Local SEO Tips

Local SEO Tips: Take Advantage of Customer Reviews

Reviews are a massive part of the web now and really essential for online retailers. Apart from big brands, reviews are important for local business as well. So why do reviews work? Today, the power of word of mouth has become unparalleled. People want reassurance and confirmation that what they choose online, is actually good. Hence, people want to read reviews of places they visit or products they want to purchase before they actually buy them.

Writing reviews everywhere is easy, but Google Reviews is the most important source and a Google My Business listing is now absolutely essential for local search. The setup is free and one of the best things you can do to improve local SEO. According to statistics, consumers are 38% more likely to visit and 29% more likely to buy from businesses having a Google My Business page.

SEO Tips for Customer Reviews

Don’t fake reviews

One should not fake reviews. Even if you ask your family and friends around to leave nice reviews, eventually you might face low traffic. Concentrate on getting organic reviews from real customers by providing them good customer experience. Most customers will only feel satisfied to leave a review only if they have a great or a terrible experience. And it is easier than it sounds. With plugins like the WooCommerce Review Collector Pro, a customer can review the product he/ she has purchased without visiting the website.

Ask customers when they are using your service

Do not feel shy. Ask customers about how they felt about your products. Worried about when to ask? The best time to ask is when they are paying the bill. In addition, many stores offer an incentive for leaving a rating or review of their product. But, it is not a good idea as Google guidelines say otherwise.

Reply to negative reviews

Not all negative reviews should be replied to. But make sure to know when to reply and help the customer in need. However, if you respond to criticism in a reasonable way, it leaves a positive impression in the minds of the customer. It also tells potential customers that you care about their experience.

Set up reviews landing page

Setting up a landing page makes it easy for customers to leave reviews. The URL of the page can be used in flyers and emails to build the credibility of your business. This way, customers will also learn more about your product and business.

Helps in Map results

By gaining popularity on Google My Business, one can rank in map results as well. So, how to improve SEO tips? Increase CTR which improves overall rankings. Another way to increase ranking is via paid ads to stand out in Google Maps.

Ask for reviews in multiple places

Show off customer’s reviews in different places. You never know, which review and site might help to gain more customers. It also helps to build customer trust and encourage past customers to write reviews on multiple pages.

Increase Social Media traffic

With great reviews on social media, customers gain trust in your brand and buy your products. Including a picture of the customers can really give your customer reviews an edge over your competitors. If there are no customer reviews available on social media, sync your website’s page or be creative in showcasing your reviews.

Related Resources: How can you use product reviews to boost sales?

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