product reviews

How can you use product reviews to boost sales?

Customer reviews can be a real asset to online sales. Around 71% read the reviews online on various sites before buying products online. In addition, 63% of people purchase products based on reviews online. A study by Search Engine Land showed 72% of customers trust the reviews online as much as personal recommendations.

Reviews are quickly becoming a part of the buying process. Below are some of the ways of using product reviews to boost sales.

Use a reputed platform

By using reputable platforms like Yelp, TripAdvisor and others, the authenticity of your business increases. The business can collect reviews and at the same time enjoy good exposure. If the purchase funnel is optimized, more sales can be generated. Products with positive reviews and ratings can sell up to 200% more. Having a page on a reputable platform builds customer confidence as compared to not having one.

Highlight business reviews

One good review can boost your sales to almost 10% and around 100 reviews can increase your conversion rate by 37%. Hence, one should not hesitate to put reviews in the fore-front. Apart from the official website, having a review page on social media sites like Facebook also helps a lot. There are almost 321 million people from the UK alone on Facebook. Hence, make the most of your account and grow your online community.

Add customer reviews on Google

Having a star rating on Google has a massive advantage. A business can display the star-ratings using SEO-rich snippets. Google AdWords also helps a lot in such a scenario as it integrates the reviews in the campaigns. Apart from good reviews, businesses should understand and learn to tackle negative reviews as well. Be quick in your response to the customer and offer solutions to them.

Accept your mistakes

If there is a genuine fault from your side, accept it. There is nothing hidden and the customers are smart these days. It would not be wise to fool the people you wish to serve. Hence, if a customer is making a complaint be ready to face the fire and accept your mistakes. This will only put you in a better position. It might also calm the customer down and change his mind about your products.

Too many bad reviews are not good for business

In one way, bad reviews are good but not all. There should be a balance between the two. Apart from that, businesses should understand how to tackle reviews. If all the reviews have something negative about your product, maybe it is time to think things over.

Email customers post-purchase

Sending an email after purchase can really be a good idea, but the timing should be right. Give enough time to the customer to receive and use the product. But the email should be sent when the product is still fresh in the customer’s mind. You could also use a plugin like the WooCommerce Review Collector Pro, which sends an automated mail to your customer after they have purchased your product. The Customer can then send his feedback and ratings on the same email, by clicking a button. The review automatically gets attached against the product the customer has bought on the eCommerce site.

This not only gives an element of authenticity to your business, but it also establishes trust in the minds of your customers.

Key Takeaway

Reviews are now a proven way to impact conversion on your website. Hence, channeling your time and resources towards them is a great investment for any e-commerce business. While budgeting and planning are important, you can and will see the ROI based on your efforts.

Related Resources: Boost your WooCommerce Sales with CTX Feed Pro

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