Fadiyah Sameh

Fadiyah Sameh

Fadiyah Sameh is an eCommerce researcher and writer at WebAppick. As an eCommerce writer with a strong background in SEO, she has a passion for creating compelling and informative content that helps businesses reach their target audience. In addition to her writing skills, she’s also well-versed in content marketing and the technical aspects of eCommerce and has a deep understanding of the various strategies and tactics used to optimize online stores for success.

WooCommerce User Role Discounts: A Step-by-Step Guide

The success of an online store heavily depends on loyal returning customers. These customers yield the majority of a store’s revenues. 65% of an online store’s earnings come from returning loyal customers. The chance of selling a product to an existing customer is 60-70%, while for new customers, it is only 5-20%. So, what is […]

How to Add Discount to Cart Programmatically in WooCommerce (Easy Steps)

Discounts and coupons are the most powerful marketing tool for an online store. They can give you a 73% boost in your sales. Here are some awestriking stats on the impact of discounts – I hope this proves the might and power of discounts. WooCommerce is the best platform to build an online store and […]

How to Setup WooCommerce Conditional Shipping (Easy Guide)

Handling shipping and managing accurate shipping rates is one of the most challenging tasks for an online store. Failing to provide customers with the right shipping options and rates can result in cart abandonment and dissatisfaction with your brand. On the other hand, offering the right shipping option can help increase conversions and customer satisfaction. […]

How to Setup WooCommerce Guest Checkout (Easy Guide)

Did you know a staggering 28% of shoppers abandon their carts only due to the complex checkout process? Even worse, 22% will ditch their cart only because they have to create an account to complete the checkout. This is where guest checkout can appear as your savior. Guest checkout can make the checkout process quick […]

The Ultimate Guide to WooCommerce Shipping Calculators: Mastering Calculations & Optimizations

Accurate shipping costs are a major player in sale conversions. They can make or break a sale in your WooCommerce store. Imagine a customer excited to complete the purchase, only to be met with a hefty shipping fee at the cart or checkout page. This is a recipe for cart abandonment and loss of sales; […]

How to Setup WooCommerce Flat Rate Shipping (Easy Guide)

Running an eCommerce/WooCommerce store involves offering your customers a smooth and transparent shopping and checkout experience. One important aspect of this process is shipping. Shipping costs play a crucial role in customers’ buying decisions. Complex or high shipping costs lead to cart abandonment, a nightmare for any store owner. While real-time shipping calculations or table […]

How to Setup WooCommerce Shipping Cost Based on Cart Total (Easy Step)

Shipping costs can make or break a sale when it comes to shopping online. They are responsible for 48% of cart abandonments, which is worth a whopping 1.92 trillion dollars. Offering free shipping can entice your customers and remove their fear about extra costs. However, it can also eat your profits. This is where tiered […]

How to Setup WooCommerce Shipping Discount (Easy Steps)

Do you know what the leading reason is for people to abandon their carts after adding your products? High shipping cost and tax (48%). Do you know how much that 48% is worth a year? According to our research, that’s worth a staggering 1.92 trillion USD! In our research, we have also found that by […]

WooCommerce Discounts Ultimate Guide (2024)

There’s nothing more enticing to consumers than coupons and discounts, be it online or offline. They instantly grab customers’ attention and lure them into buying more than they planned. While discounts might initially seem like a loss for eCommerce/WooCommerce stores, they actually yield a 73% increase in sales for online stores. Therefore, it’s a win-win […]

How to Offer WooCommerce Free Gift (Easy Setup)

Study says the word “FREE” motivates people to buy differently. You know yourself, it’s true, right? Who doesn’t love free stuff? How about offering free products as gifts in your WooCommerce stores? It might sound like a money drain, but in reality, it can supercharge your sales and boost your revenue. 90% of customers who […]

How to Setup WooCommerce Customer Specific Discounts (Easy Steps)

Loyal returning customers are the backbone of any online store and the reason behind its growth and success. That’s why 90% of the companies now have a customer loyalty program where they reward their regular returning customers. Over 70% of shoppers worldwide are loyal to at least one brand and spend 57% more than new […]