E-commerce metrics

Some Important E-commerce metrics you need to drive growth

Many entrepreneurs like to build a business based on autopilot more or less. E-commerce is fairly complementary to those needs. The potential to grow a business always exists but it takes time and effort to grow the business. Here are some important metrics which are required to grow the business.

The right software for your business  

For many business owners’ software is evaluated as the business continues. But, it is really foundational to the entire operation. Scalability, usability, security concerns and marketing tools should be taken into account when you are looking for the right software. The issue comes in when the owner does not run an e-commerce website correctly.

Your customers

This is the golden rule of business. Find out your customers and where they love to hang out. Many businesses do not take this step seriously. They end up wasting a lot of time and resources on marketing that does not convert. Start promoting your products on social media where the majority of the people reside.

Reviews & Feedbacks

Let your customers do the talking through testimonials. About 79% of consumers trust product reviews as much as a personal recommendation. This adds credibility to the business. Collect and share testimonials on a regular basis to encourage other people to buy. Make it easy to share reviews of the products. Encourage your buyers to write about the product. The customers are the greatest asset to your company. Hence, make good use of them. There are quite a few plugins these days that make this task easy for e-commerce owners. The WooCommerce Review Collector Pro Plugin is one such plugin you ought to use.

The eCommerce Store checkout process

The average shopping cart abandonment rate globally is estimated to be around 68%. If you want to sell products ensure that the visitors are not getting frustrated or leaving the cart behind to find another store. Friction can become your biggest enemy and find ways for customers to checkout fast.

Responsive Website

Optimize your website on mobile. According to Adobe, around 20% of the people preferred to do shopping from their phone, and 44% on their tablets. The mobile trend is here to stay. Having a responsive website is a good start, optimizing for mobile commerce requires a more proactive approach.

Customer Retention

One of the simplest ways to boost customer loyalty and lifetime value is to ensure that you know you’re your customer needs your products; and making it available to them at that time. Sending personalized products will grow in trend. Use a marketing tool to automate the system which will remind you about their special days beforehand.

Content marketing and SEO traffic

After testing a variety of formats, we found that producing highly good visuals and words performs better towards social engagement and search engine traffic. Understand the channels that will drive the maximum audience for you and nurture those.

Above all, to ensure that the business keeps growing, make sure to understand what the customer needs and make changes according to that.

Related Resources: Easy Ways to Boost your eCommerce Sales!

2 thoughts
  1. All the essential and effective key points given here foe eCommerce growth. Everyone should follow these steps for e-commerce growth.

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