invoice plugin advantage

Advantages of WooCommerce PDF Invoice for your online store

According to the user’s need, the flexibility to extend functionalities is one of the most significant benefits of WooCommerce. An invoice plugin can help you to generate and send WooCommerce PDF invoices in one area.

Some of the significant advantages of the invoice plugin are discussed in this article. Also, an invoice and packing slip plugin is recommended for your WooCommerce store.

Improve the efficiency of your business

Once a purchase is completed, you have an option to send the PDF invoice to customers in real-time. This adds a lot of flexibility to your business in multiple aspects. Sending invoices manually needs a whole lot of procedures, including recurring emails and such.

When your manual effort is minimal, it reflects the overall efficiency of your store. Also, you can much comfortably handle cases involving recurring payments like subscriptions.

With Chalan (PDF Invoice and Packing Slip) plugin, you can include paid stamps in your invoice. Different available stamps indicate the bill is already paid. You can mark paid invoices as paid.

Enhance customer experience

In today’s technologically advanced world, everything that happens in eCommerce is fast-paced. Indeed, customers will be happy when they get a hold of the invoice right after the purchase.

This might help you get repeated purchases, and the whole flow gives a systematic essence to your dealings. Additionally, it creates a wrong impression if customers come to you to get invoices for their purchases.

Create a brand identity

You know maintaining your brand identity is essential cause numerous options are available in almost all eCommerce sectors. Chances for a customer to retain your brand identity are miserable in the current scenario.

When you add logo and other differentiating visual elements to your invoices, it becomes easy for you to develop your brand identity. Chalan plugin provides options to customize the layout and content of invoices.

Chalan plugin also allows you to attach your signature with invoices. You need to click on the upload signature option in the invoice section to upload the signature you want to show in the PDF invoice.

Save time, money and the environment

When you don’t choose the option to print an invoice, you are saving both money and the environment. You can contribute to the more significant cause by avoiding the use of paper. On the other hand, you get a higher chance to save the courier charges too.

Moreover, you avoid quite a few support tickets from your customer and avoid losing possible cases of invoices lost in transit.

5. Deal with tax compliance better

Online invoices help to simplify the stressful aspects of tax auditing like most of the other processes. You can ensure complete tax compliance with pretty specific options and the ability to customize fills.

Chalan plugin provides options to choose multiple fields for tax rates on the invoice. When you are selling to multiple countries, this gives more flexibility. The plugin also supports multiple tax classes. Some countries require Total Excluding Tax, net amount, text rate, and tax amount, which you can display on the invoice optionally.

You can include SSN/Tax ID/ VAT in PDF documents during checkout and show inside the PDF files.

6. Easily access invoices from the past

It becomes quite easy to access PDF invoices anytime when you have a system to create them. You will be able to find relevant invoices very quickly from the order detail page of your eCommerce platform.

Chalan plugin help in this regard. Your customers can effortlessly access invoices from past purchases whenever they want to access them. Moreover, you can easily challenge any disputes with transparency. It helps to make your financial management more organized.

When you think of traditional business models, managing your invoices is not an easy task. Chalan plugin has made the whole process of generating and sending invoices simple for the store owners. A systematic process to handle invoices would reapply to improve customer experience.

Now, you know the advantages of using the WooCommerce Invoice plugin for your store. There are some good practices to create invoices that’ll be discussed in the next article.


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