead of your competitors if you don’t have it already!

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