Using a commercial invoice template simplifies the international shipment process

How to Create an International Commercial Invoice Template for WooCommerce

Want to know something interesting?

The global ecommerce market size is expected to reach $47.73 Trillion by 2030. Yes, we are talking in TRILLIONS!

Now, if you are running a WooCommerce store, capturing a part of this international market can be a big win for you. 

However, as you expand your business internationally, one key element can make or break your global transactions: the WooCommerce commercial invoice.

A commercial invoice is more than just paperworkโ€”itโ€™s crucial for getting your products through customs smoothly. Without it, your shipments could face delays or even get stuck at the border.

So, in this guide, weโ€™ll show you how to easily create an international commercial invoice template, especially for WooCommerce. Letโ€™s dive in!

What is a Commercial Invoice Template? 

A commercial invoice is a particular export document that helps a shipper get his package through customs. It is widely used in international shipments. 

An accurate and adequately completed commercial invoice template for export helps customs authorities quickly determine which taxes and import duties are applied to the package. This prevents delays in shipment. 

Now then, what is a WooCommerce Commercial Invoice? 

A WooCommerce commercial invoice is a document used for international shipments from your WooCommerce store. 

It typically includes the same information as a standard commercial invoice, such as product descriptions, quantities, values, and shipper and consignee details. 

However, it’s created and managed within the WooCommerce platform. It acts as proof of sale and helps assess the value of goods for customs duties. 

Types of International Commercial Invoice Templates 

  • Canadian โ€“ For sending a package to and from Canada into another country.
  • FedEx โ€“ This form is for freighting a product internationally when submitting a package to FedEx.
  • DHL โ€“ Used at select DHL locations when sending a package to another country.
  • UPS โ€“ Used to send a package internationally through UPS.
  • USPS โ€“ To send a package internationally with the United States Postal Service.

How to make a Basic Commercial invoice: Beginner-Friendly Guideย 

Before learning how to create aWooCommerce commercial invoice using a plugin, letโ€™s learn how to make a basic commercial invoice for international shipping. 

Now, it is really easy if you know the right method. Hereโ€™s how you can make one in the easiest and quickest way possible. 

1. Download a Commercial Invoice Form

The simplest way to build an invoice is to select and download from a range of customizable invoice templates available online. We would prefer that you download it from a credible site.ย 

When you use a pre-designed template it ensures that you include all the necessary fields. Also, it can help you save time.

2. Fill in Seller Details

Start by entering your businessโ€™s details. It may include the official name, physical address, phone number, and email address. 

These details are important because they help to identify the seller and establish clear communication channels with the buyer and customs authorities.ย 

Bonus Tip: Always ensure that this information is accurate and up-to-date to avoid any issues.

3. Fill in Customer Details

Next, add the customerโ€™s details like –

  • including the name of the person or company purchasing your products,ย 
  • their contact information,ย 
  • and the shipping address if it is different from the billing address.ย 

This information helps ensure that the invoice is properly linked to the buyer and that the goods reach the correct destination.

4. Assign an Invoice Number

A unique invoice number is essential for tracking and record-keeping purposes. So, assign a sequential number to the invoice, starting with something simple like Invoice #001.

5. Include a Customer Reference Number

You might also want to include a customer reference number on your invoice. Your customers can use this number as a reference to contact you with questions, or concerns or to return any items they purchase from you.

6. Include the Terms of Sale

Clearly detail the terms of sale on the invoice, including any obligations, risks, and costs associated with the transaction. 

In this part of the shipping invoice template, you can also outline who is responsible for –

  • shipping costs,ย 
  • insurance,ย 
  • and other related expenses.ย 

7. Terms of Payment

The terms of payment section should specify the payment conditions you and the customer agreed upon. This includes the total purchase price, the payment due date, and any applicable discounts or penalties for late payment. 

This information is crucial for ensuring that both parties understand the financial obligations and payment timeline.

8. Currency

Your invoice must include the currency you and the buyer have agreed upon for payment. Basically, the currency of settlement will be the currency of the source country.ย 

However, always keep in mind that you may need to switch currency based on the clientโ€™s country.

9. Include Shipment Method

Indicate the method of shipment on the invoice, specifying whether the goods will be shipped by air, sea, or land. 

Providing this information helps the buyer and customs authorities understand the transportation mode. Also, it can help you understand delivery time and shipping costs.

 Also, if itโ€™s applicable, include details like the carrier’s name and tracking number.

10. The Quantity

Accurate quantity and price information is crucial for customs clearance. 

So try to provide a clear and detailed account of the quantity of each product being sold and shipped. This includes the number of units for each item and any other relevant measurements. 

 Accurate quantity information is crucial mainly for two reasons- 

  • customs clearance
  • ensuring that the buyer receives the correct amount of goods

Alongside this, include the price of each item and the total value of the shipment. It will provide a clear understanding of the costs involved. 

11. Item Description

Provides a complete description of all items to be shipped in the commercial invoice format. This can include the following things –

  • the type of packaging theyโ€™re in,
  • the gross weight of each package,ย 
  • the quantity of each product,ย 
  • and the unit of measurement.

12. Air waybill (AWB)

AWB is a document that accompanies the goods shipped by an international air courier. It provides detailed information about the shipment and allows it to be easily tracked. The bill usually has multiple copies so that every party involved in the shipment can have it.

13. Declaration Form and Signature

At the end of your international invoice template, include a declaration stating that the information provided is accurate and truthful. The seller must sign this form to validate the invoice. 

Commercial Invoice Example: 

Commercial Invoice Demo

Source: Mooninvoice

14 Necessary Elements to Create a WooCommerce Commercial Invoice 

When creating a commercial invoice for WooCommerce, there are some essential elements that needs to be included. 

These elements ensure that the commercial invoice form is complete, accurate, and compliant with international shipping regulations. In fact, Without them, your commercial invoice wonโ€™t meet the necessary standards.ย 

So, What information should be included on a WooCommerce commercial invoice?

Have a look. 

  1. Sellerโ€™s Information
  2. Buyerโ€™s Information
  3. Invoice Number
  4. Invoice Date
  5. Terms of Saleย 
  6. Customer Reference Number
  7. Product Description
  8. Quantityย 
  9. Total Value
  10. Currency
  11. Country of Origin
  12. Terms of Saleย 
  13. ย Shipment Method
  14. Signature

Existing Content Relevance: 

12 Essential Elements of an Invoice for All Types of Businessย 

Create the best WooCommerce Commercial Invoice Template

The standard WooCommerce system doesn’t include tools for creating commercial invoices in it. So, you might ask, how do I generate a PDF commercial invoice for WooCommerce orders?

Well, you have to use a plugin that will generate WooCommerce Commercial invoice templates for you. But then again, out of all the WooCommerce plugins which plugin should you use? 

In this guide, we will be using the Challan Pro plugin.ย 


Why Should You Use Challan Invoice Generator Plugin?

  • Freemium Plugin
  • Generate template for commercial invoices in just a couple of minutes
  • Attach packing slips along with invoices and print shipping labels
  • Set background images in invoice and packing list templates.
  • Include Signature in invoices
  • Include product SKUs, descriptions, and images in the order table.
  • Add custom meta fields to invoices and packing lists.
  • Download and bulk print invoices and packing lists.
  • Customize packing slips and invoices with CSS.
  • Support for WPML in documents.

Installing and Activating Challan Plugin

Now, in order to make a commercial invoice WooCommerce through this plugin, you have to install and activate it.ย 

So from your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins>>Add New Plugin, and then search for โ€œChallanโ€. Once you find it, install and activate the plugin. 

Installing and Activating Challan Plugin

Hereโ€™s the best part! As soon as you install & activate Challan, it will start generating invoices. So, you will immediately be able to print invoices for all your previous orders. But how, you ask?

Simply go to any order page, and youโ€™ll find the dedicated Challan invoice panel on the right. From there, you can easily download or print invoices for that specific order. Sounds great, right? Well, it really is. 

Challan Invoice Panel

It will be generating basic invoices which will look like this: 

Basic Invoice Look

Generating WooCommerce Commercial Invoices Template with Challan Plugin

Now letโ€™s make commercial invoices for the orders. From the right-hand side of your WordPress Dashboard go to the Challan menu and click on โ€œSettingsโ€.ย 

Challan Settings

You will find multiple tabs of the Challan plugin. Letโ€™s get in the first tab and have a look.ย 

Settings Section

Challan Settings Section

The first option will enable the invoice creation process. After that, you can set up the language and font of your commercial invoices. 

Then, there are two options – 

Allow My Account To โ€“ In this section, you can choose when your customers can download invoices and credit notes directly from their My Account page.

Invoice Attach to Email โ€“ This option lets you specify which emails should have invoices attached.

Scroll down below and you will find the option to enable the Bar code and QR code for your PDF invoices. However, you might not need to use Bar codes and QR codes for commercial invoices. 

Bar Code and QR Code Settings

Down below you will get the โ€œpagination settingsโ€ where you can select your invoiceโ€™s page number. 

If you want to add page numbers to your packing slips or credit note templates, you have that option as well. 

Furthermore, you get to choose the page number style too. There are numerous options available. As you can I have chosen to go for โ€œโ€1,2,3โ€ style.

Choosing Number for Commercial Invoice

Now letโ€™s get into the next tab which is โ€œinvoiceโ€.ย 

Invoice Section

Challan Invoice Section
Can I customize the look of my WooCommerce commercial invoice?ย 

Yes, under this tab, a proper WooCommerce invoice customization can be done. But how, you ask? Give it a look.ย 

Letโ€™s start by talking about one awesome feature. You can change the invoice template look and paper size in just a couple of seconds.

 Just click on the โ€œSelect Templateโ€ option.

Challan Invoice Template

There you will get 6 awesome WooCommerce invoice templates will be waiting for you. 

6 WooCommerce Invoice Templates

Next up, you should click on the โ€œPaper Sizeโ€ feature.

Selecting Paper Size

There, you can change the paper size to A3, A4, A5, or Letter or if you want, you can even select a custom paper size as well. 

Paper Sizes in Invoice
How to Add a Title to a WooCommerce Commercial Invoice?

After that, letโ€™s get into an important part. When you generate a commercial invoice for WooCommerce, it should have a title named โ€œCommercial Invoiceโ€.ย 

Now, manually creating it would take time. But by using this plugin you can show it in just two steps. 

At first, toggle in the โ€œenable invoice titleโ€ option and then put in the title as โ€œCommercial Invoiceโ€.

Invoice Title

Thatโ€™s it, your invoices will be generated with that title. 

Whatโ€™s next? 

Another important part of the WooCommerce commercial invoice template is the adding signature option. Without a signature, it wonโ€™t be a proper invoice.ย 

So, you may ask, how do I add a signature to my WooCommerce Commercial Invoice?

Just scroll down and toggle on the “Enable signature” option, then upload your signature.

Adding Signature in Invoice

Then from the Order Info section, you can decide if you want to display the order number or not. Also, you get to add a prefix and suffix to your order numbers. What else, you say?

Well, itโ€™s possible to display the shipping total with or without tax too. 

Order Info

Letโ€™s move on to one of the most important sections of WooCommerce commercial invoices. Itโ€™s the invoice numbers. 

So, you need to go down below and there you will be able to customize invoice number, date, and currency here. You can decide whether you want to display the options or not just by toggling it on or off.

Invoice Number

How do you change the invoice number format in WooCommerce?

Simply click on the “Numbering Type” option, and you’ll be able to adjust the WooCommerce invoice number format. 

Existing Content Relevance:

How to Generate an Invoice Number in WooCommerce

Then in the โ€œProduct Infoโ€ section, youโ€™ll have the option to edit your product lists. 

Product Info

You can now set how many products to display per page. And it doesnโ€™t end there, you can also display-

  • product images,ย 
  • categories,ย 
  • descriptions,ย 
  • different attributes
  • Short or long descriptions

Worried about the Tax and VAT issues? Well, donโ€™t be. 

As you know WooCommerce does all the tax calculations of your store. You just have to enable or disable the options to show them or not in the commercial invoices. 

Tax & VAT

Existing Content Relevance:

How to Add Tax in WooCommerceย 

6 WooCommerce Tax Plugin to Automate Sales Tax Calculations

Done with this invoice tab? Then click on โ€œsave changesโ€ and move on to the next tab. 

Save Changes

Seller & Buyer

Itโ€™s time to set up the seller & buyer tab. In this tab, you will be able to set up the details about the exporter or importer.ย 

Seller & Buyer Section

Here, you can set up the company logo, name, VAT number, and company details. 

Seller Info

As you can see, we have set up the company name, VAT number, and address in it. We donโ€™t use a logo in our commercial invoices but, if you want you can use one.

What about the buyerโ€™s information? 

Just go down below and you will be able to set up that info too. 

Buyer Info

Done setting it up? Well, donโ€™t forget to click on โ€œsave changesโ€. 

Hereโ€™s how the WooCommerce Commercial Invoice Template generated by Challan looks: 

Commercial Invoice Demo

Why Do You Need WooCommerce Commercial Invoices: 7 Key Importance

WooCommerce Commercial Invoices can bring you numerous benefits. Like what? See for yourself. 

1. Legal Compliance

This is one of the major benefits! WooCommerce commercial invoices help ensure that your business complies with international trade laws and regulations. 

These invoices contain all necessary information, such as product descriptions, quantities, and values, making it easier for customs officials to process shipments. 

2. Clear Transaction Records

Commercial invoices provide a detailed record of each transaction. It is really crucial for both your business and your customers.

These records help in tracking shipments, managing inventory, and verifying deliveries. They even serve as proof of sale which can become handy in the near future. 

3. Facilitates Customs Clearance

Customs clearance can be a complicated process, right? However, a well-prepared commercial invoice simplifies it. The invoice includes all necessary details, such as the origin of goods, shipping method, and tariff classification, which customs officials use to assess the shipment. 

4. Builds Customer Trust

Clear and accurate invoices show that your business is professional and reliable. When customers receive an invoice that matches their purchase, it reassures them that they can trust your business. It can lead to higher customer satisfaction and repeat orders.

5. Simplifies Accounting

Commercial invoices play a critical role in your business’s accounting processes. But how? 

Well, they provide a clear trail of sales and purchases, which simplifies bookkeeping and financial reporting. By using detailed invoices, you can easily track revenue, manage accounts receivable, and prepare for tax filing.

6. Improves Communication

A comprehensive commercial invoice outlines all transaction details, including the items sold, their prices, and the terms of sale. This clarity helps prevent misunderstandings between your business and your international customers. 

7. Enhances Brand Image

Customizable WooCommerce commercial invoices allow you to include your logo, brand colors, and other design elements, which reinforces your brand identity.

A professional and consistent invoice appearance not only looks impressive but also creates a positive impression of your business. 

Existing Content Relevance: 

9 Useful WooCommerce Brand Plugins for Your Store

10 Best Practices for Generating Commercial Invoices for WooCommerce

You have already learned about making a commercial invoice for WooCommerce. Now, try to follow these 10 best tips to make the best WooCommerce commercial Invoice template possible. 

  • Choose a plugin that automates invoice generation and allows for customization.ย 
  • Ensure all product and customer information is accurate to avoid errors.
  • Make sure your invoice has essential details like invoice number, terms of sale, and payment terms.
  • Adjust invoices based on the specific requirements of the destination country.
  • Include your company details properly to maintain a professional appearance.
  • Use sequential numbering to easily track invoices and maintain order.
  • Provide invoices in the language of your customers for easier understanding.
  • Store copies of all invoices for easy access and reference.
  • Ensure your templates stay compliant with changing regulations and business needs.

Frequently Asked Questionsย 

What is the difference between a packing slip and a commercial invoice in WooCommerce?

A packing slip lists the items included in a shipment, mainly for the customerโ€™s reference, without pricing details. A commercial invoice, on the other hand, includes detailed information such as product descriptions, prices, and terms of sale, and is used for customs and tax purposes in international shipping.

How can I automate commercial invoice generation in WooCommerce?

You can automate commercial invoice generation in WooCommerce by using a plugin like Challan. After installing the plugin, set up the commercial invoice according to your needs and then it will automatically create commercial invoices for the next orders.ย 

Can I add custom fields to my WooCommerce commercial invoice?

Yes, you can. By using the Challan plugin you can add custom fields to the WooCommerce commercial invoice. To know more, read our in-depth article on How to Add Custom Fields to WooCommerce PDF Invoices.ย 

What are the legal requirements for commercial invoices?

Here are the major legal requirements for commercial invoices:ย 

1. The Company name
2. Companyโ€™s address and phone number
3. โ€œCommercial Invoiceโ€ to identify the document
4. Seller or Exporterโ€™s name and address
5. Buyer or Importerโ€™s (Sold To Company) name and address
6. Consigneeโ€™s (Ship To Company) name and address
7. Supplierโ€™s invoice number
8. Invoice date
9. Googleโ€™s purchase order number
ย 10. Terms of saleย  Shipment Tracking No.
ย 11. Final Destination (if different from #6)
ย 12. Marks and Numbers
ย 13. Quantity and unit of measure (e.g. cases, boxes, each)
ย 14. Unit cost per item
ย 15. Total quantity shipping

See more on Commercial Invoice Requirements.

Final Thought 

For proper ecommerce order fulfillment, generating an accurate WooCommerce commercial invoice template is a must. Now hopefully, after this guide, you wonโ€™t have any problems in making international commercial invoice templates. 

By using the Challan plugin, you can quickly generate professional templates. Just remember to follow all the necessary requirements and implement the tips provided to ensure your invoices meet all standards.

Thatโ€™s it for today, enjoy your ecommerce journey! 

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