Best strategies of highly successful Google Shopping Campaigns

Best Strategies of Highly Successful Google Shopping Campaigns

Google Shopping is a blessing for eCommerce store owners. In addition, online store owners from all around the world utilize this platform to promote their products. As a result, Google can reach millions of potential customers with those products.

Running shopping campaigns on Google Merchant Center can produce excellent results if you follow the best practices. Therefore, we are going to share the best strategies for highly successful Google Shopping campaigns. Following the best strategies, you should notice a significant boost in your Google Shopping campaigns performances.

Google Merchant Center

Google Merchant Center is one of the best platforms for eCommerce store owners to promote their products. However, you will need to have a Google Merchant Center account before proceeding with the next steps. This is how easy it is to create an account on Google Merchant Center and get started. 

You need to upload your product data feed to Google Merchant Center to run the campaigns on Google Shopping. The product data feed is the list of all products that you want to promote. This is not an ordinary list because you need to follow Google’s particular format and requirements.

The product feed describes your products to Google Merchant Center, and Google displays this information to the potential customers. There are several key attributes of the product data feed. Important key attributes of a product data feed are listed below:

  • ID
  • Title
  • Description
  • Product category
  • Product type
  • Link to shop
  • Availability status
  • Price
  • Sale price

Once you upload the data feed to Google, it will automatically generate shopping ads from the data feed.

Shopping Ads on Google

For setting up the shopping campaign on Google, first and foremost, you will need a valid product data feed. Your product feed must have a way to update or refresh product data automatically. Product information, stock quantity, and price change must reflect in your data feed on Google too.

Sharing the latest product information on Google is essential. Because if Google finds any anomaly between the data in your product feed and on your site, it will flag your product feed. Errors or your data feed are also known as flags. 

We have discussed the flags with a possible fix in this post. However, in the worst-case like the information mismatch, Google will not display your products.

Generating and managing the product feed is essential. There are various tools and methods applicable for different eCommerce platforms. You will find both manual and automatic feed generation methods for WooCommerce too.

Manual feed generation will be a very tedious task for you if you have lots of products. Additionally, you also need to know the special requirement set by Google. You may get overwhelmed with the process so getting a tool is the best option for you.

CTX Feed – Product Feed Generator and Manager for WooCommerce

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With CTX Feed, you can create and manage your product feed for Google with perfect accuracy and professionalism. CTX Feed is one of the best product feed management plugins for WooCommerce store owners. We have many resources to give you the best start for various product marketing channels, including Google Shopping. 

Here is how CTX Feed simplifies your product feed generation and management for Google Merchant Center.

Before you jump in to create a product feed file for Google Shopping, there are few essential things that you need to know.

  • First of all, there is no keyword to determine relevance in shopping campaigns. Google automatically servers the products from your data feed. Therefore, make sure that your product title and the description include the keywords that you are targeting.
  • Secondly, the price on your site and the data feed have to be the same. You will get an error if the prices do not match. In addition, Google will not display your product in the ads if the prices are not the same.
  • You may target multiple countries with your product feeds. In that case, you will need a separate feed file for each country.
  • The product images are vital to get the desired output from your shopping campaigns. Make sure your products have a clear image that is taken from a professional angle.
  • Finally, the destination URL shared with your products must lead to a helpful page. Please lead your customers directly to the product page. So there is no confusion among the customers.

How to Create the Shopping Campaigns

Once you have the product feed file ready, you need to connect your Google AdWords account to your Merchant Center. Then you are ready to create your shopping campaigns. Again, it is effortless and straightforward to create a shopping campaign. 

From Google Merchant Center, you need to select the product feed and the target country to sell your products.

When you have the campaign set, you can further create ad groups. Creating ad groups will better organize your campaign. Usually, companies with a small list of products stick with a single ad group. On the contrary, companies with many products may find it beneficial to create multiple ad groups based on brand or category.

Business owners selling products on their online shop need to be on their toes to gain and retain customers. Google shopping, Facebook catalog, Instagram, and Pinterest catalogs are proven to be very helpful to help increase online store sales. 

Most importantly, Google Shopping has become fundamental for online store owners to reach success. With some advanced optimization techniques, you can achieve even more from Google Shopping Campaigns.

Top Tips for Google Shopping Campaigns

Here are some of the best strategies of highly successful Google Shopping Campaigns:

First and foremost, segmentation is a good technique on Google Shopping. It appears that branded and non-branded searches perform differently. So, to ensure the best output, it is better to create two different campaigns. 

Then add the branded term as a negative keyword in one of those segments. Thus you can divert all of the branded searches to the other segment.

Secondly, you need to test your bids extensively. Bids in Google Shopping are not like the bids on the Google search network. If you want to generate more results from Google Shopping, please make sure to test your bids extensively.

On top of that, you must offer a competitive price to ensure successful Google Shopping campaigns. If you have a very high price compared to your competitors, you cannot desire to have more clicks for your Shopping campaigns. Cheap price products have a better potential to generate higher conversion.

Moreover, you should add the keyword with your product title and product description. We have already shared in this post that Google Shopping ads do not work like normal ads. There is no place to add your keywords like the regular search ads, so you should add the keyword on your title and description. This will produce a better result for your campaign.

Segmenting by product ID is also an excellent way to increase the performance of your Google Shopping Ads. If you segment your products with individual product IDs, you can also set different bids for them. Thus, it increases your chance to make a better output from your campaign.

There is also a technique to make segments based on the hour of the day. Google allows making segments for every hour of the day and each day of the week. If you can change the bids every hour with the help of a bidding script, your chance for a better performance increases significantly. 

It will allow you to increase your bids in high-performance times and decrease them when the performance time is poor.

Finally, introduce the RLSA to your shopping campaigns. It is more likely that people who have visited your site and showed interest in your product will most likely make a purchase. So if you use the retargeting technique and increase your bids for RLSA, then Google Shopping will show your ads frequently to those people.

Final Words

Now you should have a clear idea of the best strategies that you can take to make successful shopping campaigns on Google. There is no limit, and you can secure significant revenue following the above strategies. It is not likely that you will have to apply them all. You can make a combination that best fits your campaign requirements. 

Once you gain enough experience, you will know how to mix and match and come up with the best campaign strategies for yourself.

CTX Feed does not only simplify your WooCommerce feed generation process but also takes care of the optimization. To ensure the best output, you must have a properly formatted WooCommerce feed. Regular updates of the feed file to reflect all the recent changes are also important. 

CTX Feed also simplifies the regular updates of your feed files too. There is an opportunity to achieve even more with the premium version, called the CTX Feed PRO.

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