Guide to Use Google Shopping Automation and Optimization for WooCommerce Store

Guide to Use Google Shopping Automation and Optimization for WooCommerce Store

How can automation benefit you in the digital space?

  • Save you time
  • Reduce costs
  • Increase productivity
  • Keep you compliant
  • Increase sales and marketing effectiveness
  • Increase availability
  • Reduce errors
  • Improve your customer experience
  • Increase reliability
  • Optimized performance

Therefore, you should implement automation wherever it is practical in your eCommerce business.

With 1.2 billion monthly searches and generating 85.3% of all ad clicks, Google Shopping is a channel you surely want to use for your WooCommerce product promotion. In general, listing and promoting your WooCommerce products on Google Shopping or running shopping ads on this platform is pretty much automated.

However, you can automate much more than the platform offers with automation tools such as the CTX Feed. And Google Shopping automation and optimization for your WooCommerce store can play a vital role in the success of your marketing campaigns.

In this article, we will discuss Google Shopping campaign optimization automation and also walk you through how you can generate an automated data feed for Google Shopping using a plugin called CTX Feed.

Let’s dive in.


What is Google Shopping automation and optimization?

Google Shopping Automation

Google Shopping automation and optimization refer to using automated tools and strategies to manage and improve the performance of Google Shopping campaigns.

Google Shopping is an advertising platform that allows eCommerce businesses to showcase their products to potential customers. The platform uses a pay-per-click (PPC) model, where advertisers bid on product groups or subgroups. And Google displays the ads when people search for similar items.

To optimize your Google Shopping campaigns, you can use a variety of automated tools and strategies, such as:

Automated bidding

Automated bidding involves using software that automatically adjusts bids based on the performance of specific keywords or products. This can help advertisers maximize their ROI by ensuring that they are bidding the optimal amount for each click.

For example, if a particular keyword is generating a lot of clicks but few conversions, the software may lower the bid for that keyword to reduce costs and improve ROI. On the other hand, if a keyword generates a high conversion rate, the software may increase the bid to capture more traffic and sales.

In terms of Google Shopping automation on bidding, you will get multiple options in your Google Ads account. When creating a Shopping campaign on Google Ads, Google will offer you the following automated bidding options –

  • Performance max campaign
  • Target ROAS
  • Maximize Clicks

We will discuss these options more later in the article.

Automated bidding can also help advertisers save time and reduce manual errors. Instead of constantly monitoring and adjusting bids, they can rely on the platform to make data-driven decisions based on real-time performance data.

Google Shopping feed automation

Google Shopping feed automation for WooCommerce involves using software or tools that automate creating and optimizing the product feed that contains information about the advertiser’s products, such as title, description, price, and image. Here are some ways that Google Shopping feed automation can help advertisers:

  • Product data normalizaiton
  • Data mapping
  • Data optimization
  • Feed updates and monitoring
  • Performance analysis

An automated Google shopping feed can help WooCommerce businesses save time and improve the accuracy and relevance of their product feed. By automating the process of creating and optimizing the product feed, businesses can improve the performance of their Google Shopping campaigns and drive more traffic and sales to their website.

Product feed optimization

Product feed optimization involves optimizing the data feed that contains information about the advertiser’s products, such as price, description, and images. By ensuring that the data feed is accurate and complete, advertisers can improve the relevance and visibility of their ads.

This can lead to higher click-through rates, lower bounce rates, and, ultimately, more sales. To optimize their product feed, advertisers can use a variety of strategies, such as:

  • Using relevant, keyword-rich titles and descriptions that accurately describe the product.
  • Including high-quality images that showcase the product from multiple angles.
  • Ensuring that prices and other product information are up-to-date and accurate.
  • Organizing products into relevant categories and subcategories.

Campaign structure optimization

Campaign structure google shopping optimization involves organizing campaigns and ad groups logically and efficiently. By structuring campaigns based on product categories or other relevant criteria, advertisers can better target their ads and improve their ROI.

For example, an advertiser selling clothing could create separate campaigns for men’s and women’s clothing, with ad groups for different product categories (e.g. shirts, pants, shoes). This would allow them to create more targeted ads and adjust bids based on the performance of each category.

In addition to improving targeting and ROI, campaign structure optimization can also help advertisers save time by simplifying the campaign management process.

Automated ad creation

Automated ad creation involves using software that automatically generates and tests different ad variations to find the most effective messaging and design. This can help advertisers improve their click-through rates and conversion rates by identifying the ads that resonate most with their target audience.

For example, the software may generate ads with different headlines, descriptions, and images and then test them against each other to see which ones perform best. Over time, the software can use this data to refine and optimize the ad creative to maximize performance.

In terms of Google Shopping ad campaigns, this process is already automated. You first upload a product feed in your Google Merchant Center and connect your Google Ads account with it.

After that, when you create a shopping campaign, Google Ads will create ads for your products automatically. No need to create individual ads manually for each of your products.

Reporting and analytics

Reporting and analytics are crucial components of any Google Shopping campaign. They provide valuable insights into your campaign performance, help you identify areas for improvement, and allow you to optimize your campaigns to achieve better results.

One way to automate the process is to use a reporting and analytics tool that can help you collect and analyze data from your Google Shopping campaigns automatically. These tools can generate custom reports that show you how your campaigns are performing across different metrics, such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and revenue.

Reporting and analytics tools can also help you track important KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and provide insights into how different factors are affecting your campaign performance. For example, you can track how changes to your bidding strategy or ad copy impact your click-through rate, conversion rate, and cost per conversion.

Some reporting and analytics tools can even use machine learning algorithms to identify trends and opportunities in your campaign data. They can help you identify which products or categories are performing best, which keywords are driving the most traffic, and which audiences are most engaged with your ads.

By automating the process of reporting and analytics, you can save time and resources, and gain deeper insights into your campaign performance. And as a result, make data-driven decisions to improve your results over time.

This can help you optimize your campaigns more effectively, increase your return on investment, and drive more revenue and growth for your business.

Audience targeting

Audience targeting is a critical aspect of any successful Google Shopping campaign. Your products will reach the people most likely to buy from you if you target the right audiences. As a result, this can lead to higher click-through rates, conversions, and revenue.

One way to automate the process of audience targeting is to use audience targeting tools that can help you identify and target relevant audiences for your Google Shopping campaigns automatically. These tools use machine learning algorithms to analyze your campaign data and identify the audiences that are most likely to engage with your ads and convert.

Audience targeting tools can also help you create custom audiences based on specific criteria, such as customer behavior, demographics, interests, and more. You can create audiences based on factors like purchase history, website activity, or even offline data, such as CRM data or in-store purchases.

In addition, some audience targeting tools can help you personalize your ads based on audience data. You can create ad variations that speak directly to different audience segments, such as by highlighting different product features or benefits that are most relevant to their needs and interests.

When it comes to Google Shopping, you can automate audience targeting through Performance Max campaigns. The Performance Max campaigns in Google Shopping allow advertisers to showcase their goods to people who are actively looking for them online.

The campaign employs Google’s machine-learning technology to maximize the efficiency of its advertisements by targeting the right people at the right time through the best channel. As a result, businesses can boost their income thanks to Google Shopping ads and get the most return on their investment.

Benefits of using Google Shopping automation and optimization

Google Shopping Automation benefits

Google Shopping automation and optimization can provide numerous benefits to e-commerce businesses, including:

Increased Efficiency

Increased efficiency is one of the most significant benefits of using Google Shopping automation and optimization. By automating time-consuming tasks such as bid adjustments, campaign scheduling, and budget allocation, you can save a significant amount of time and effort.

These automation tools can streamline the process of creating and managing campaigns. That makes it easier for marketing teams to optimize performance while freeing up time for other important tasks.

With automation, you can launch and manage campaigns more quickly and efficiently. The tools can help you set up campaigns in a matter of minutes without the need for manual input.

This is particularly useful when managing large volumes of products and campaigns, which can be time-consuming to manage manually.

Automation and optimization tools can also help to reduce the risk of human error. For example, bidding too high or too low can result in lost revenue or overspending on advertising.

However, automation tools can make data-driven decisions based on past performance, market trends, and customer behavior to optimize bids and ensure the best possible results. This can save businesses from costly mistakes and ensure that they are making the most of their advertising budget.

In addition, automation and optimization can help businesses stay up-to-date with the latest trends and changes in the market. These tools can quickly adapt to changes in search behavior or advertising regulations and make necessary adjustments to campaigns.

This ensures that businesses are always using the latest advertising strategies and techniques to reach their target audience effectively.

Better Campaign Performance

Better campaign performance is one of the most significant benefits of using Google Shopping automation and optimization. By making data-driven decisions, businesses can improve the overall performance of their campaigns and achieve a higher ROI.

Here are some ways that automation and optimization can help businesses achieve better campaign performance:

Data-Driven Decision Making: Automation and optimization tools can analyze data from past campaigns and use that information to make data-driven decisions. This includes bid adjustments, targeting, ad scheduling, and more. By using data-driven decision-making, businesses can optimize their campaigns to achieve the best possible results.

Targeting: Google Shopping automation and optimization tools allow you to refine your targeting strategies to reach the most relevant audience. This includes targeting based on location, device, time of day, and more. By reaching the right audience, you can improve your conversion rates and maximize your ROI.

Ad Optimization: Automation and optimization tools can also optimize ad copy and creatives to improve click-through rates (CTR) and conversion rates. This includes A/B testing different ad creatives, adjusting ad copy to better reflect the product being advertised, and more.

Budget Optimization: Automation and optimization tools can help businesses make the most of their advertising budget by identifying the most profitable keywords and products to advertise. By allocating budget to the most profitable areas, businesses can achieve a higher ROI and lower cost per acquisition (CPA).

Improved targeting

Google Shopping automation and optimization can help you target your audience more precisely, which is a huge plus. By refining your targeting strategies, you can reach the most relevant audience and improve the overall performance of your campaigns.

Here are some ways that automation and optimization can help businesses achieve improved targeting:

Audience Segmentation: Google Shopping automation and optimization tools allow businesses to segment their audience based on various factors, such as location, device, time of day, and more. By targeting specific audience segments, businesses can improve their conversion rates and maximize their ROI.

Keyword Optimization: Automation and optimization tools can help businesses identify the most relevant keywords to target for their products or services. By optimizing for the right keywords, businesses can improve their targeting and reach the most relevant audience.

Product Feeds Optimization: Automation and optimization tools can also help businesses optimize their product feeds to ensure their products are displayed for the right search queries. This includes optimizing product titles, descriptions, and images to reflect the most relevant information about the product.

Remarketing: Remarketing is a powerful targeting strategy that allows businesses to target users who have previously interacted with their website or products. Google Shopping automation and optimization tools can help businesses create effective remarketing campaigns that target users who have previously shown interest in their products.


One of the main benefits of Google Shopping automation and optimization is its cost-effectiveness. By using automation tools to streamline the process of managing campaigns and optimizing for performance, you can maximize your ad spend and achieve better results at a lower cost.

Through bid optimization, automation tools can adjust bids in real-time based on performance data. This ensures that your ad spend is allocated to the most profitable areas.

This can help businesses reduce your cost per click (CPC) and cost per acquisition (CPA), leading to a better return on investment (ROI).

In addition, automation and optimization tools can assist businesses in identifying the most profitable keywords and products to advertise. This allows them to make efficient use of their advertising budget.

By focusing on the keywords and products that generate the most revenue, businesses can increase their ROI and minimize wasted ad spend.

Furthermore, automation and optimization can help businesses save time and money on manual campaign management. Automating tasks such as bid adjustments, ad copy testing, and performance monitoring can free up time for businesses to focus on other important aspects of their business.

Increased Revenue

Google Shopping automation and optimization can drive more qualified traffic to your website, resulting in increased revenue and profits.

Refining your targeting strategy, automation, and optimization can help you reach the most relevant audience for your products. This can result in higher conversion rates and, ultimately, increased revenue.

Automation and optimization can also help you optimize your product listings for better performance. By testing different product titles, descriptions, and images, you can identify the elements that resonate best with your audience and lead to more sales.

In addition, automation and optimization tools can help you identify new opportunities for growth. By analyzing data from your campaigns, you can identify new products or keywords to target that have the potential to generate additional revenue.

Furthermore, automation and optimization can help you stay ahead of your competitors by allowing you to continuously improve your campaigns and product offerings. By staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices, you can ensure that your business remains competitive in the marketplace.

Ultimately, the increased revenue generated by Google Shopping automation and optimization can help businesses grow and achieve their business goals. By driving more qualified traffic to your website, optimizing your product listings, and identifying new opportunities for growth, you can achieve greater success and profitability.

Better Tracking and Reporting

Automation and optimization tools provide better tracking and reporting of key metrics, enabling you to identify areas for improvement and optimize your campaigns further.

By using automation and optimization tools, you can track metrics such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and revenue generated from their campaigns. This data can be used to gain insights into campaign performance and make data-driven decisions about how to improve.

In addition, automation and optimization tools can provide detailed reporting on individual product performance. This can help businesses identify which products are driving the most revenue and adjust their advertising strategy accordingly.

By having access to this data, businesses can identify areas of their campaigns that may be underperforming and make adjustments to optimize for better results. For example, if a particular product is not generating enough revenue, businesses can adjust their bids or target different products to increase visibility and drive more sales.

Moreover, automation and optimization tools can provide real-time monitoring of campaign performance. This allows businesses to quickly identify and respond to any issues that may arise, such as changes in competition or changes in customer behavior.

By using these insights to improve your campaigns continuously, you can achieve better results, drive more revenue, and, ultimately, achieve greater success.

Competitive Advantage

By using automation and optimization, you can stay ahead of your competitors, achieve a higher market share, and grow your business.

In today’s highly competitive digital marketplace, businesses must find ways to differentiate themselves from their competitors. One way to do this is by using automation and optimization tools to improve the performance of their Google Shopping campaigns.

By automating campaign management tasks and optimizing campaigns based on data-driven insights, businesses can achieve better results than their competitors. For example, they may be able to achieve higher click-through rates, conversion rates, and revenue, which can help them gain a larger market share and grow their business.

Moreover, automation and optimization tools can help businesses stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in Google Shopping advertising, giving them an advantage over competitors who may not be using these tools.


Automation and optimization make it easier to scale your campaigns without sacrificing efficiency, enabling you to reach a larger audience and increase revenue.

One of the challenges of managing Google Shopping campaigns is scaling them while maintaining efficiency. Manual campaign management can become time-consuming and ineffective as the campaign grows.

However, by using automation and optimization tools, businesses can scale their campaigns more efficiently. Businesses can use automation and optimization tools to manage large volumes of data and adjust their campaigns in real-time based on performance metrics.

This enables them to reach a larger audience and increase revenue without sacrificing efficiency.

Access to valuable insights

Automation and optimization tools provide businesses with access to a wealth of data about their customer’s behavior and preferences. By analyzing this data, businesses can gain insights into their target audience, such as what they search for, what products they are interested in, and what factors influence their purchasing decisions.

These insights can be used to optimize Google Shopping campaigns to better target customers and improve campaign performance. Additionally, these insights can inform other aspects of a business’s marketing strategy, such as website design, product development, and overall branding.

More Time for Strategy

Automation and optimization free up time for strategic planning, allowing you to focus on other important business tasks like product development, customer service, and overall business growth.

By using automation and optimization tools, businesses can free up time previously spent on manual campaign management tasks. This time can be used for strategic planning, such as developing new products, improving customer service, and identifying new growth opportunities.

Moreover, automation and optimization can help businesses make better use of their time by automating routine tasks and prioritizing those tasks that require human input. This can help businesses make better use of their resources and ultimately achieve greater success.

Steps to create and set up a Google Merchant Center account

Before you can delve into the world of Google shopping automation, you need to start your journey by creating and setting up a Google Merchant Center account. This is where all of your Google Shopping activity will originate.

Go to the official website of the Google Merchant Center account and log in or sign up with your Gmail. Let us walk you through the process.

Google Merchant Center for Google Shopping Automation

First, input your business details.

Business details in GMC

Specify where you want your customers to checkout.

Where to promote products

Confirm what platform you use.

Your platform

Now you need to complete the following checklists.

GMC steps for Google Shopping Automation

First up, your business address and contact details.

add business details

Google needs to verify your website before they can allow you to proceed further. In the second step, input your website URL.

Website url

After that, you need to choose between the following options to verify your website with Google Merchant Center.

  • Add HTML tag
  • Upload an HTML file

You can copy an HTML tag the page gives you and paste it inside your home page’s <head> tags. Or you can upload an HTML file to your web server.

Website verification Google Shopping Automation

After Google confirms the verification, you will see a screen like this –

Verification of website

In the following steps, you’ll be asked for shipping and sales tax details.

Next, you need to add your WooCommerce products using a product feed file. Before we continue with Merchant Center account setup, let’s check how you can generate an automatically updatable product feed in WooCommerce.

How to automatically generate Google product feed for WooCommerce

A product feed file is a CSV or XML file that contains all your WooCommerce product details, such as title, price, description, image link, availability, etc. You can create one in Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel.

Product feed file

However, this will take a lot of time. You will need to learn the Google Shopping feed attributes and then place them in the sheet. The next step is to copy and paste each of your product data manually.

And also, every time you need to make any changes, you must return to the file to update it manually.

Fortunately, you can automate this whole process with the help of a product feed plugin such as the CTX Feed. CTX Feed is a WooCommerce product feed plugin that allows you to generate product feed files in a matter of minutes with little to no effort.

The plugin already knows what attribute Google Shopping or any other channel requires. It has integrated the attributes inside templates.

CTX Feed supports more than 130 channels. The best part is the plugin has an automatic feed update feature.

It also supports URL/FTP/HTTP methods. When you connect using any one of these methods, all your product data will be updated automatically in that channel.

This is the perfect automation tool for Google Shopping product data upload. Let’s check how you can generate a Google Shopping data feed using this plugin.


Creating a Google Shopping feed using CTX Feed

First, install and activate the CTX Feed plugin on your WordPress site.

CTX Feed Google Shopping Automation

The plugin will create a dedicated menu, and from there, click on Make Feed.

Create a new feed

From the Templates, select Google Shopping, give your file a name, and select a file type.

Select Google Shopping template

CTX Feed will populate all the necessary attributes as soon as you select the template. You can also edit if you need or add more attributes.

Google Shopping Automation feed

When you click the Update And Generate Feed button, the plugin will collect all your WooCommerce product information and generate the Google Shopping feed.

Now let’s go back to our Google Merchant Center account setup process.

CTX Feed Free

Google Shopping automation – Automatically uploading and updating product data

We are discussing Google Shopping automation in this article. Therefore, it’s only fitting if we automate the process of uploading and updating the product data.

Click on the Add Products tab of the Google Merchant Center account setup process. Select Add multiple products at once option to start the process of uploading the Google Shopping feed.

add multiple products

If you are promoting your products on Google Shopping organic listings, then select Free listings.

automated google shopping manager

You will see a couple of options, but we are going with Scheduled fetch. 

Scheduled fetch for Google Shopping Automation

This option allows you to connect to your WooCommerce Google Shopping feed file right from your hosting server. Also, through this method, you can automate the process of updating your product information.

Give your feed a name and select the Scheduled fetch option.

paste URL for Google Shopping Automation

Enter your data feed file name and copy and paste your Google Shopping feed file URL. To find the URL, go back to your WooCommerce and go to CTX Feed>>Manage Feeds.

Copy Feed URL

You will see your list of feed files there. Copy the appropriate feed URL and paste it into the Merchant Center window. In the Merchant Center, you can also set the frequency at which your feed file will be updated.

You can also enable automatic updates in CTX Feed and set intervals, after which your feed file will collect and update all your WooCommerce product data changes.

Once you are done, Google Merchant Center will fetch all your product information and list them in the account.

Products in GMC

Google Shopping ads guide – How to create a Google Shopping campaign in Google Ads

To run Google Shopping Ads, you will still need to complete the previous steps. This means you need to set up a Merchant Center account and upload your products using a product feed.

After that, you need to sign into your Google Ads account using the same Gmail.

Ads - Google Shopping Automation

Then, link your Google Merchant Center account with that ad account. To do that, go to Tools and settings menu and click on the Linked accounts option.

Link GMC

Search, find, and connect the Google Merchant Center account.

GMC linked

Now create a new campaign by clicking the plus sign.

Create new campaign

Select Sales as your new objective.

Select sales

Select Shopping as the campaign type.

Shopping campaign for Google Shopping Automation

Google will automatically select the Google Merchant Center account you linked and fetch product data. If you have multiple feeds, you can select the feed you want your Google Ads account to fetch.

Next, you can choose from these options-

Performance max campaign - Google Shopping Automation

What is Performance Max campaign?

You can get the best of Google Shopping automation from this option.

A Performance Max campaign is a type of Google Ads campaign that allows advertisers to promote their products across multiple Google properties, including Google Search, Google Display Network, YouTube, Gmail, and Discover, using various ad formats such as Shopping ads, Display ads, and Video ads.

When it comes to Google Shopping ads, Performance Max campaigns enable advertisers to promote their products to users who are actively searching for them or browsing relevant websites. The campaign uses Google’s machine learning technology to optimize ad performance and reach the right audience, at the right time, and on the most effective platform.

This can help advertisers maximize their return on investment and increase their overall revenue from Google Shopping ads.

One of the main benefits of a Performance Max campaign for Google Shopping ads is that it enables advertisers to create multiple ad formats using a single campaign, including Product Shopping ads, Showcase Shopping ads, and Local Inventory ads. This allows advertisers to reach customers at different stages of the shopping journey and improve their chances of making a sale.

Additionally, Performance Max campaigns offer more granular targeting options than traditional Google Shopping campaigns, which can help advertisers better control their ad spend and reach their desired audience.

When you select this option, Google will apply some google ads automated rules for shopping. For example, you won’t have to apply any manual Google shopping automation CPC strategy.

Bidding and budget

If you select the standard shopping campaign, you will have options to choose manual CPC or can apply automated bid strategies.

Google Shopping Automation bidding

Target ROAS – When you enable “Target ROAS” in Google Ads, the platform will automatically adjust bids in order to maximize conversion value at the return on ad spend (ROAS) goal you specify. It’s possible that the profit from some conversions will exceed and, in some cases, fall short of your goal.

Maximize Clicks -When you choose to “Maximize clicks,” Google Ads will automatically adjust your bids to get you the most clicks for your money. Each cost-per-click offer has a maximum CPC bid limit. This may reduce the number of times your ad is selected.

Finally, you need to select your target location, name your ad group, and set a budget to run the ad campaign.

Setting up your Google Analytics account for optimization success

Setting up your Google Analytics account is crucial for optimizing your Google Shopping campaign performance and achieving success. Here are some steps you can take to set up your Google Analytics account for Google Shopping campaign optimization success:

Linking your Google Ads account with Google Analytics will enable you to view your Google Shopping campaign performance metrics in Google Analytics.

Set up eCommerce tracking

eCommerce tracking allows you to track your online store’s revenue and transaction data. By setting up eCommerce tracking, you can monitor your Google Shopping campaign’s performance and optimize it for maximum profitability.

Configure your Google Analytics account settings

Once you have linked your Google Ads account with Google Analytics and set up eCommerce tracking, you can configure your account settings. This includes setting up your goals, creating custom reports, and enabling features such as demographics and interest reports.

Create custom dimensions and metrics

Custom dimensions and metrics allow you to track additional data points that are important to your business. For example, you can track the source of your traffic, the device type of your users, or the geographic location of your customers.

Monitor your Google Shopping campaign performance

Use the reports in Google Analytics to monitor your Google Shopping campaign’s performance. Identify which products are performing well and which ones need improvement. Use this data to optimize your product listings, bids, and targeting for maximum performance.

Analyze your Google Shopping campaign performance alongside other marketing channels

Use Google Analytics to analyze your Google Shopping campaign’s performance alongside your other marketing channels. This will help you understand how your Google Shopping campaign contributes to your overall marketing strategy.

By following these steps, you can set up your Google Analytics account for Google Shopping campaign optimization success and gain valuable insights into your campaign’s performance and user behavior.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What is the difference between Google Shopping and Google ads?

Google Ads are traditional text ads, whereas Google Shopping Ads are product ads that can display additional elements such as product image, price, ratings, etc.

What is Google Smart Shopping?

Google Smart Shopping, now known as Performance Max Campaign, is a type of Google Ads campaign that uses automated bidding and ad placement to promote products across multiple Google platforms. Smart Shopping campaigns use machine learning to optimize ad performance and target audiences most likely to convert, making it easier for advertisers to promote their products and achieve better results with less manual effort. 

How does the Google Shopping algorithm work?

The Google Shopping algorithm works by analyzing the information provided in product feeds and using machine learning to match user queries with relevant products. The algorithm considers product attributes, bid amount, ad relevance, and user behavior to determine which products are shown in Google Shopping search results. Advertisers can optimize their Google Shopping campaigns by optimizing their product feeds, setting competitive bids, and targeting relevant audiences.

Wrap up

To compete and survive in the ever-evolving world of eCommerce, you need to update and automate your strategies as much as possible. Running Google Shopping campaigns lets you promote your WooCommerce products to a vast audience.

If you can apply Google Shopping automation, this will aid in your business growth and productivity. We hope to get your valuable opinion on eCommerce automation in general.

Let us know in the comments.

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