more revenue with google shopping data feed

Get More Revenue With Your Optimize Google Shopping Data Feed

Do you want to get more revenue with your Google Shopping and confused about where to start? Your Google Shopping data feed the place for you to start.

Google Shopping has more than 1 billion products available for search, and it’s the highest generating comparison shopping engine for revenue.

Google Shopping has similarities to SEO when it comes to setting up your feed. Specifically for Google, you need to set various feed elements. The vital three main reasons for this is –

  1. To show your Google Shopping ads for the right search queries.
  2. Increase your click-through-rate (CTR) of Google Shopping ads.
  3. To manage and optimize your campaigns easily.

Some of the feed’s main components are:

Great Product Title

The most crucial element of your feed is to create a great product title. The most essential keyword should be included, and put essential information at the beginning of the title.

Optimized Product Description

Google uses your product descriptions to help determine the keywords that will trigger your Google Shopping ad. You are recommended to include highly relevant keywords.

Great Product Image

The image plays a vital role in the success of your ads. Keep in mind that your image shouldn’t be optimized for Google but the buyer. Don’t forget to use an HD image and make sure your product is visible enough.

Google Shopping product category

It’s always crucial to getting this right. The critical way for Google to understand your product is to choose the right category. Google might not trigger your ads for correct search queries if you failed to do it correctly.

The best way to figure the optimum category for your product is to download Google’s taxonomy.

Here are a few more Google Shopping data feed areas you should audit for more revenue –

Google Shopping Data Feed Specifications

Use this specification to format your product information for shopping ads. These specifications cover how Google wants a data feed should look like and what it should contain. If Google’s rules are not followed for your product information, this will not only limit search at the least but will also block all of your products on Google.

Google Shopping Data Feed Rule Changes

To make sure there are not any data feed specification changes, keep tabs on Google’s blog. Before penalizing data feeds that don’t match the new rules, Google usually gives merchants a couple of months to update feeds.

Google Shopping Data Feed Errors

To identify and troubleshoot which items in your data feed are disapproved and flagged, login to your Google Merchant account. The product will not show up on Google if the item is blocked. Your products may get blocked on Google Shopping due to single violations or multiple violations that Google considers vital in your data feed.

Out of Stock Items

Suppress the products that you don’t want to show up in Google. Google chooses products that are targeted on PLAs. The product is going to get traffic, even if you don’t have a particular product. Those products need to be suppressed from your data feed.

Google Ads

Many Google programs utilize Google Shopping data feed, in addition to Google Shopping. To maximize product exposure, consider using dynamic remarketing ads. If you are not listing on AdWords, those are also ads that run based on Google Shopping data feed.

Google Merchant Center and AdWords are two platforms of Google Shopping. Your product feed lives in Google Merchant Center, and it’s an organized format that Google likes. Your actual campaign lives in AdWords, and you set your budget, manage your bids and make performance-based optimization.

If you are looking to get more revenue, then Google Merchant Center is vital for you. You get the opportunity to create better ads for your products to be shown in the Google Shopping section search results.

The benefits of Google Merchant Center:

Accurate Google Shopping list

When buyers search for any product, they will see the offerings in a format which increases the product visibility.

Online product reviews

Star ratings and public reviews are integrated into the product listings. High-rating products can receive a better position.

Direct website funnel

When shoppers click the public listings, they can be taken to the eCommerce store directly where the products are listed.

Different types of Google product data feed serves a different purpose. For Google to accept your products, your shopping feed needs to follow some specific requirements and rules.

WooCommerce CTX Feed plugin generates product feed and updates product information into feed file automatically. It also syncs your product to different shopping engines, including Google Shopping.

Even though the competition is on the rise, Google’s shopping platform is still one of the most effective ways to reach new buyers. For your product and brand, Google shopping is one of the perfect platforms to connect interested shoppers.

There is no better channel than Google Shopping if you are looking for ways to get more revenue.

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