WooCommerce Email Marketing Guide

WooCommerce Email Marketing Guide: Tools, Tips & Best Practice

Is email marketing dead?

  • Almost all email users, 99%, check their inboxes every day, and the majority, 58%, start their mornings by checking emails.
  • Email marketing in eCommerce delivers a staggering ROI of $45 for every $1 spent. That’s a mind-boggling 4400% return on investment.
  • Marketing emails influence the purchase decisions of 60% of consumers, with over half purchasing an email at least once a month.
  • An overwhelming 96% of top online retailers agree that email marketing gives them the best return on investment.
  • A whopping 75% of consumers appreciate receiving emails containing discounts and special offers.
  • Nearly half, or 46.1%, of cart abandonment emails are opened by recipients.
  • Small and midsized businesses rely heavily on email marketing, with 80% citing it as their most important online tool for customer retention.
  • Abandoned cart emails have a conversion rate three times higher than other WooCommerce automated emails.

Still have any doubts?

When it comes to growing your online store, leveraging the combined power of WooCommerce and email marketing is essential for reaching customers, boosting sales, and building lasting relationships.

Therefore, let us introduce you to the world of WooCommerce email marketing. We will discuss the types of WooCommerce emails, suggest the best tools, and provide tips and best practices.

Let’s get started.

Types of Emails in WooCommerce

Before we delve into WooCommerce email marketing, it’s important to discuss the types of emails a WooCommerce store can send out to its customers.

We can divide WooCommerce emails into two categories –

  1. Transactional emails
  2. Marketing emails

1. Transactional emails

When you buy something online, you usually get an email right away confirming your purchase, don’t you?

These are called transactional emails. As a store owner, you must ensure your WooCommerce store sends these automated messages to customers following specific events or actions they’ve taken on your website.

These WooCommerce automated emails cover various interactions, such as confirming orders, providing shipping updates, or notifying customers about account changes. They’re like the friendly updates that keep your customers informed and engaged throughout their shopping journey on your website.

Let’s take a deeper look at the types of transactional emails.

Order Confirmation / New Order Email

Woocommerce order confirmation email is triggered and sent to both you and your customers when a new order is made at your store. It includes details about the order items, customer information, and payment status.

order confirmation email

Order Updates

Sent to notify customers about changes in their order status, such as delays or backorders.

Order on Hold

This email is sent to customers if an order is placed on hold for any reason. It provides them with information about the hold status and any necessary actions.

Payment Confirmation

Sent to confirm successful payment processing for an order.

payment confirmation

Processing Order

This is sent to customers after they complete their payment and their order is being processed. It serves as confirmation that you received their payment and their order is being prepared for shipment.

Shipping Confirmation

Sent when an order has been shipped, providing tracking information and estimated delivery dates.

shipped package

Delivery Confirmation

This email is sent to customers upon successful delivery of their order. It confirms that the customer has received the order.

Completed Order

This is sent to customers once their order has been shipped and marked as complete in your store. It notifies them that their order has been successfully delivered.

Cancelled Order

If a customer’s order is canceled for any reason, these emails provide information about the cancellation and any refund processes.

Failed Order

Sent to customers if their order fails for any reason, such as payment processing issues. It notifies them that their order could not be completed successfully.

Refunded Order

This email is generated and sent to customers when a refund is processed for their order. It provides them with details about the refund amount and any other relevant information.

refund order

Customer Note

Sent to customers when a note is added to their order in the admin panel. It provides them with any additional information or updates about their order.

Account Creation Confirmation

Sent when a customer creates a new account on the website or platform.

Password Reset

This is a common category, and we all have faced situations where we needed to reset an online password. In WooCommerce, these emails are sent in response to a customer’s request to reset their account password.

Invoice Emails

You can attach invoices along with the order confirmation emails automatically or separately as a receipt of payment.

Subscription Confirmation

Sent to confirm the subscription to a service or newsletter.

Feedback or Review Requests

Sent to gather customer feedback or encourage them to leave a review after a purchase.

These emails play a crucial role in providing a seamless shopping experience and keeping customers informed about their orders and account activities.

Are Transactional Emails Part Of WooCommerce Email Marketing?

Transactional emails primarily serve the purpose of delivering important information related to a customer’s order and transactions, such as order confirmations, shipping updates, or password resets.

While they are not typically intended for marketing purposes, you can strategically include promotional content or offers in these emails (as can be seen on the screenshots we provided above) to enhance customer engagement and encourage repeat purchases.

For example, you can include cross-sell and up-sell product recommendations on complete order emails. Your top-selling or featured product recommendations can also be included in a new account creation confirmation email to allure new customers/subscribers to start purchasing.

The Account Creation Confirmation email can also serve as a Welcome Email (which is a marketing email) in some cases. When a customer creates a new account on a website or platform, this email confirms their account creation and provides essential information such as login credentials and account details.

This confirmation email can also be designed to welcome customers to the website, express appreciation for their registration, and introduce them to the brand or company. Including a warm greeting, a brief overview of the benefits of having an account, and an invitation to explore the store further can help transform the confirmation email into a welcoming message.

However, it’s essential to ensure that the primary transactional information remains clear and prominent to avoid diluting the email’s purpose.

In addition, Feedback or Review Requests can be considered both transactional and marketing emails. They serve the purpose of gathering customer feedback or encouraging them to leave a review after a purchase, which is essential for improving products and services.

Additionally, positive reviews can influence potential customers’ purchasing decisions, making it a marketing tool as well.

2. Marketing Emails for WooCommerce Email Marketing

There is a wide range of marketing emails you can send as part of your WooCommerce email marketing operations. Here are the key marketing emails you can consider for your Woo store marketing strategy.

Nurturing Leads and Building Relationships:

Email marketing plays a vital role in nurturing leads, fostering relationships, and ultimately converting them into loyal customers. There are multiple lead nurturing email examples, which can be used to create some powerful email strategies to cultivate a thriving community around your brand explore some powerful email strategies to cultivate a thriving community around your brand.

Welcome Emails

In these emails, you can warmly welcome new subscribers, introduce your brand, and offer a discount or incentive for their first purchase. Welcome emails are incredibly effective in engaging new subscribers or customers, with over 8 out of 10 people opening them.

welcome email

Compared to other types of emails, welcome emails generate 4 times as many opens and 10 times as many clicks. This makes them a powerful tool for building customer relationships and driving engagement.

Thank You Emails

Send these emails after a customer’s order is completed. You can show appreciation after a purchase, reiterate key product details, and offer additional resources or support.

Thank you - WooCommerce email marketing

You can also promote up-sell or cross-sell products, offer special discounts on their next purchases, or offer them to join your loyalty program with special rewards.

Survey or Review Emails

You can gather valuable customer feedback to improve your products and services by asking them to rate and review the products they purchased.

Review request

Additionally, you can showcase these reviews and ratings on your website to engage new customers and increase conversions.

Birthday Emails

Surprise your customers by wishing them happy birthday. Send a personalized birthday email with a special discount or offer.

Birthday - WooCommerce email marketing

This will build a strong relationship with your customers and turn them into loyal, returning buyers.

Loyalty Program Updates

Keep your loyalty program members informed about points, rewards, and exclusive benefits.

Driving Sales and Conversions:

This section unveils powerful email marketing tactics specifically designed to drive sales and conversions, transforming casual browsers into enthusiastic buyers.

Abandoned Cart Emails

WooCOmmerce Abandoned cart emails are a prime example of where WooCommerce email marketing automation shines. You can set up automated triggers to send reminder emails to customers who left your site, leaving items they added to their cart (which means not completing the purchase). These emails increase your chances of recovering the sale.

It’s like a friendly nudge that tells them, “Hey, you forgot something!” This clever automation boosts your chances of getting them to come back and finish their purchase, just like a personal reminder for an unfinished task.

Abandoned cart WooCommerce email marketing

Abandoned cart emails are highly effective. They convert three times more than other automated emails. This makes them a valuable tool for recovering potentially lost sales and encouraging customers to complete their purchases.

Personalized Promotions Emails

There are plenty of analytics and tracking tools available for you to track your customer’s activities on your site. Using this data, you can segment your audience based on their behavior, preferences, and past purchases.

After segmenting, you can target specific customer segments with personalized offers based on their purchase history and browsing behavior. Personal recommendations can significantly increase conversions.

personalized WooCommerce email marketing

In fact, statistics say that 80% of consumers are inclined to purchase a brand that offers personalized experiences.

Product Recommendation Emails
product recommendation emails

Suggest relevant products based on past purchases or interests. This is similar to personalized emails, but these are not solely personalized recommendations. It can include relevant products that might interest the customers.

Upsell Emails
upsell WooCommerce email marketing

After someone makes a purchase, upsell emails recommend premium versions or upgrades related to their recent purchase. It’s like when you buy a phone, and they suggest getting the latest model with more features or additional accessories.

Cross-Sell Emails
cross sell email

Cross-sell emails promote complementary products that enhance the value of a recent purchase. For instance, if a customer buys a camera, you might suggest buying a camera bag or extra lenses to go with it.

It’s all about offering relevant products that complement what the customer has already bought.

Discount Offers

Be it Elon Mask or Bill Gates; no one would mind a discount offer on a quality product. No wonder over 90% of shoppers check for discounts before buying something.

WooCommerce email marketing promotions

67% of shoppers end up buying from a discount offer email. Therefore, announce special sales, flash deals, or coupon codes to generate excitement and encourage purchases through WooCommerce email marketing.

New Launch Emails

Create buzz around new product launches and generate pre-orders.

new launch email
Seasonal Promotion Emails

Seasonal email campaigns should be at the top of your WooCommerce email marketing strategy list. The holiday season is the most lucrative time for any online store.

seasonal WooCommerce email marketing

Statistics reveal that for every $1 spent on email marketing campaigns during this festive period, businesses can make an impressive return of $32.

It would help if you capitalized on holidays and seasonal events with special offers and themed email campaigns (e.g., Christmas sales, and Black Friday deals). Seasonal emails

Re-Engaging Customers:

·     Re-Engagement Emails / Win Back Emails

Reach out to inactive customers with exclusive offers or re-introduce them to your latest products.

Content and Brand Awareness:

·     Newsletters

With newsletters, you can showcase new products, announce upcoming events or promotions, and keep your subscribers informed about relevant industry news. By crafting compelling content and designing visually appealing newsletters, you can capture the attention of your audience and encourage them to take action, whether it’s making a purchase, visiting your website, or sharing your content with others.

newsletter for WooCommerce

We highly encourage WooCommerce store owners to keep an active blog and regularly post relevant articles that might interest their audiences. This will not only engage your customers but will play a pivotal role in boosting search engine ranking.

·     Product Catalog and Latest Lines Emails

Showcase your entire catalog with targeted content and interactive elements, or create a buzz for new lines with pre-launch teasers and captivating visuals. Both product catalog and latest lines emails drive sales by turning product browsing into an engaging adventure.

·     Referral Emails

Incentivize customer referrals with rewards for both the referrer and the new customer.

Crafting Effective Emails for WooCommerce Email Marketing

Beyond the types of emails you send, crafting compelling content is crucial for success in WooCommerce email marketing. Here are some key elements to consider:

Subject Lines

  • Keep it short and sweet: Aim for under 50 characters to avoid truncation on mobile devices.
  • Highlight the offer or benefit: Communicate what’s in it for the customer. (e.g., “Get 20% off Your Next Purchase!”).
  • Create a sense of urgency or scarcity: Use phrases like “Limited-Time Offer” or “Last Chance!” to encourage immediate action.
  • Personalize when possible: Include the customer’s name or reference their purchase history. (e.g., “[Name], Don’t Miss Out on These Recommended Items”).
  • Use Emojis: Using emojis in email subject lines can make a big difference. Emails with emojis in the subject line get opened 56% more often than those without emojis. And when products are advertised with emojis, 44% of users are more likely to buy them.

Email Body

  • Personalize the greeting: Address the customer by name.
  • Keep it concise and scannable: Use bullet points, short paragraphs, and clear visuals.
  • Focus on benefits, not features: Explain how your products or services will improve the customer’s life.
  • Use strong calls to action (CTAs): Tell the customer exactly what you want them to do, with clear and compelling buttons. (e.g., “Shop Now!”, “Learn More”).
  • Maintain a consistent brand voice: Ensure your email tone aligns with your overall brand personality.
  • Proofread meticulously: Typos and grammatical errors can seriously damage your brand image.


  • Mobile-friendly design: Most emails are opened on smartphones, so ensure your emails render properly on all devices.
  • Visually appealing: Use high-quality images, videos, and GIFs to break up text and grab attention.
  • Consistent branding: Maintain your brand identity with your logo, color scheme, and fonts.

Additional Tips

  • Segment your audience: Tailor your emails to specific customer groups based on interests, demographics, or purchase history.
  • A/B test different variations: Test different subject lines, CTAs, and design elements to see what resonates best with your audience.
  • Offer value beyond sales: Don’t just focus on promotions; provide educational content, helpful tips, or exclusive insights in your emails.
  • Optimize for deliverability: Maintain good email hygiene practices to avoid landing in spam folders.

By implementing these strategies and focusing on crafting high-quality email content, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of your WooCommerce email marketing campaigns.

Choosing the Right Platform for WooCommerce Email Marketing

Selecting the ideal email marketing platform is crucial for a successful WooCommerce email marketing strategy. This decision will shape your capabilities and ultimately influence your success.

Types of Email Marketing Platforms

Here’s a breakdown of the two main categories and key factors to consider:

  1. Standalone Platforms

Standalone email marketing platforms are like full-fledged email kingdoms. They rule over every aspect of email marketing, from fancy design tools to in-depth reports on your subscribers. They can handle a massive army of emails and integrate with other lands (marketing tools) for a well-rounded attack.

These are independent services like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or Klaviyo that offer comprehensive email marketing functionalities (subscriber management, email creation, automation, analytics) and integrate with various eCommerce platforms, including WooCommerce.

  1. WooCommerce Plugins

These are plugins specifically designed to work within your WooCommerce store. They offer features tailored for eCommerce marketing, such as abandoned cart recovery, product recommendations, and integration with WooCommerce data. Popular examples include MailPoet, Omnisend, and HubSpot for WooCommerce.

Key Factors to Consider

Here are the key factors you should keep in mind when choosing a platform or WooCommerce email marketing plugin.

Ease of Use

Consider your technical comfort level. Standalone platforms might offer more features but can have a steeper learning curve. WooCommerce plugins often have a simpler interface for managing email marketing within your existing store environment.

WooCommerce Email Marketing Automation

Having automated workflows in place is crucial for efficiency. Look for a platform that allows you to automate emails triggered by customer behavior (e.g., abandoned carts, welcome emails) or purchase history.


The ability to send targeted emails to specific customer segments is essential for personalization and improved engagement. Ensure the platform allows you to segment your email list based on demographics, purchase history, interests, or other relevant criteria.


These are lifesavers for anyone running WooCommerce email marketing campaigns. Templates are your gateway to quickly generating professional-looking marketing emails. Make sure you have access to attractive and customizable email templates.


Detailed campaign performance insights are crucial for measuring success and optimizing your email marketing strategy. Look for a platform that provides key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

Integration with WooCommerce

Seamless integration between your chosen platform and WooCommerce is vital. This allows for data sharing (e.g., customer information, purchase history) to personalize emails and trigger automated workflows based on customer behavior within your store.

Customer Support

Reliable customer support can be a lifesaver when troubleshooting issues or navigating the platform’s features. Look for a platform with responsive and knowledgeable support options.


The ability to personalize emails with customer names, product recommendations based on browsing history, or special offers based on purchase history can significantly increase engagement and conversions.


Consider your store’s growth potential. Choose a platform that can scale with your email list and marketing needs as your business expands without breaking the bank.


Balance the features offered with your budget. Many platforms have freemium models with limited functionalities or tiered pricing based on subscriber count. Choose a plan that offers the features you need at a price point that fits your budget.

Remember: This list provides a starting point. Research different platforms based on your specific needs and budget. Consider trying out free trials or demos before committing to a paid plan.

Best Email Marketing Platform for WooCommerce


Mailchimp email marketing

If you even searched the word email marketing at some point of your online journey, you must have seen the name Mailchimp. If you are looking for free email marketing for WooCommerce, this is where you start.

Mailchimp is a well-known standalone platform offering a user-friendly interface, drag-and-drop email builder, and various automation features. It has a free plan for legacy users (who registered before May 15, 2019) with up to 2,000 subscribers. However, features and automation capabilities become more limited on the latest free and lower-tier paid plans.

Mailchimp is a popular choice for WooCommerce stores due to its seamless integration. It allows you to sync customer data and order information effortlessly.

With dedicated eCommerce features like product recommendations and abandoned cart recovery, Mailchimp helps you drive sales and engage customers effectively.

Key features

  • One of the best for eCommerce email marketing
  • Integrates well with WooCommerce for seamless synchronization of customer data and order information
  • Offers eCommerce-focused features such as product recommendations, abandoned cart recovery, and purchase follow-up emails
  • Provides convenient email templates and helpful reports tailored to eCommerce businesses


Mailchimp offers an array of price plans to meet individual businesses’ needs.

  • Their new Free plan allows up to 500 contacts and 1000 emails per month, albeit with ads.
  • For more robust features, the Essentials plan starts at $13 per month, offering support for 500 contacts and 5000 monthly email sends.
  • Stepping up to the Standard plan, priced at $26.50 per month, unlocks advanced automation capabilities.
  • Finally, the Premium plan, starting at $299 per month, offers comprehensive access to all features.


Getresponse email marketing

GetResponse is like your reliable assistant for managing your WooCommerce marketing tasks. It’s super user-friendly and perfect for small and medium-sized stores.

With its eCommerce tools and easy automation features, you can set up targeted campaigns without breaking a sweat. As a result, you can free yourself up to focus on other aspects of your business.

Key features

  • Best for SMB Automation and eCommerce
  • Offers eCommerce features and integrations suitable for small and medium-sized businesses
  • Provides straightforward email marketing features with a relatively low learning curve
  • Supports automation workflows tailored to eCommerce, such as welcome sequences, order confirmations, and upselling campaigns


GetResponse offers flexible pricing plans designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. Here’s a breakdown of their pricing options for your WooCommerce email marketing campaign:

  1. Monthly Plan:
    • Starting at $19 per month for up to 1000 contacts. Discounts are available for annual billing.
    • Includes features like newsletters, AI email generator, autoresponders, signup forms, and more.
  2. Marketing Automation:
    • Starting at $59 per month.
    • Includes all features of the Email Marketing plan, plus marketing automation, event-based workflows, webinars, and advanced segmentation.
  3. Ecommerce Marketing:
    • Starting at $119 per month.
    • Includes all features of the Marketing Automation plan, plus enhanced eCommerce integrations, abandoned cart recovery, promo codes, product recommendations, and web push notifications.
  4. GetResponse MAX (Enterprise-grade):
    • Custom pricing starting at $1099 per month.
    • Includes all standard plan features, plus top support & onboarding, dedicated IP, SMS marketing, AI recommendations, transactional emails, and users & role management.


Klaviyo email marketing

Picture Klaviyo as your data wizard for your WooCommerce store. It’s all about diving deep into customer insights and crafting personalized campaigns that hit the mark.

With Klaviyo, you can segment your audience like a pro and send emails that feel like they were made just for each customer, driving sales and building loyalty along the way.

Key features

  • Best for Robust Reporting and Analytics
  • Known for its robust eCommerce capabilities and integration options
  • Provides comprehensive reporting tools tailored to eCommerce metrics, such as customer lifetime value, repeat purchase rate, and revenue attribution
  • Offers advanced segmentation and personalization features to target customers based on their shopping behavior and preferences


Klaviyo also provides SMS plans for businesses like yours. Here’s a breakdown of their plans –

  1. Free Plan:
    • Perfect for getting started and testing out the Klaviyo platform at no cost.
    • Includes a limited number of features and services, such as 500 monthly email sends, 150 free monthly SMS/MMS credits, and email support for the first 60 days.
  2. Email and SMS Plan:
    • Starting at $60 per month for 1,001 to 1,500 contacts.
    • Includes features for both email and SMS marketing.
    • Provides 1,250 monthly SMS/MMS credits, starting at 15,000 monthly email sends.
    • Additional features include mobile push notifications, email, and chat support.
  3. Email Plan:
    • Starting at $45 per month for 1,001 to 1,500 contacts.
    • Focused specifically on email marketing, offering features to personalize campaigns at scale.
    • Includes 15,000 monthly email sends, 150 free monthly SMS/MMS credits, mobile push notifications, and email and chat support.


Omnisend email marketing

An all-in-one platform with robust features for email, SMS, and push notifications marketing. It excels at automation workflows specifically designed for eCommerce stores and integrates seamlessly with WooCommerce.

Key features

  • Best for beginners with limited resources
  • Affordable and user-friendly email marketing platform suitable for WooCommerce beginners
  • Offers prebuilt templates and step-by-step automations tailored to eCommerce needs
  • Integrates with WooCommerce and supports multi-channel campaigns, including email and SMS, to engage customers effectively.


Omnisend offers flexible pricing plans designed to meet the needs of businesses at every stage of growth. Here’s an overview of their pricing options:

  1. Free Plan:
    • Ideal for starting businesses or for those exploring Omnisend.
    • Includes up to 250 contacts.
    • Provides 500 emails per month and 500 web push notifications.
    • Offers a free gift of $1 in SMS credits to try out the platform.
  2. Standard Plan:
    • Best suited for growing and medium-sized businesses focused on email marketing.
    • Starts at $16 per month.
    • Accommodates up to 500 contacts.
    • Offers 6,000 emails per month and unlimited web push notifications.
    • Includes a success manager (available from $400), 24/7 priority support, and a free gift of $1 in SMS credits.
  3. Pro Plan:
    • Tailored for high-volume senders looking to add extra power with SMS.
    • Priced at $59 per month.
    • Supports up to 2,500 contacts.
    • Provides unlimited emails and web push notifications.
    • Includes a success manager (available from $400), 24/7 priority support, advanced reporting, and a bonus of 3,933 free SMS credits each month.

Best Email Marketing Plugin for WooCommerce

When it comes to integrating email marketing seamlessly with your WooCommerce store, several top-notch plugins stand out. These best email marketing for WooCommerce plugins not only offer robust email marketing features but also provide dedicated WooCommerce integration for streamlined operations.

You will see some repeats here. Some of the best email marketing service providers also offer dedicated WooCommerce plugins for you to streamline your WooCommerce email marketing operations.


Mailpoet WooCommerce email marketing plugin

MailPoet is a user-friendly email marketing solution for WordPress, trusted by over 700,000 websites since 2011. It allows you to effortlessly create, send, manage, and grow your email marketing campaigns directly from your WordPress dashboard.

With MailPoet, you can easily build subscription forms, manage your subscriber lists, and send newsletters or automated emails, including new post notifications. Its seamless integration with WooCommerce enables you to utilize advanced features like abandoned cart recovery, product recommendations, and customized transactional emails.

This plugin offers a free plan for up to 1,000 subscribers, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced marketers. Paid plans provide additional functionality, including advanced segmentation, detailed engagement statistics, and integration with Google Analytics.

MailPoet also includes the MailPoet Sending Service, ensuring reliable email delivery with high deliverability rates and avoiding spam boxes. The service is free for the first 1,000 subscribers, with scaling plans available thereafter.

With its intuitive interface, beautiful templates, and powerful features, MailPoet simplifies email marketing for WordPress users, helping businesses of all sizes connect with their audience and drive growth. Paid plans start from $8/month.

Email Marketing for WooCommerce by Omnisend

Omnisend WooCommerce email marketing plugin

We already got to know about the platform. The Email Marketing for WooCommerce by Omnisend is the ultimate email and SMS marketing plugin for WooCommerce, trusted by over 100,000 eCommerce stores worldwide.

It’s designed to help you effortlessly manage customer relationships, build email and SMS lists, send targeted campaigns, create automation workflows, and track results – all within your WordPress dashboard. With features like drag-and-drop campaign builders, dynamic content personalization, advanced automation workflows, and detailed reporting,

Omnisend makes it easy to increase revenue and grow your business. Plus, it’s completely free to get started!


Hubspot WooCommerce email marketing

HubSpot’s WordPress plugin is like having a powerful Swiss Army knife for your website. It brings together all the essential tools you need for marketing, sales, and customer service, right within your WordPress dashboard.

With this plugin, you can:

  • Engage with visitors in real time using live chat and chatbots.
  • Easily capture leads with customizable forms or your existing website forms.
  • Run effective WooCommerce email marketing campaigns and automate your outreach efforts.
  • Keep track of your business’s performance with user-friendly analytics dashboards.
  • Manage all your customer interactions and data in one unified CRM system.

Whether you’re looking to grow your email list, convert more leads into customers, or provide top-notch support, HubSpot’s plugin has got you covered.

Mailchimp for WooCommerce

Mailchimp Woo plugin

Mailchimp for WooCommerce is a powerful integration that allows you to seamlessly connect your WooCommerce store with Mailchimp’s robust marketing automation platform. With this plugin, you can effortlessly sync customer data, including purchase history, with your Mailchimp account, enabling you to create targeted campaigns, automate follow-ups, recommend products, recover abandoned carts, and measure the ROI of your marketing efforts.

AWeber for WooCommerce

Aweber for WooCommerce

Known for its extensive library of pre-made email templates, AWeber offers flexible segmentation, email testing, and automation workflows. Plans start from $14.99/month, with a free plan available for up to 500 email subscribers.

Now, coming to the integration plugin, AWeber for WooCommerce seamlessly integrates email marketing with your online store. It helps grow your email list, recover abandoned carts, personalize customer interactions, and automate campaigns, all without any coding. AWeber’s user-friendly features and 24/7 support simplifies email marketing for eCommerce businesses, making it easier to connect with customers and drive sales.

Constant Contact for WooCommerce

Constant contact

With features like marketing automation, hundreds of professionally designed email templates, and reporting tools, Constant Contact is a comprehensive email marketing solution. Pricing starts from $12/month, with no free plan but a free trial option.

The Constant Contact plugin for WooCommerce offers a seamless integration to elevate your marketing efforts and boost revenue effortlessly. With Constant Contact’s user-friendly interface and expert support, even beginners can effectively promote their business.

The plugin allows you to effortlessly connect WooCommerce to your Constant Contact account, automatically syncing contacts. You can easily incorporate products from your WooCommerce catalog into your emails using a simple drag-and-drop interface.

Utilize predefined segments based on your customers’ purchasing behavior to target the right audience with personalized messages. From recent customers to lapsed ones, you can engage with each segment effectively.

Moreover, automate targeted emails to bring back customers who abandoned their carts, and track the resulting revenue effortlessly. With Constant Contact, you can expand your reach, find new customers, and drive more sales with ease.

CM Commerce

CM Commerce WooCommerce email marketing

Formerly known as Conversio, CM Commerce specializes in conversion-focused email automation, including abandoned cart emails and product reviews. Pricing starts from $9/month, with a free trial available.

The CM Commerce for WooCommerce plugin offers robust tools to supercharge your WooCommerce email marketing efforts and boost sales for your online store. With features like intelligent and automated email options such as Receipts, Follow-Up, Abandoned Cart, and Newsletters, along with on-site widgets for Product Reviews and Feedback, this plugin simplifies the process of engaging customers and increasing their lifetime value.

With seamless integration, powerful segmentation for personalized campaigns, conversion-driven templates, insightful metrics tracking, and responsive customer support, CM Commerce empowers you to create smarter campaigns and drive more revenue.

Plus, with a 30-day free trial upon sign-up, getting started is quick and easy. Simply install the plugin, sign up for a free account, paste your API key, and start sending supercharged receipts to enhance your customer experience and boost sales.


Mailerlite WooCommerce email marketing plugin

With a generous free plan offering a drag-and-drop email builder and customizable forms, MailerLite is an excellent choice for those on a budget. Paid plans start from $9 per month, billed annually for up to 500 subscribers.

The MailerLite WooCommerce integration plugin offers a seamless solution for eCommerce businesses to enhance their email marketing efforts directly from their WordPress dashboard. With powerful features such as checkout integration, customizable opt-in checkboxes, product importing, sales tracking, automation workflows, abandoned cart emails, and subscribe pop-ups, this plugin simplifies the process of growing your online store and engaging customers effectively.

Additionally, regular updates and improvements ensure that your marketing strategy stays ahead of the curve.


Automate Woo plugin

This WooCommerce email marketing plugin focuses on converting and retaining customers with automation workflows like abandoned cart recovery and product reviews. Pricing starts from $119/year, with no free plan but an affordable paid option.

Best WooCommerce Email Deliverability Plugins

WooCommerce not sending emails?

Well, you are not alone. If you are using the built-in WooCommerce email features, this might frustrate you when your customers are not receiving important transactional emails such as order confirmation emails.

There can be various reasons behind this problem, but the most common issue is your WordPress server not having the right mail-sending configurations. WordPress, by default, uses PHP mail, and not all hosting providers properly configure PHP mail services.

To ensure your emails actually land in your customer’s inboxes and aren’t mistaken for spam, it’s wise to use an SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) service. This helps ensure your messages have a better chance of reaching your recipients without getting lost or ignored.

Effective WooCommerce email marketing relies heavily on ensuring that your emails actually reach your audience’s inboxes. After all, how can your email be impactful if they don’t receive or open it in the first place, right?

Here are some tools that can assist in boosting your email deliverability and increasing open and click-through rates:

WP Mail Logging

WP Mail Logging

I personally use this plugin, and it does the job effortlessly. You install it and forget it; no extra step is required.

This handy tool comes in handy if your WordPress emails aren’t getting sent or delivered properly. It helps you debug and fix any email-sending issues by logging all outgoing emails and displaying any errors encountered during the process.

Additionally, WP Mail Logging allows you to resend any email that was sent from your site, ensuring no emails get lost in transit. Plus, it provides comprehensive logs of all email details, including subject, content, attachments, headers, error messages, IP address, date, and recipient information.

However, if you’re still facing delivery issues, the plugin recommends installing WP Mail SMTP to resolve email deliverability problems efficiently.



This is the ultimate solution, developed by a reputed company and by far the most popular email deliverability plugin in the market. And the best part is its free!

WP Mail SMTP by WPForms is a top-notch plugin designed to ensure your WordPress site’s emails reach their intended recipients reliably. With over 3 million websites relying on it, WP Mail SMTP resolves common email deliverability issues by reconfiguring WordPress to use proper SMTP providers.

This ensures authentication and increases the chances of your emails landing in the inbox rather than getting lost in spam folders. The plugin offers an easy-to-use Setup Wizard and comprehensive documentation to guide you through the process seamlessly.

It also includes various SMTP mailer integrations, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your needs. Additionally, WP Mail SMTP Pro offers advanced features like email logging, reporting, backup connections, smart conditional routing, and more, empowering you to manage your email communications effectively.

With WP Mail SMTP, you can send WordPress emails with confidence, knowing they’ll reach your audience without fail.

Best Practices for Email Marketing for WooCommerce

Taking your WooCommerce email marketing to the next level requires implementing strategic best practices. Here are some key strategies to maximize the effectiveness of your campaigns:

1. Segmentation is Key

Segmented email campaigns result in a remarkable 760% increase in returns for marketers.

Don’t blast generic emails to your entire list. Segment your audience based on demographics, purchase history, interests, or browsing behavior. This allows you to send targeted emails that resonate more with each segment, leading to higher engagement and conversions.

For example, send abandoned cart reminders to recent website visitors who left items in their cart, or send personalized product recommendations based on past purchases.

2. Maintain a Clean Email List

Regularly remove inactive subscribers or those who have bounced emails. A clean list ensures your emails reach engaged recipients, improving deliverability rates and sender reputation. Offer an unsubscribe option in every email to encourage good list hygiene.

3. Embrace A/B Testing

Don’t settle for guesswork. A/B testing allows you to compare different versions of email elements (subject lines, call-to-action buttons, email layouts) to see which ones perform better. This data-driven approach helps you continuously optimize your campaigns for maximum impact.

4. Follow Email Marketing Compliance

Always adhere to email marketing regulations like CAN-SPAM. This includes obtaining clear consent from users before adding them to your list, providing a clear unsubscribe option in every email, and accurately identifying your business in the sender information.

Following these guidelines ensures legal compliance and protects your sender reputation.

5. Personalization Pays Off

Go beyond just using a customer’s name. Personalize emails with relevant product recommendations based on browsing behavior or purchase history.

You can also tailor content based on demographics or past interactions. Personalization makes your emails feel more relevant and increases the chance of customer engagement.

6. Craft Compelling Subject Lines

The subject line is often the first impression, so make it count! Use strong verbs, keep it concise and informative, and consider adding a sense of urgency or curiosity to entice recipients to open your email.

7. Prioritize Mobile Optimization

A significant portion of emails are opened on mobile devices. Ensure your emails are responsive and render well across different screen sizes. Use a clear and concise layout with large buttons for easy mobile interaction.

8. Leverage Automation Power

Automate repetitive tasks like abandoned cart reminders, welcome emails, or order confirmations. Automation saves you time and ensures timely communication with customers throughout their buying journey.

Abandoned cart email

9. Track and Analyze

Don’t send emails in the dark. Use the platform’s analytics to track key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Analyze this data to identify what’s working and what needs improvement, allowing you to refine your strategy for better results.

10. Be Consistent

Develop a consistent email-sending schedule so customers know what to expect from you. Avoid overwhelming them with too many emails, but maintain regular communication to stay top-of-mind and nurture customer relationships.

Wrap up

Congratulations! You’ve reached the end of your guide to WooCommerce Email Marketing.  We’ve explored the power of email marketing for eCommerce stores, delved into choosing the right platform, and unpacked essential tools and best practices.

Remember, email marketing is a journey, not a destination. By consistently implementing the tips and strategies outlined here, you’ll be well on your way to crafting high-converting email campaigns that drive sales, build customer loyalty, and propel your WooCommerce store toward success.

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