shopping - For Extraordinarily Efficient Marketing of your Products – For Extraordinarily Efficient Marketing of your Products was arguably the first comparison shopping website to ever grace the internet and today still remains a popular choice for comparing prices of products from different brands and online retailers. is now a part of eBay, which is great news for a number of reasons, the least of which is access to a very robust and comprehensive database of buyer information as well as pricing information for a large variety of products.

Unlike many other comparison shopping websites, not only tracks prices across different online retailers but also catalogs the most popular products from the most popular brands as well. This allows you to buy directly from the brand itself and relieve yourself of any worries you might have about buying from an unknown seller. That being said, though, the price aggregator function of is actually pretty great for finding out deals and low prices for the same product. Many e-commerce websites run price cuts and discounts on an occasional basis and it is difficult for an average buyer to continuously keep checking in to see if the price has dropped. makes the whole exercise automated as you can compare all major retailers as well as not so major ones at one place so that when you are ready to pull the trigger, you get the best deal possible and do not need to postpone your purchase any longer.

If you are an e-commerce retailer, is beneficial to you as well. The site is one of the most well-established names in the e-commerce business and attracts more than 100 million unique users regularly. Therefore, is also an extraordinarily efficient marketing and outreach tool. The traffic attracted by cannot possibly be matched by any newly established e-commerce venture. Therefore, one way to get traffic to your own site is to get your products featured on itself. Price your items competitively and you get the advantage of people visiting to buy something and then finding their way onto your website. This form of marketing is far more efficient and effective than online advertising because in this case, you know that the user is already interested in buying your product; this frees you from needing to worry about target demographics or other complicated metrics to make sure that your message is heard.

There are a few ways to get about featuring your portfolio on a price aggregator like but if you are running your venture using WooCommerce hosted on a WordPress powered website, you are in luck. There are a number of excellent plugins and extensions, such as Product Feed for WooCommerce, that can automatically upload your entire product inventory to so that people can see your listing for an item when they search for that item on Even quantities are automatically updated so that you are not overbooked and sell only as much as your stock permits.

Using these simple and easy-to-use tools, it is quite easy to turn your fledgling e-commerce business into a roaring success. Best of luck.

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