product listing mistake

Preventing Common Product Listings Mistakes

Just a simple mistake could cost your company thousands or hundreds of dollars. Your shopping channel can be kicked off for some errors. On the other hand, it can be a time-consuming process to create a great product listing.

However, it is vital to building a well-crafted product listing for the sake of winning a sale.

Great product listings will always appeal to your potential customers. There are ways to solve most of the issues that you may face. 6 of the most common product listing mistakes are discussed below:

Product titles that include promotions

Sales and coupons are amazing things and can be considered great strategies to convince customers to purchase from you. But there is a right time to use them, and that’s not in the product title.

It may appeal to consumers by telling them about your details immediately. But, as it’s not directly relevant to the product’s description, the item or your entire feed will be rejected. That’s against Amazon’s rules.

If you are using the WooCommerce platform, then you can use the WooCommerce Product Feed plugin. Its excellent filtering options help users to filter products according to product titles.

The ‘Extended Product Title’ feature allows the user to extend the title of a product by adding different attributes to it.

Using bad images

A lousy product photo is one of the most apparent Amazon sins. The first impression of a customer is the image. Even if you have the best product in the world, you may still not see many sales if your photo quality is poor.

Few bad image types like – out of focus, low-resolution files, poorly lit, a cluttered background can affect your product sale.

Another thing you must keep in mind is not to use copyrighted or watermarked images. Otherwise, you could be kicked off from many shopping channels and also face legal issues.

It’s not much difficult to take photos of your products nowadays. The best way to get high-quality images is to hire a professional product photographer or graphics designer.

Listing the wrong product quantity

You could potentially lose out on sales if you list a lower quantity than you have in stock. You could oversell if you list a higher quantity than you have in stock.

But many marketplaces including Amazon and Walmart penalize sellers for overselling. That could be potentially worse, and you may get your account suspended.

You may have listed your products on dozens of shopping channels including Amazon, eBay, Walmart, and your website. It’s challenging to keep track of sales and update your feed. For retailers, this is a common headache.

‘WooCommerce Product Feed’ plugin updates product information according to a given schedule and syncs your product to different shopping engines.

Inaccuracy in prices

Potential buyers can ask you more detailed questions on the Q&A section on your products page than it may appear in your listings.  Some basic areas never need more queries, and the price is one of them.

Just think, what difference a decimal point can make. There is no doubt that the word will spread fast when you write $5.00 instead of $50.00. Your company may have to face a big financial loss.

On the other hand, you are not going to get sales if you post an incorrect price that is too high. It’s like a wastage of money, as you are paying to promote your product. Check your pricing a few times before it goes live.

Following general SEO practices

It’s a good thing if you are thinking about search engine optimization in your product listings. Amazon has become the top place consumers go on the internet to search for products. You might get less traffic and fewer sales if you failed to do Amazon SEO right.

Amazon doesn’t SEO the same as other general search engines. To find success on Google, keyword repetition is crucial. On the other hand, you only have to use a keyword once. It will negatively impact the effectiveness and quality of your sale if you repeat it.

Double-check your product descriptions. In the Search Terms field, don’t bother to repeat a keyword if it is already in the title, brand, manufacturer, and UPC.

Taking too long to respond

If you are ignoring customer support and taking too long to respond to questions, then your shoppers will lose interest, and most likely you will lose a sale.

Many sellers believe that once the product listing is created, the job is done. Most of the poorly rated Amazon products seller have this kind of thinking because they ignore customer support.

Offering excellent customer support is critical to your success to boost your listing to the top sales. You must answer customer queries and also respond to negative reviews to make things right.

These simple mistakes can affect your sales and your brand’s image. Follow the tips carefully to avoid common Product Listing mistakes.

2 thoughts
  1. All the mistakes mentioned above are prevalent for a seller. It is good to have to remember before giving a product promotion.

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