How to Get Real Buyers for WooCommerce Store

How to Get Real Buyers for WooCommerce Store?

What is Woocommerce?

WooCommerce can be called ‘The Heart of E-commerce’ now because more than 30% of online stores have chosen WooCommerce for their web store & according to the official statement, it is downloaded 12,654,635 times till 10th February 2016. Besides, 8% of the top ten thousand & 13% of the top hundred thousand eCommerce platforms use this robust plugin as a trusted one. Woocommerce is smart, secured & contains numerous add-on and supported plugins. Using this plugin, you can empower your store to a new dimension.

The core feature of these plugins is it’s super flexible to both users &  store managers. You need no technical expertise to handle it, and only some drag & drop can build a powerful online shop that is updatable, upgradable, extendable, almost error-free. And these salient features have made it the most popular eCommerce plugin around the world. And the point you must remember that it’s absolutely free to the users.

what is WooCommerce

Why Woocommerce?

So, you must have a WordPress site use WoooCommerce site. But here the questions begin, and you can ask why you’ll use WordPress while there are other CMS specialized for eCommerce like Magento, open cart, etc. And if you are using WordPress, you may also question why eCommerce & why wp-eCommerce or Shopify? WordPress is a simple CMS than others & its developers are now more available and cheaper than other CMS. So, to simplify and save the cost of development & maintenance, you can choose WordPress. So, why only WooCommerce?

Here are some features I described:

  • Super friendly in both configuration & maintenance.
  • Simple interface but highly professional in nature.
  • Integratable to other plugins like visual composer, Yoast SEO, etc.
  • Provide extended analytic reports of sales that are also exportable.
  • Contain opportunities to add your own developed plugin for it, which creates room for growth.
  • Offering a bunch of extensions makes it more than eCommerce.

5 Kick-Ass Tips for Getting Real Buyers for Your Store

tips for getting real buyers online shopping

So, I hope your online shop is now ready with WooCommerce. Now It’s time to face the real challenge & to earn money by getting real buyers from different places. But how can we generate leads that are convertible to the sale? Have you got any idea? Actually, if a web owner is asked about it, he’ll start by showing his visitors from random places. But for an online shop, it isn’t very sensible.

Since a person is expanding from his pocket, it’s tough to convince him or her to make it happened. But that doesn’t mean it has no solutions. According to our research, we’ve found the following tips that can really boost your site’s sales performance.

Building Strong Product Feed

I know what you are thinking now. You are thinking, what is a product feed? So, let me explain. A product feed is actually a list, a list that can be read by any targeted tool. For example, we are uploading our products to our web store those are shown in the front end, is it right? So, only my site’s visitors can browse the products & purchase them. But if I want to show my products to other sites, then what the way is?

The simple answer is to upload the products again for that site. Since the site’s mechanism is different, you’ve to do it manually, or if you want to do it manually or if you want to do it automatically, you’ve to develop & integrate such tools. For 1-2 sites, it may be reasonable. But there are 20-30 sites, then you’ll surely be doomed either you upload them manually or develop tools for each site.

The necessity of a common format rises here. This format is known as feed & the common formats are XML, CSV or text. The product feed is a converted XML, CSV, or txt file from any online shop imported to other sites & then converted to that site’s product carousel.

That means if you have an option of product feeding, your products can be posted into many other sites with only some clicks of import & export. And there is another good news & the news is there are some tools that can make the process totally automated. But we’ve researched some tools & got limitations in every tool.

Keeping this in mind to increase your sales performance, we’ve developed a strong plugin called Woocommerce Product Feed that is configurable for 100+ shopping engines making your products automatically posted to those engines when you post them on your site.

We finally hope we can understand how feed helps us drive more targeted traffic from other sites. Now, let’s go to the next tips.

Give Special Focus on Product SEO

I worked for many webmasters & most of them wanted to do SEO for the site’s home page. For example, one of them was selling handy crafts & he wanted to let his site’s home page reached 1st position for the keywords ‘online shopping in New York’ & handicraft shop in New York’. I know both of them are good keywords. But they are research-type keywords & according to human psychology, these keywords are used for getting information, not for purchasing products.

But if anyone searches for a product in purchasing mode, they will definitely search for specific keywords like hand-made flower baskets, hand-made shoes in New York, etc. So, instead of the home page, if you use the meta scripts into your product, that will directly let your targeted customer landed on the product page will increase the possibilities of selling that product, even if they never visited your site’s home page before & after purchasing the product.

Write Short, But Informative Product Details

Most of us use tons of words to describe a product. But before you do so, keep yourself in place of consumer & think did you have the time to read a big description to know a product. Of course, it’s a loss of time. But it doesn’t mean you’ll write nothing about your product. The thing I am talking about is the research of content. Write 100-200 words but choose powerful words to sharpen the description.

Write information about your product instead of applauding it again & again. I know it’s tough, but not impossible. And once you can do it, it will enhance your reputation & gain your buyers’ trust, which will automatically generate recommendations from your customers.

Drive Targeted Small Traffic Instead of Having Huge Random Traffic

Most of the time, e-commerce web owners forget that their target is to generate huge traffic and convert the traffics to real sales. That’s why they do random SEO & post their links to different sites that can only generate some clicks.

But you should target people who can purchase your products & then start marketing to them; that means the same marketing you need to drive 100 traffic will now be applied to 10 real customers. So, the effect will also increase around 10 times than before.

Expand Your Domains of Product Promotion

If any product is referred to you from a single source again & again, maybe you’ll be convinced to purchase it. But if the same product is referred to you by different many people, you’ll definitely be convinced. So, the main thing is recommendations from different domains. So, for your product, try to get referred from different places.

For this purpose, boost your products by review sites, shopping engines, guest blogging, forum posting, social bookmarking, press releases, content marketing will ensure that your site name is told into many different places that will be ideal 360-degree marketing for your web store.

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