How to track product performance on Google AdWords

How to track product performance on Google AdWords?

Google shopping is always supportive of its clients in every available way. It is possible to track your product performance by configuring Google Merchant Center.

Every merchant of e-commerce is likely to follow their product-related issues for predicting the sales and get more visitors. E-commerce business is dependable on your accuracy and active service, which catches visitors’ trust by purchasing from your shop. However, it is doubtful whether you will create some curiosity about what you are offering to them?

Yes, it is possible to predict why visitors retreated from your ad campaign along with why they are interested in spending more time on your shopping site. Remember that, when you can able to judge and achieve visitor’s ideology, it is your advantage to moderate your plan and reorganize your campaign package with the prospective result.

Here we will illustrate how you could track product performance in a mode that will assess your implemented e-commerce strategy.

Track your product performance

E-commerce merchants can able to track your traffic from Google shopping by adding tracking information to your URLs. You can follow an easy way for executing tracking by including the parameter source=googleps at the end of your URLs. Additionally, another option you can track traffic within Google Merchant Center by viewing the performance graph on your Dashboard.

Please analyze the features in your AdWord Account those are available.

How to Monitor and optimize your Shopping campaigns in AdWords?

When you establish a campaign for your products in the AdWords account, you need to examine how it is enacting to make sure you get the results why you have given this campaign package.

You can monitor and optimize your shopping campaign in a few key places in AdWords. We are upholding this process below:

Use the Product groups tab

It is the first place you can check your product groups how are they performing. You can download information with the parted option and modify the columns by watching attributes.

You will find those types of information:

  • maximum cost-per-click (max. CPC)
  • impressions
  • click through rate (CTR)
  • conversion metrics
  • benchmark click-through rate (CTR)
  • benchmark maximum cost-per-click (max. CPC)
  • impression share
  • click share
  • tracking templates
  • custom parameters
  • products submitted
  • products approved
  • products active
  • products ready to serve

You can also download a report and add parts to the report to view your performance by day of the week, click-type or device.

Mention that you can segment feeling share, benchmark CTR, or benchmark CPC by device or click type.

Here we are describing how you could download this report from the Product Groups tab:

  1. Go to your AdWords account.
  2. Then Click the Campaigns tab.
  3. From the side navigation, Pick a Shopping campaign
  4. Select an ad group in the campaign.
  5. Choose the product collections tab.
  6. Confirm the table that is representing each of the columns you may desire to edit. Now select the download button.
  7. If You want to separate your data by device, every day in a week, or select class, click + Add segment, then choose the drop-down menu and choose the option you want.
  8. Additionally, you will not be able to segment your idea share benchmark CTR or benchmark CPC data by device or click type. You will not be able to mark this segmental report “Editable.”
  9. If you download an editable report, you will be capable of exercising it to make mass conversions to product collections, tracking templates, bids, and custom-made parameters.

Learn more about downloadable reports and bulk uploads.

Keep in mind:

  • You cannot be able to download an editable report using segments.
  • Be assured to save your spreadsheet in one of Google Merchant-supported formats (.xlsx, .tsv, or .csv).

10. Finally, Click Download.

Learn more about these columns and what they mean.


Use the “Products” tab(Shopping only)

You are facilitated to recognize the performance of individual products in your campaign by the Products Tab. We are narrating the customizable columns below that you can follow:

  • item id
  • title
  • country of sale
  • channel
  • channel exclusivity
  • merchant id
  • brand
  • price
  • condition
  • language
  • product type
  • category
  • custom label
  • product status
  • impressions
  • clicks
  • average cost-per-click
  • effective maximum cost-per-click (effective max. CPC)
  • conversion metrics

Learn more about these columns and what they mean.

Use the “Dimensions” tab

The Dimensions tab supplies custom-made performance reporting at any level of granularity by any measurement you prefer, counting:

  • category
  • product type
  • item ID
  • brand
  • Merchant Center ID
  • Store ID
  • Channel
  • Channel exclusivity
  • benchmark click-through rate (CTR)
  • benchmark maximum cost-per-click (max. CPC)
  • impression share

The Dimensions Tab can help you to exhibit performance data. How does it work stated below:

  1. Elect the Shopping campaign or ad group
  2. Take the Dimensions tab.
  3. Select View from the drop-down menu, Choose Shopping and then select the attributes to sort your performance information: category, product type, item ID, brand, Merchant Center ID, or store ID.

There is an option to customize the information you want to see on the “Dimensions Tab.” We are discussing below:

  1. In the “Dimensions” tab, select Columns and click Modify columns from the drop-down menu.
  2. To add columns to the tab, choose the type of metrics (“Product attributes,” Performance,” “Conversions,” “Competitive”) under “Select metrics.”
  3. Choose “Add” to select the columns you want to sight.
  4. Select Remove to eliminate a column from the product groups tab.
  5. Select Apply when you have ended arranging your columns.

Do you want to download no-editable performance reports from the Dimensions tab, it is possible. If you would like to see your data split into rows based on the options that matter to you most, use segments. For example, weekdays, click type or device.

Note that:

You cannot segment impression share, benchmark CTR or benchmark CPC by device or click type.

In the below we are discussing how to download a non-editable report from the Dimensions tab:

  1. Confirm that the table is showing all of the data that you want to watch and it is here in the Dimension tab. Then, select the download button, icon.
  2. For the segment, your data by device, in a day precisely out of the week or click type, click + Add segment, then select the drop-down menu and pick the option that you desire.  Note that: You would not be authorized to segment your impression share, benchmark Click Through Rate (CTR), or benchmark Cost Per Click (CPC) data by device or click type.
  3. Select Download.


If you want to compare traffic from the Google Search Network and Google Search Partners, you separate your performance data at the campaign or ad group level.

Go to the Campaigns or Ad groups tab, click the Segment drop-down menu, and select Network (with search partners).

Use the Auction insights report

You can compare your achievement with other advertisers who are participating in the same auctions that you are and the Auction insights report approves it.

That raises your confidence to take strategic decisions about bidding and budgeting. Auction insights report also helps you that where you are succeeding as well as where you are missing opportunities for better execution. This information is available from October 2014 to present.

Learn more about Auction insights for Shopping campaigns.

Use the bid simulator

Do you want to know the outcome of changing your bids when it is increasing or decreasing?

There is a way, and it is the bid simulator, it can help bring clarity to how different product group bids may affect your traffic and conversions by estimating what your advertising results may have been over the previous seven days if you could set several bids.

Learn more about using the bid simulator with Shopping campaigns.

Keep in mind:

Shopping ads are created based on the product data you have embedded in your Shopping Center Account. When you determine product categories or type within your campaigns, your ad review is firmly connected with the info you have provided in the shopping center. Your responsibility is to update your product information time and again so that Merchant Center can verify the latest data and receive those data efficiently.

How to Associate External Traffic Tracking?

To set up external traffic tracking separately from reporting in Google Merchant Center and Google AdWords you need to configure items below:

  • When you do not already apply parameters:

If you do not employ parameter, then your product URL looks like:

Your altered URL will be confirmed like this:

  • When your URLs already have parameters: 

Your URL will look like this:

See carefully; your URL is included with a question mark.

Now, your changed URL will look like this:

Don’t worry; it will be configured automatically on your web server without any particular changes. Just once, you have added “source=googleps” to the URLs, you will be accessible to appear for “source=googleps in your web server logs. When this process is configured correctly, this string will appear each time a visitor clicks through to one of your items.

Mark that:

After finalizing your tracking URLs, we recommend you to test them in a web browser before inserting them in your data feed to verify every link correctly to the specified pages.

Finally, we can say a merchant can able to monitor every single product that is launched in the product campaign in the Google shopping channel by following this process. It could be your trump card for advancing in the E-commerce business because you could be observed your motion and strategy what have you implemented in the current situation. Also, this tracking will help you to understand the competitor’s competitive advantages and your lackings.


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