Social Commerce

How Reviews Increase Social Commerce

Global marketing trends have transformed with the boom of social media sites and social media apps. The increasing usage of Facebook has changed global trends of how people communicate with each other. Yahoo! Introduced the term “social commerce” but people did not realize the importance of it.

Social commerce is something we follow every day without realizing it. Reaching customers on a global level has become easy which gave rise to social commerce. In addition, with the emergence of mobile devices, merchants can reach their customers globally with much ease.

When someone visits your e-commerce site and shares the link with their friends, a chain is formed. This way, many people visit your website and a social circle is formed. This chain grows relentlessly – which in turn increases the traffic on the website.

Similarly, products shared on social media are available for ratings and comments. People who own products or use the products write comments on product pages and social media. The valuable feedback like “likes” on Facebook encourages more users to visit the page, ultimately heading towards a sale.

Apart from likes and comments, maintaining blogs to advertise products can also help to increase social commerce. In order to create a personal touch, people share their experiences and recommendations about the product. Such detailed articles about the product garner a lot of attention and increase credibility.

Use of Reviews in Social Commerce

Social Commerce helps to connect with clients. Hence, you can really get to know the needs and emotional drivers which motivate you to do business. In addition, one can find a link between social sharing and sales in business. Around 77% of the businesses of B2C companies and 43% of B2B companies acquired business via Facebook. People recommend 60% of brands from Facebook and 51% are more likely to buy. Similarly, 79% of Twitter followers recommend those brands they follow and 67% of Twitter followers are more likely to buy the brands.

Social commerce can either make or break your business. Hence, one needs to master the art of science using social commerce to bring more sales.

Expert Reviews

When people with authority write a review, it provides more credibility. If you get more expert recommendations, the target audience is more likely to purchase from you. People make a judgment who is knowledgeable and well known. Apart from an authority, famous bloggers who recommend products also help to increase sales.

Celebrity Liking

If your celebrity is using a product, the fans are more likely to purchase from you. For example, Victoria’s Secret makes use of likings by making celebrities use their product. In order to bring in sales, ask a friend to vote for the products you are offering. This will boost your traffic and possibly sales.


Those buyers are more likely to buy from you who feel you have helped them earlier. Murugappa group in India is the perfect example of this. Since people are reciprocal, they happen to respond that way.

The Final Word

Social Media is a fluid platform. Nothing is constant and what’s even more interesting about this ever-changing marketing platform is the fact that it will never let you become complaisant. Customer reviews increase eCommerce sales; but how much of this impact is tangible, is yet to be seen. Your responsibility as a business owner will be to make sure that you provide the customer with what they need and be consistent with that.

Related Resources: Local SEO Tips – Take Advantage of Customer Reviews

2 thoughts
  1. Very nice article to understand the importance of social media marketing and its advantages
    for small business like me I will definitely plan social media marketing strategy for my
    cleaning business and will update regularly.
    Thank you once again.

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